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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Having completed my XC endo last year, I think it would've been easier to do the training using these new GAFs. It seems to be better set out and easier to understand, but more importantly, easier to find the relevant info quickly, that you need for the flight.
  2. Hi and welcome Gerhard! How do you find the A22? Are you learning or past that and living the dream?
  3. Yep, I'd like to think I'm constantly looking at the ASI, making small adjustments to stay at the approach speed through base and final, up to the runway threshold. If it's all over the place, I seriously consider going around. Thinking about it, the ASI is really the only instrument I'm watching regularly throughout the approach. All my good landings are always preceded by a stabilized approach. And stabilized means the ASI showing the right speed.
  4. Hi and welcome neighbour!
  5. I'll take more notice when I next go for a fly. Was hoping to go tomorrow but the weather doesn't appear to be that agreeable for VFR flight over the next few days.
  6. Hi Greg and welcome! My plane is hangered next to a Zenith CH750, Well I think it's a 750. I'm at Coominya, not a great distance from Toowoomba. Maybe you could contact the airfield owner, John at Coominya Flight Training and see if you can get in touch with the owner. We rent the hanger space from him.
  7. Just a thought, are you wearing polarized sunglasses? If so, do you have the same issue if you have no sunnies or non-polarized sunnies on?
  8. Hi Mike and welcome. As Nev said, tell us more...
  9. Hi and welcome Gus! Nice part of the world there. All the best with your training, I'm sure you'll have an awesome time progressing towards your RPC.
  10. Still maybe not out of the question. The equation to work out weight limits is, The aircraft's Maximum Take off Weight (MTOW) minus Empty Weight(EW) equals the usable weight, which is what you can fit Pilot, Pax or instructor, fuel and baggage.Other than that, maybe look into getting a Recreational Pilots License through CASA in a Cessna 172 or equivalent. The dual rates are higher though
  11. Hi and welcome Gibson! You've chosen a nice aircraft to train in. The Jabs are a tough and affordable aircraft. I lashed out and bought one earlier this year.
  12. Hi there Alex and welcome! I embarked on the journey you're contemplating about two years ago. I went through RAAus, much easier on the wallet. Where am I now? I have my pilot certificate with cross country and passenger endorsements, and my own plane to be able to fly anywhere in Oz, OCTA. All up about $10K, not including the cost of my plane. The path I took could also lead to PPL, but at this time that's not the way I want to go. Mind you, RPL plus controlled airspace endorsement is tempting. If you look at taking a lesson per week or fortnight, you will do well. I found that the most difficult step with getting your license or certificate is the first one. I'd suggest you contact your nearest flying school of your chosen path (RAAus or CASA) and book in for a TIF (Trial Introductory Flight). You will not regret it.
  13. Hi there and welcome! Tell us a bit more about yourself
  14. Congratulations Brent! A fantastic achievement!
  15. Hi and welcome Nate! All the best getting back in the cockpit.
  16. G'day Pete and welcome! Navigation was one area of flight training that I thoroughly enjoyed, and continue to enjoy. Are you flying these days?
  17. :roflmao:of course! Weirdly enough, I love her company, and I'd hoped to share this awesome aviation experience with her, but alas, flying isn't her thing. Corny, I know, but it is what it is.... I'm a hopeless case....By the way, hide this post from your wife, your next post could contain the words, "and then the fight started...."
  18. It's great and a bonus that your wife flies with you. Last year, I made a mistake and took mine on a flight around the islands on the eastern side of Brisbane, around midday on a warmish day. Well it was a bit thermally and bumpy up there. Needless to say, she doesn't fly much with me these days. My crampy two seater has become my roomy single seater lately I was flying in that area on Friday, there was a big fire, or group of fires burning about 5nm west of Toogoolawah.
  19. Hi Ross, and all the best for Wednesday! It's the start of one awesome adventure for you. RPC, Pax then XC is the path I took, and it is an achievable one. And don't forget to have fun! As Neil said, keep us up to date with your progress.
  20. Hi and welcome Curly, from yet another happy Jab owner a little to your north in sunny Qld. All the best as you progress towards your RPC. And during your training, don't forget to have fun!
  21. hi there
  22. After some very windy conditions yesterday, I went up for a quick flight to Maleny and back today. Beautiful conditions
  23. Between 10 to 20 seconds, so Dr. Google says...
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