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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. The Bf109F The Bf109G The "109"'s used in Dunkirk and The Battle of Britain movies They were actually using the Bf109E at this time in history. Still, it's pretty good that they can get a flying Messerschmidt this long after the war...
  2. No, they used the Spanish versions, check out the noses on those models, they are quite different.
  3. Apparently the Bf-109's were not really Bf-109's, they were Hispano Buchon HA1112 built for the Spanish Airforce under license by Messerschmidt. The yellow painted noses on them came out well after the Battle of Britain, so therefore, no German aircraft at the time the movie is set in were painted in this way. Apparently, the movie makers wanted the yellow nose for primarily safety reasons, and to distinguish better who the bad guy is.
  4. I thought Dunkirk was good. As an after thought, I realized that there were no unblurred German soldiers in it, the German aircraft were clear though. To me, it reinforced the claustrophobic atmosphere of the private hell soldiers would feel in such a conflict, especially one where they are completely surrounded except from the sea, awaiting evacuation, and constantly under attack.
  5. Sorry, I edited, it to $150/hr
  6. Strangely enough, I know a flying school who hires their Lightwing out for $150/hr...
  7. Have you thought about owning an aircraft? If you do it right, it can be much cheaper than hiring.
  8. I took to the skies again today. The excuse? I wanted to fill the fuel tank.... So it was off to the local servo.... well, the Avgas bowser at YCAB. A very enjoyable day's flying
  9. Hi and welcome Tom! I see you're a local, who are you flying with? I flew out to YCAB earlier today to fill the fuel tank in my Jabiru. I believe a J430 may be an aim for you as a 4 seater, they would be similar to the J170 I would imagine. Your chosen path to getting what you want in aviation is good. Training through RAAus is definitely more economical. Change is on the horizon, or so our RAAus upper echelon are saying. Of interest to you would be the proposed increase to the MTOW for recreational aircraft to 1500kg. If that will come with the ability to take more than 1 passenger, I don't know. But you never know, you may not have to go RPL by the time you get your certificate. Worth watching. As scre80 said, don't forget to enjoy yourself up there.
  10. Ok yep you're right, sorry, my mistake
  11. It doesn't seem to be on the latest WAC. Maybe the property recently changed hands, or the owners changed their mind about ops at their strip?
  12. Seriously, check out your scholarship options. I think you have a good chance, RAAus are looking to get more younger people into aviation. You will make your mum proud when you succeed. But one baby step at a time. I have found the most difficult step in aviation is the first one. All the best and keep us up to date with your progress.
  13. Mate, go for it! Become the youngest aircraft owner in Australia! Unfortunately you can't learn to fly in a 19 registered (Amateur built) aircraft. But yes you can learn in your own plane if it is factory built, has dual controls, and has to be maintained during that time by an L2.
  14. I think what you should do Hjpro7, is scrape together enough money to get a Trial Introductory Flight (TIF) with a local flying school, and see if flying is for you. Then work on getting your flight training sorted.
  15. It's called putting the monkey on the wire:kicking:
  16. Welcome back into aviation Lawrie
  17. You can do all that on RAAus RPC, I currently hold a RPC with Pax and XC endorsements and I own a Jab LSA55, a very nice 2 seater aircraft under $30000. Check out the RAAus Classifieds for an idea of what you can expect to pay for a plane. Aviation Classifieds Another bonus with RAAus, you can become a L1 and service your own aircraft, and perform minor maintenance on it, which can reduce costs considerably. If you want to build, there is a wealth of advice on here.
  18. Flying certainly is a fun way to pass your time, and definitely worth the time, effort and expense. And you can get your Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC) at 16. You will need to get your pocket money ready though, flight training to certificate issue completion normally costs about $8000 to $10000, but you only have to pay out at 1 lesson at a time, usually from $200 to $250 per 1 hour lesson. Alternatively you may qualify for a scholarship through RAAus, it may be worth checking it out, you are at the right age for it. Scholarships - RAAus I know another young man around your age who got his RPC at your age through the RAAus scholarship. He trained at the same flying school that I went through. Last time I spoke to him, he was looking to join the RAAF as a pilot. They were indicating to him that they acknowledge the high quality training that RAAus deliver, so it will be a good foundation for further training. I regret not becoming a pilot at your age. I left it until I turned 50, but better late than never.....
  19. Hello and welcome, Tell us more. Are you considering starting flight training or coming over from another aviation stream?
  20. Hi Tyson I see you fly a Jabiru LSA 55? They are not an expensive aircraft to purchase, run or maintain. I know, I own one.
  21. Hi Deb, your plane is the 3rd Gazelle that has required a gearbox change, that I know of, within the last year. It seems to be way too common a problem.
  22. Hi Landrewver What are you flying?
  23. I make a position call 10nm away if I'm likely to impact on operations at any airfield marked on the charts. At or around overfly height, or if I can hear traffic on the radio in that vicinity, I make position calls. Also, if I'm higher but hear glider or parachute ops in the area, I'll make a call as well. I don't like not being visible on the radio when I'm flying.
  24. Every time I get someone talking in a foreign accent, I ask them where they are from. When (not if) they say India or Philippines, I politely say to them, "You can't help me, can you put me through to someone in Australia please?" They do it every time, and every time my issue is sorted out straight away.The few times I don't do this, I have ongoing problems.
  25. Hi and welcome Dave! Glad you got to go for a fly, it doesn't help suppress the flying bug, does it? If you haven't done so, look up Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus), that's pretty much where the ultralights are these days.
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