I say, Go for it!
The most difficult step of the ladder of becoming a pilot, in my opinion, is the first one.... I suggest you find a local flying school, and book in for a trial introductory flight (TIF) in an aircraft type you can see yourself flying. I'd recommend going RAAus, as they are the most economical to both attain your permission to fly (Recreational Pilot Certificate RPC), purchasing/building and maintaining an aircraft.
TIF's count towards your logbook hours in your progression to your pilot certificate. You can chip away at your training, 1 hour lessons at a time, at a rate that your budget can afford. You need at least 25 hours, but more commonly you pass your flight test at around the 30 to 35 hr mark. Training costs anywhere up to about $250 per hour, but I found a school that does it under $200 per hour...
I went through all this in 2015, so if you have any questions, I may be able to help
There's a wealth of knowledge and advice about the various kits and builds on this site