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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Hi, welcome and well done iSteve! Having your own plane could keep the costs of your training down, that's if it's a factory built one with dual controls. What are you flying?
  2. Hey Tom, that person is not a lucky pilot, but a dedicated one, a person who made the commitment to do what it takes to get into the air. The views are spectacular and well worth the time and expense to experience. To you I say, make your dream a reality, it's probably not as difficult or expensive as you may think, especially through RAAus.
  3. I like the quote from Leonardo DaVinci on the RAAus website front page at the moment: “When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned upward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return" With that said, I wonder if he actually built and successfully flew one of the flying machines he designed? Hi and welcome Mark
  4. Hi there LTT and welcome. Do you fly? Do you originate from USA or the small town on the Qld/NSW border?
  5. The big number would be 1000's ft and the smaller one 100's ft the grid's Lowest Safe Altitude with the boundaries with the grey box. Same as the ERC Low which have them depicted in green. Not sure what the colour coding is with the red and pink
  6. Don't worry, your CFI will not send you on solo before you are ready, and he will know when you are ready. Don't be nervous, you have been flying the plane now for a while, exercise your confidence the way you have been trained, be the pilot in command. My CFI was in two minds about sending me on solo, I expected it on one lesson, but I went the next, and when it happened, he casually got out of the plane and said to me, "you can take it for a Solo circuit now, just keep doing what you've been doing", and I was off.... one of the best moments in my life. No, from memory there's a little theory as well to gain your Pax endo, but be ahead of the training and ask your instructor what's involved. For me it was a relatively easy endorsement to attain Then your flight test will be safety related stuff, like EFATO refresher training and the like.
  7. For solo flying you are the PIC, but you are still under supervision from your flight instructor. He or she would be monitoring you at least on the radio, and possibly has eyes on you in the air, and that's why you still pay at the student rate rather than the hire rate. But as far as your log book goes, you are the PIC for all solo time.As others have said already, once you complete your RPC you will have already clocked up at least 5 hours solo, so once you do another 5 hours plus pass that flight test, that PAX endorsement will be yours. Once you've got your PAX endo, if you haven't done any flying in 90 days, do a few touch and goes, and you are good to take a PAX again. Yes they do, for that type of aircraft.You must be getting excited, nearing solo? It's one of those big moments in life.... Enjoy
  8. Is is a RC or is it a UAV?
  9. Yep, oil and oil filter change. I got a couple of other things done as well, repaired a oil hatch, changed a tire, but I supplied it
  10. What RAAus aircraft would people recommend for flight training for a tall student, who is 6'5"?
  11. I've often thought about going for a tail wheel endorsement
  12. No, it is a factory built one, 55 registered, he has a 24 registered one as well. They were still available up to not that long ago.
  13. Your Maintenance Release will tell you when your servicing intervals will be at, and what work is required. These will also be listed in the Maintenance Manual. I believe, Rotax requires their services every 50 hours, with major hourly services at 100 hours.
  14. I had a 25 hourly done recently and it cost a little under $200. I have only recently purchased the plane, but the last 100 hourly cost about $800 Both were done by L2s in accordance with the maintenance manuals. As mentioned above, all maintenance is required to be entered into the Aircrafts Maintenance Log, and signed off by the qualified L1 or L2 that did the work. This is on my Jabiru LSA 55 with a Jabiru 2200 engine. If you want to do your servicing yourself, you need to be at least L1 qualified, so contact RAAus for this, it is not difficult to get. Then contact Rotax and get the maintenence manual for your engine, usually a free download. Even if you don't want to do your servicing, it would still be an advantage to get the L1 qualification as you can legally do minor work on your plane if you want.
  15. Hi and welcome Hayden! What aircraft are you learning in?
  16. Hi and welcome Keen2fly! I learned and earned my RPC and endorsements in Lightwings, the GR912 Nosewheel version. I like them. This is one of the Lightwings I flew, operated by Coominya Flight Training: I ended up buying a Jabiru for the extra speed and endurance. But it handles a lot like the Lightwings in my opinion, with a little less rudder authority.
  17. Hi Ash, and welcome to the forum. You have heaps of options in the Brisbane area if you want to get into the air for real. I know some may disagree with me, but I can vouch for starting your aviation path through RAAus. It is the most affordable way to get into the air and your hours and training does count towards a higher level of license, if that's where you want to go.
  18. Hi Stanowak and welcome to the forum That's one nice looking Gazelle you have there!
  19. Light plane crash lands in lettuce field
  20. I'm pretty sure I saw it recently taxiing at YCAB. It was/is a nice looking bird
  21. Hi and congratulations kirabella2000! That's a huge achievement.
  22. Thanks for the info Kyle. It's good that all are ok. Those early aircraft stalled so easily, until they learned to put that little twist in the wings, so the whole wing wouldn't stall at once. It was a big killer of the early pilots.
  23. There were 2 planes, what appeared to be a yellow low wing 2 seater, and the bi-plane with the camo wings Kyle mentioned. Both appeared to be in good shape but the video was dark and grainy. Still nothing on the news so it must have been not that bad, thankfully.
  24. Again???!!! Jabirus are awesome! Like any machine, treat them well, service them how they are meant to be serviced and they will look after you.
  25. Hi Mario and welcome! PM them if you haven't done so already, from what I see, they are always keen to talk to people about their passion....
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