Don't worry, your CFI will not send you on solo before you are ready, and he will know when you are ready. Don't be nervous, you have been flying the plane now for a while, exercise your confidence the way you have been trained, be the pilot in command. My CFI was in two minds about sending me on solo, I expected it on one lesson, but I went the next, and when it happened, he casually got out of the plane and said to me, "you can take it for a Solo circuit now, just keep doing what you've been doing", and I was off.... one of the best moments in my life.
No, from memory there's a little theory as well to gain your Pax endo, but be ahead of the training and ask your instructor what's involved. For me it was a relatively easy endorsement to attain
Then your flight test will be safety related stuff, like EFATO refresher training and the like.