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Everything posted by Ironpot

  1. TWR ATS NOT AVBL DUE OPR RESTRICTIONS ARCHERFIELD CLASS D AIRSPACE 1500FT AND BLW BECOMES CLASS G AIRPSACE AS PER EN ROUTE SUPPLEMENT AUSTRALIA (ERSA) YBAF - ATS AIRSPACE - OUTSIDE TWR HR COMMON TRAFFIC ADVISORY FREQUENCY (CTAF) 118.1 MHZ FROM 09 282300 TO 09 290700 2309282300 TO 2309290000 2309290200 TO 2309290300 2309290500 TO 2309290545 2309290630 TO 2309290700 Archerfield has ATS closures over the next few days. Check NOTAMs is a must.
  2. You’ll be fine at a weekend. The RAF never work weekends! just talk to BN CN 121.2 when you depart Dalby (on the ground if you wish) - let them know your intentions and they will tell if you need to talk to Approach should the area be active. Stay on freq and they’ll guide you right up to Somerset Dam. Caboolture is something else !
  3. This came up recently when I was having a chat with some survey guys - they’re flying for up to 6 hours at a time. They using vomit bags from the chemist. $5 for 5 . Waterproof/twist& lock/disposable etc
  4. Following the tragedy at YCAB, I had to just check my memory of this post. Turns out that it was more poignant than I remembered. Condolences to all concerned.
  5. Cani buy the DC set from you please?
  6. CASA are holding a webinar today: maybe of interest? Might be too late to register? https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/webinar-non-controlled-operations-the-rfds-experience-tickets-677098518897?keep_tld=1
  7. I know it’s not your sighting but ATS said, on area frequency, that the big flash on Saturday night was an Indian rocket stage separation and was visible along the east coast.
  8. Rear seat passenger took this - made I larf!
  9. Here ya go: https://updates.communication.casa.gov.au/link/id/zzzz64acda089689b365Pzzzz5f2e76733deac091/page.html I did the last one. I can thoroughly recommend it if you have time. It’s good to hear their version of events too.
  10. Simply wasn’t a good day for scud running/VFR :
  11. This is such a sad one. Clearly many families impacted by it and it could have been far worse. I might be naive but I honestly thought we had seen the last of unqualified/unendorsed pilots without medicals and guys operating aircraft without MRs, insurance etc. many years ago. If something similar was attempted in any road vehicle I’m sure that the boys In blue would be onto it in a flash. Other than some cross border enquiries during the Covid period, I have never seen any pilot have their bona fides checked. Surely somebody knew what was occurring with this lad and understood where it could lead. The ATSB have washed their hands of it now and it’s too late for them to comment further but should they have suggested that steps could be taken to help it from occurring again?
  12. I understand that very few RPTs have ADSB in.
  13. Correct. ATC alerted the IFR aircraft, they requested and were cleared “up to 5 miles left of track” ; announced he could see R75** on the ADSB and once they were abeam of R75** they simply tracked to rejoin planned route. ATC were using radar.
  14. I overheard a interesting one the other day: R75** sailing along at 7600 ft in class G on an IFR route clearly not listening out on Area frequency. ATS warned-off IFR traffic flying at 8000 and they manoeuvred to avoid R 75** using ADSB in. How good is that?
  15. Class 2 turned around in less than 2 working days! Well done CASA! Credit paid where credit due
  16. What was the weather like in the area yesterday afternoon? IMC Multiple SIGMETs out, Lightning, turbulence under 6000 ….
  17. http://www.australianflying.com.au/latest/angel-flight-lottery-to-raise-funds-for-jet?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter - 10 February 2023&utm_content=Newsletter - 10 February 2023+CID_d45dd842371d811758ed22da0130098f&utm_source=Email marketing software&utm_term=Angel Flight Lottery to raise Funds for Jet well this sounds like a big change for Angel Flight. They will need an AOC. CASA will be licking their lips!
  18. Tracking north from Brisbane on a superb night - doesn’t get any better for me!
  19. Ah, I am starting to suspect that somebody may have been knocked back for one here? Look it may have escaped your notice but nothing is for free anymore and it seems that every facet of human existence has to be licensed in this 21st century. Unfortunately if you deal with anything considered hazardous a clearance can be a hit to your bank balance. Even a “blue card “ costs $100 in Queensland. Dealing with fuel, blasting, tow-trucks etc etc all require some sort of security clearance. Maybe even farming - I don’t know? It has nothing to do with democracy but I agree it is regulation. Personally, I feel that a the current charge for an ASIC renewal is too high. However if you compare it other security clearances it’s actually in-line, maybe cheap! The cost equates to about 1/2 hr in your beloved bird. I’m not trying to promote ASICs - I just feel that there is too much undue negativity around them from “liberty” merchants which just helps to drive potential new pilots (event organisers) away. It gives the impression that we are over-regulated and that it's another barrier to entry. We don't need more poor PR. So if you don’t need an ASIC, and the vast majority of RAA pilots will never need one - NO COST IMPLICATION. I just don't follow the argument where airfield owners have any increased costs. It’s not a problem and to conflate it as a democratic issue is just daft!
  20. Yes, thankyou for that - it proves my point because for many years I’m been in & out of Archerfield 3 or 4 times a month and never had to display an ASIC. In reality ASIC requirements don’t impact the vast majority of RAA pilots - if any? However, I'm sure we all agree that, as pilots, all know just how easy it would be for some crazy to fly 1000 litres of Avgas into the main stand of the MCG on a match day. So, in reality, we all understand why some form of background checks for pilots are just common sense. The arguments against them are puerile. But honestly, if an ASIC is an issue for you and is preventing you from flying then you need to get another hobby - life is too short.
  21. I know most of you know this already but for the benefit of new pilots and students who simply pop in here for information:- An ASIC is nothing to be worried about - it's not a big deal as long as you have a clean criminal record. There’s a bit of paperwork and a fee which, to my mind, is currently far too high. You need to take a photo with your phone/iPad and its all done online. You have to collect it from an Agent, in person, producing the original ID docs. Now; it is perfectly possible to aviate around our great nation without an ASIC - some major airfields do not require one - e.g. Jandakot, Camden, Archerfield etc. But a lot of tiny airfields do require you to display your ASIC e.g. Coober Pedy, Bendigo, Quilpie etc. Sometimes it's about AVGAS availability - do you need? ERSA is your friend. If you look up an airfield and it states in Remarks that “This AD is a Security Controlled Airport” then you should have an ASIC when you head that way. Upthread someone stated that they simply ignored the ARO when approached - maybe not a good idea. The AROs do understand and will help if you’ve simply just flown in for a wiz/avgas etc. My experience has always been that they are great people to deal with. However, be aware that Security Controlled Airports are being monitored by the AFP and they have to abide by the AFP protocols - even if it is Roma! Also, a lot of places don’t display the gate code anymore. There might be a camera and they want see your ASIC before they give you the gate code - they maybe just can’t let you pass landside/airside even if you have a VH registered aircraft sitting at the bowser. In summary, it's just not a big deal. You can plan around it, if you so wish, and even if you don’t have an ASIC, a little bit of decorum and simple common-sense will get you through everything except the major airports.
  22. btw I can't think of an airstrip where the MAIN runway is unsealed and they require an ASIC.
  23. No ASIC required according to ERSA!
  24. I overflew Caboolture/Caloundra yesterday afternoon i.e. 125.85 and had the opportunity to listen-in for a while. FWIW most of the traffic appeared to be for and in the circuit at Caloundra. I was surprised how little appeared to have ADSB out. However quite a few showed up on AvPlan.
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