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Everything posted by Ironpot

  1. Would anybody know - which is the busier; Archerfield or YCAB? just curious
  2. Yep I agree, YCAB is an accident waiting to happen. Heli ops inside the active RWS twists my melon! So unnecessary
  3. https://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2022/10/or-forever-hold-your-peace/#respond
  4. One thing aviation has taught me is that you shouldn’t jump to conclusions and wait till the facts are established before making a judgement. But I will find it unforgivable IF the pilot has conducted a Charter without filing a flight plan. The aircraft was down nearly 5 hours before the alarm was raised!?
  5. The Cessna gust lock works well and is handy when you’re at airfields with helis ground-taxying close to your aircraft. I also am a fan of the Cessna yoke but its not perfect. I had a 6’6”+ passenger in the co-pilot control seat in a Cessna. I’d previously given him the preflight safety brief plus the brief for a passenger occupying a control seat about everything in front of you is live and please do not to manipulate or interfere with the controls pedals etc. I’d done the preflight checklist, runups, departure brief etc then received the taxy clearance and was holding at the holding point. By coincidence, I’ve developed a habit of mentally and rapidly revisiting my checklist at the holding point: “… strobes/landing lights, code, Controls - fully free … ???“ No they xxxx weren’t - they were solidly jammed … WTF!!! What had happened was sometime after completing my before takeoff and probably during the taxy, my long legged passenger had decided to jam his knees up tight under the yoke to keep his feet away from the pedals. Made sense to him but had I just taxyed out onto the RWY and started the takeoff run, I’m not sure that I could have solved the issue. Lesson learned!
  6. Advice on Helis - page 6/7 https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-08/advisory-circular-91-16-wake-turbulence.pdf
  7. “I suspect the kit build and Garmin G3X GNX375 we will use on Rans S21 won’t meet requirements in Australia. Can anyone shed light on this?” If you have to carry an alternate, currently for private and aerial work( i.e. not Charter) the requirement is one TSO 145 (or higher) or TSO 129 plus ADF/VOR
  8. Many can’t get past the IREX. I think everybody finds it hard so you’re doing well mate.
  9. Apologies - I thought you were in Oz Here a PIFR allows you to cherry pick approaches so most people omit VOR/NDB/ILS as most airfields with a published approach will have 2 RNAVs. Recency requirements and renewals are less onerous too.
  10. Why didnt you choose to go the PIFR route?
  11. If your destination is more than 50 nm from your departure you may need a TAF for flight planning purposes. If it’s below the minima you may have to carry an alternate. Some of those airports are a looong way from an alternate.
  12. "The Bureau has temporarily suspended production of Category D TAFs and airport weather briefings due to COVID-19 impacts on Bureau aviation operations staff. At these aerodromes, forecasts will still be prepared, on request, for emergency services operators. Refer to Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) H01/22 and the latest NOTAM for detail and operational advice." More information https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/current/sup/a22-h01.pdf
  13. In life there are no guarantees but if you need assurances it’s currently installed in every single one of the IFR aircraft in Australia. Hope that helps.
  14. $45, 450, 4,500 or 45,000 how much do you value your lives boys? Every bit of my home state of Queensland seems to have a Conquest or 206 doing low level survey work at 2000 constantly. Then add all the FIFOs and charters going into everything with a tarmac runway everywhere plus all the 208s and helis!! Much of it is invisible to ATS radar west of the J curve. It’s a no brainer - it’s like the jab - you definitely need it yesterday. Just get it.
  15. no Avgas - Rockhampton 23rd & 24th November 2021
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  16. That should have read ... to be implemented on the 24th March 2022
  17. I don't know if this helps or hinders you. Implemented on the 24th March ISS industry briefing RK MK 18 19 October latest version 2021.pdf
  18. I've always used the DC H10 - 13.4 (bulletproof) and never had a problem. I now use the DC One-X - Christmas present - which are noise cancelling. I've switched back and forth to see if they do make any difference and I wasn't imagining it ... I would say that in any flight over an hour (or so) the noise cancelling set does make a difference to your comfort levels. I have used the Bose and I liked them too.
  19. Jack, Have a yarn with Rocky Tower - 07 4931 5205 - they’ll advise you better. Real good people to talk to if they’re not busy. Bouldercombe is one of their “unofficial “ waypoints and you are very close to the “BUDGI two departure” so they will have a view.
  20. That’s what he reported and I’ve no idea why - I will ask next time I see him. Seem to remember we spent 2/3 days trying to find it first.
  21. Yes, unfortunately! It's not a big deal but, from memory, it took 14 days. Didn't cost anything. Your LAME will have to talk to CASA and they approve the reissue.
  22. Clearly you haven’t flown much in the real world lately then so I doubt they would notice! Yes, landing fees where I operate are quite normal. I understand that providing wildlife-proof fences, well maintained WCs, fuel facilities, mowing, maintaining windsocks and markers etc does cost serious dosh and I’m quite happy to chip-in a nominal sum to ensure that I can continue to enjoy those facilities. I’m sure you dodge the $5 that The Oaks levies but I’d argue that it is counterproductive to do so. You will agree that should any facility becomes a financial burden (without some clear community benefit) then, in our society, it’s days are numbered. e.g. railways, pubs, Post Offices, old RAF airfields etc. And so if an airfield continually bleeds money some non-aviation administrator person/owner will query its existence which leaves it very vulnerable to closure at some stage. I’d also argue that your tightxrse attitude, simply planning via “free” airfields, bypassing certain ALAs may lead to unsafe flightplanning decisions. Sure, if you feel that a landing fee is extortionate, plan elsewhere (I certainly do) but you would have to demonstrate how you could divert Forrest or Birdsville before I can take you seriously. I agree that Port Pirie sounds idyllic. The OP did not seek a political rant (ASICs???) but simply asked does your airfield waive landing fees for recreational aircraft and do landing fees impact on your flight planning? My honest opinion is that $10 -15 is quite reasonable and yes I am quite happy to pay it and will continue to do so.
  23. You may know about this but it’s a good place to start https://avdata.com.au/airport-charge-rates Note; it doesn’t include GST and there is a minimum charge at some places! Also some places charge for day parking. Landing fees are the norm nowadays.
  24. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-12/aircraft-noise-ombudsman-releases-brisbane-flight-path-report/100531674 I know it's not connected but it gives an insight into into how Airservices think.
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