Email received from AFAP today:-
The AFAP wishes to bring to your attention airspace change proposals provided by Airservices. They are seeking industry feedback to the proposed lower the base of Class E airspace between Cairns and Melbourne to 1,500ft (AGL). The proposed Class E Airspace would replace those Class G segments below the current Class E LL of A085.
These proposals will have practical implications to the operational environment, and your “real-world” experience should be very useful in helping to inform Airservices of any challenges and unintended consequences.
If you choose to contribute input, you may like to consider these facts related to this proposal:
· Implications of Class E being controlled airspace for IFR but uncontrolled for VFR.
· Higher prevalence of VFR aircraft at lower levels.
· Airspace standardisation (increase or decrease in complexity related to workload issues). Note that the proposal is for a LL related to AGL, and not AMSL.
· Class E airspace has greater VMC requirements than Class G – Consider the issues this imposes on airspace access for VFR aircraft.
· Class E requires a transponder – Many VH and RAAus aircraft are not transponder equipped. What implications are there for regional operators, such as training institutions?
· Efficiency issues - Class E will be controlled by Enroute rated Controllers, which limits separation to a minimum of 5nm. Consider efficiency of airspace use for IFR aircraft, including taking off into a LL Class E controlled environment from regional aerodromes within the proposed area. Will this effect efficient compliance to Ground Delay and Off-Blocks programs?
· Controlled airspace will be below LSALT in many/most instances in this proposed airspace change area.
· Sufficiency of VHF radio comms coverage and surveillance coverage (Radar / Secondary Raday / ADSB).
· Is there sufficient time allowed for input given this could be a significant airspace policy and design shift?
The AFAP will provide a representative submission (as part of the AusALPA partnership), however we are encouraging direct pilot member feedback. The consultation closes this Monday (February 15). Contributions can be provided at:
· Web portal survey method: (Airservices preferred method - requires registration)
· Email method: