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Everything posted by Ironpot

  1. If you are aiming to fly IFR you will need TSOd equipment plus ADSB - maybe have a chat with a LAME before you commit.
  2. Downunder is right. I know someone who ran up a $100k bill on G500 etc etc. Would it be worth weighing-up a 182T and see what the difference is in cost?
  3. Haha that brought back memories - we had the girl from Blue Peter in with us once! Happy days!
  4. Wow ... I didn't realise that Coronavirus was a matter of Left or Right wing politics!! I'm in Q and have friends of all persuasions - I haven't met even one that is unhappy with our Premier's response to date. In fact, I know plenty of rusted-on Conservative voters who wish her to lock the NSW border down again right now. Don't worry, I empathise, as I'm desperate to fly into WA and have applied and been rejected twice. It's working for them (and by extension the rest of Australia) so their policy is obviously a good one, supported by the vast majority of their citizens - I just don't understand why you would wish to say its a matter of Left/Right - just so bloody unnecessary!
  5. I just realised I might have mislead you - apologies if I have. "Rocky" = Rockhampton, Queensland
  6. I ring the tanker driver when I am at Rocky and he fetches it out from his oil store. So, yes it does include delivery but only on the airfield (if that makes sense?) That price included GST of $6.21 I can confirm the manufacture date was DEC19 and it needs a "retest" after 4 years
  7. For the life of me I am unable to understand why the Feds supported CP in the first place - what is the rationale behind supporting someone that could destroy our main source of export earnings when all else are struggling??? If CP wins, which he still may, there is a heightened risk that the whole state, including the industry that is Australia's increasingly lucrative source of revenue will be further exposed to Covid. Footshooting or what?
  8. http://vfrg.casa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/visual-flight-rules-guide.pdf
  9. hmmm might be a while - The High Court won't hear it until October
  10. Apologies, I wasn’t aware of a geographical constraint. I understand that there are over 600 aircraft insured through them now so I assume it’s all due to economies of scale.
  11. I used to do the same as that. It now comes in boxes of 6 and last lot cost $68.29 from Rocky
  12. Monduran Aero Club Insurance Scheme - you have to join the club but it will save you heaps! [email protected]
  13. In this instance I don’t think there is a readback requirement but I like them to know I understand what he has said plus it imprints it in my short term memory. I would say “ turn base on your call ABC “
  14. Yep, heard last Sunday arvo:- “ BN CN Qlink xxxD request” ”Qlink xxxD - go ahead” ”request you say something as we’re worried we’re off the air .... etc”
  15. This has been my query all the way through because we will all have to come into contact with it at some stage. I have reached the conclusion that, in Australia, we are simply attempting to ensure that we do not overwhelm our Health Services at any stage and it will simmer-on like this for many months, if not years. However, my personal experience of the SARS epidemic gives me hope that it may just fizzle out at some stage.
  16. Outside tower hours some airports are Class E above 700 ft and controlled by CN.
  17. can anybody help me with this one please? I know about TTI etc, however on the modern glass cockpits the identifier will show on the VOR frequency eg "CG" Gold Coast, "TL" Townsville etc. My question is - when the identifier appears beside the frequency, does it satisfy the Test requirement and dispense with the necessity of listening to the morse. I ask cos "SU" doesn't appear for Sunshine Coast for some reason. If so, can you point me to the relevant clause in the legislation or the authority? The reason I ask is because I'm sure I have read somewhere in the past that an identifier is all that is is required to use a VOR but I can't find and it may be from the US or Europe and not applicable to Australia.
  18. We had a navy bloke transfer into the squadron - he’d been a chef on the Ark Royal. He had an eye tattooed on each cheek of his arse. Once he had a few drinks in him, his party trick was to stand on a table, drop his daks and invite the whole pub ... “can you see any sxxt in my eye”. Then the fight would start!
  19. I have no experience of OzR. I have to say AvP is fundamental to my flying now. It’s been absolutely brilliant. I have one issue at the mo and that’s the syncing of the two iPads - I’ve been unable to master it so far ... but I will!
  20. At no point did I say rely on NOTAMs but I’m sure that you will agree they are useful sometimes? What I was querying was his statement that “Lack of Avgas is not a NOTAM-able event” . Whereby he proceeded to give a BS reply that does not correspond with either the AIP or factual events. It’s Important that users of this type of website don’t spread myths or it’s no better than Facetube. #2 Posted 6 hoursLack of Avgas is not a NOTAM-able event
  21. Thanks for this. I didn’t realise Old Station was an option.
  22. Well I can’t find the “quality guide” so I’ll quote the AIP back to you:- “NOTAM provide information that is of direct operational significance and which may immediately affect aircraft operations”. And, to my mind it follows that: 1. Where it says in ERSA that fuel is available at an airfield and it isn’t, then that would be of “direct operational significance”. 2. I’m sure you’ll agree that when an area that encompasses half of Central Queensland is devoid of fuel it might definitely “affect aircraft operations”. eg you could arrive with more than 60 minutes in your tanks and not be able to depart legally. Creating possible safety issues? 3. YBRK YTNG & YGLA are NOTAMed re AVGAS so clearly ASA doesn’t agree with you. That is not to say that Pilots should not check if fuel is available when flying into airfields where they could come unstuck. I get pissed off with being preached at when I was simply trying to notify local pilots who could be affected that there is a problem. I thought this site was about sharing information??
  23. Where does it say that? What’s your reference please?
  24. Make sure you check your notams - I nearly came unstuck!
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