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Everything posted by Fishla

  1. The crosswind didn't eventuate so I got some solo circuits this arvo. The best part was watching the QLink on final (next door) as I was downwind. Also not being used to circuit traffic, when someone was joining downwind (while I was on the go part of a touch and go), I just climbed to circuit height on upwind before turning crosswind. There he was, on base as I turned on to downwind. These GA aircraft are really fast... That still scares me a bit trying to find traffic... Just have to trust that nice man in the tower I guess. Learned to slow down even more in the C172 on final. That's six solo landings in it now. They are very forgiving. An enjoyable afternoon!
  2. First solo (for a second time) today. This time at a GA school in a C172.
  3. They all meet the standard. I bought GME few years back. I'm up for a replacement soon and await recommendations also. I've never used it!
  4. Didn't have to login again so the credentials in the cookies are still valid after your refresh? How ever you've got that configured? Make sure there isn't another admin account still logged in!
  5. I got 0.9 hours of circuits in this morning!
  6. No.
  7. Yeah, I voted for it too. I'm chalking it up to life experience. The vibe has certainly altered.
  8. Yeah, it looks like we patronise them.
  9. Its good old fashioned business. The penalty is designed to influence your behaviour. I don't believe the extra cost spiel - we don't charge new sign ups the fee do we? Maybe instead of renewing you can ask for the FREE trial membership which undoubtedly requires all the same administration. Rather typical behaviour from a business I'm afraid and not something I would like to see. And do I read the other bit right? A women will get her years fee refunded to her in the form of lessons?! Why not everyone who signs up in march? What about the young men we want to attract? Such nonsense. I'm likely to let my membership lapse the more I read these letters from the CEO.
  10. I recommend starting with RAAus. Plenty of flying you can learn before dealing with more complex procedures. I've personally just started the PPL after doing an RAAus certificate. RAAus is cheaper and dare I say more fun!
  11. Is the rego 24-xxxx or VH-xxx. First is RAAus. Second is RPL. That aircraft is light enough for either route. It would be the same without the CTA (controlled airspace) endorsement. Otherwise should be no different as everyone is entitled to convert an RAAus to an RPL. At this stage of your training it makes no difference except for which paperwork costs you get hit with.
  12. They are different things but are the same curriculum with slightly different privileges. Very soon it is hoped that the privileges will be the same. What aircraft have you trained in? Oh, the RPL has a few extra paperwork costs!
  13. Does the prius drive the wheels directly from the petrol engine when running or does it only operate as an electric generator?
  14. Always wondered why we couldn't have electric engines, with all their advantages, with a generator powering it along with say 30 minutes of battery power (reserves). Would be great in a car too with stop\start running off battery and highway the gen kicks in.
  15. The instructor is pilot in command. You don't require anything until solo. Then you are PIC!
  16. Plane forced to make emergency landing in Nanneella Reports everyone OK.
  17. I am not a natural. Just enjoy the training for its intrinsic fun! It's like anything, difficult at the start but then it clicks. My father went solo in similar time (only a little longer but don't have his log book near me) and he's 70!
  18. One lesson each fortnight saw me solo after 23 hours. Then 5 solo hours, a couple of dual refreshers and the certificate (similar to RPL) in 30.7 hours. I enjoyed taking a year to get the certificate.
  19. Just starting a PPL after getting the RAAus certificate I'm not sure if Jabiru's are harder to fly or not. Inertia I have discovered does make some things easier but I also miss the light controls of the Jabiru... I think flying both is the way to go!
  20. I believe 100 hours of the 200 non-integrated course are allowed to come from RAAus. See here. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/would-a-recreational-certificate-make-it-easy-to-get-a-ppl.56212/page-
  21. Stall speeds don't change if our density altitude is higher (warmer temp) do they? IAS stall speed remains the same. Our TAS has increased (and our groundspeed too) though. The engines might not be developing as much power (though not sure just how much less such temperatures would cause). Yes? No? I know that the 4 H's (High, Hot, Heavy, Humid) reduces performance but I've not learned exactly how to quantify it...
  22. No worries. You're doing an RPL then. What are you learning in? RAAus is the organisation which handles the registration and training for ultralights (also called LSA - light sport aircraft). It's kind of the competition to an RPL and it sounds like it's loosing the battle! You'll learn about the regulations soon enough as part of your theory...
  23. For RAAus the exams are taken at the school you are learning at. When I thought I was ready I sat them. Not sure about RPL. Are you RAAus or RPL? I believe the syllabus is very similar.
  24. If you want to learn in a classroom then $20 an hour is good value for a professionals time. However I found a text book and the free tutorials on this site was all that I needed for RAAus theory. With a few questions to my instructor along the way!
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