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Everything posted by Fishla

  1. All good until it identifies you as a crow.
  2. First crack at a C172 this morning. Very different to an LSA. Have to relearn a few things I think. Less sense of airspeed and stick position. Much more focus on horizon attitude. Miss a grass strip too. Tested the strength of the airframe unintentionally but was told worse landings have been conducted... Circuits start next lesson in a fortnight!
  3. I check "undercarriage down" too, but it's fixed.
  4. 500 foot circuits makes it much easier. :)
  5. Yep. Getting him involved in flying has been the best thing to keep him young. I recommend all the oldies do it. He just turned 70 the week before.
  6. Dad got his pax endo and we got to go for a fly together. My first time in a J170. Not a fan but perhaps I just need a few hours in it to get accustomed to it. But a very nice jaunt together was had. Especially since its been 2 months since I've gotten into the air.
  7. Good to see another Taswegian. I learnt RAAus. Haven't finished yet. Thinking about getting a PPL in future so I can fly from Cambridge. What's your motivation for GA? :)
  8. Well, I just did the exam in my lunch break. Read nothing before hand. Had my knowledge of the regulations from my theory for the certificate itself. My practical knowledge of aircraft maintainence being nonexistent I relied on common sense. 41 out of 50. A pass! Affirming that I shouldn't touch anything until an L2 shows me how.
  9. Please switch this off! Hate it.
  10. Doubt they'll hack into all of them. China and Russia have their own, along with USA. The latest mobile phones can use all 3... Hard to get lost these days!
  11. I read the story. They were directed by ATC to Melbourne after they cocked their nav computer. But what about GPS? Or an OzRunways iPad?! Or, like, a map?
  12. Second tail wheel lesson. Gusty conditions. Couldn't land it. Humbling.
  13. My biggest problem is large lump sum outlays for me. The second biggest is the total cost. I'm hoping the kit will come in stages you could afford without too much of a cost penalty (realising that shipping is the killer).
  14. Of course we need aircraft ...
  15. The online thing will still be available for a while.
  16. You can fill it out tomorrow. I filled mine out last week. The website was never going to handle the traffic. Nothing to see here. Move along...
  17. Has anyone got their ballot paper yet? Little bit awkward only having 2 weeks to vote in practicality, I'll admit. Probably should extend the deadline till mid September sometime.
  18. I had a go at a tail wheel. A Lightwing GR912. Big difference doing 60 knots compared with 100 of the jabiru. Much more gentlemanly.
  19. It's nice how the thing leaps off the ground without the weight of the instructor isn't?!
  20. It's says so on the raa website, here: Log in - RAA - Intranet
  21. But we are a national sports club full of engineers/lawyers/accountants! Evidently...
  22. "A ballot paper and envelope will be included with the August edition of Sport Pilot Magazine which will be posted out to all financial members." Am I about to get a free magazine?!
  23. Go for a J230 then. Can register it RAAus or GA. Have to double your ticket price to $100 though. I'd still buy 1 ticket! Good odds at such few tickets.
  24. https://www.atsb.gov.au/media/29498/aviation_safety_rev.pdf Probably not more than 20,000.
  25. Rough number of RAAus members. It's a bit less than 10,000 I think.
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