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Everything posted by Fishla

  1. A simple J120. Comes in well under budget. 1500 tickets for aircraft. Another 500 tickets for the profit. Think you will sell more than 2000 tickets to an organisation of less than 10,000 people?
  2. You mean RPC which is a recreational pilots certificate issued by RAAus. I believe it's a minimum 5 hours training on our low momentum aircraft (for you with your PPL). Yes you need an RAAus RPC to fly RAAus registered aircraft. An RPL is what used to be your GPFT but with more privileges. Your PPL is already there.
  3. What an opportunity! Ask Nintendo to have a special Pokemon you can only get at 2000 feet above the local airfield. Imagine all the TIFs!
  4. Took me 30 hours for the raaus certificate. That was over one whole year. One lesson a fortnight approx. The theory I did in my own time. It is not a big deal. I'm now half way through my navigation training and it was only my last flight that I was beginning to get comfortable. That's about 50 hours over 18 months. You'll be condensing your training more than I did. Many say that is good thing - you'll save going over things every time after a 2 week pause. Let us know how you go!
  5. Can't find anything from the AIP for class G. But, Request Rejected
  6. That looked like it covered everything but I skipped through. Not a preflight technically but I do control checks while taxing. Full and free movement and in the correct sense. That is, left aileron up when you push the stick left, right aileron up when you push the stick right. And another check immediately before giving it the beans for take off. Recently added another - check flaps have full range of movement (and then set for takeoff).
  7. Click the menu button. Click the tutorial button. The best resource out there for raaus student and it's free. Don't bother with mzeroa. Nice bloke but your flight instructor can help you better after you read the free tutorials above.
  8. Another dual nav. Tunbridge to St Helens. The Fingal Valley is very pretty from 3500 feet! No picture of that because I was busy flying and navigating. At the same time even! The picture is heading south from YSTH after our departure and on the way home via Swansea.
  9. You have to enjoy the journey. Don't worry about being an awesome pilot ASAP too much. It will all click. I have asked to not bother with circuits when I just wasn't getting it. We'd just depart the circuit buzz around for the rest of lesson and I'd practice turns, slow flight and just enjoy the fact I was flying.
  10. Well, Chris64, what do you think so far? It's 5 years to build one (maybe more - there are builders blogs that haven't finished yet after 5 years). You need to be careful about a warm building area. Material is available but the expoxy a little expensive in Australia and it's hard to import. Plans don't technically exist anymore but the Open EZ templates and the original manuals can be found on the Internet which is everything you need. There are people who still make and sell bits and pieces for it online in the USA. You can even buy CNC'd wings and canard foam cut outs which would save some time...
  11. It's my dream too! Check this out: The Long EZ Build: The Long EZ
  12. Ersa you don't need yet. But a digital copy is free. Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) | Airservices Air services also sells paper charts. These aren't free. But if you download a free trial of ozrunways or avplan you'll be able to get these free too (for study). Many online stores sell textbooks and logbooks.
  13. $180 dual. Sticker price was $5k for 30 hours over 1 year to get certificate. It was a bit less with a 0.1 hour discount here and there. Jabiru J120. Tasmania. How much is club membership? The instructor only makes $13 / hour?
  14. Tell the school. Perhaps the cooling duct needs a look. But to answer your question, to cool an engine you lower the nose. Don't close the throttle, fly slower and hold the nose up to maintain altitude.
  15. at cruise power and attitude you shouldn't be overheating. Are you flying your own aircraft or the school's?
  16. I'd press the starter and hope to blow some of your expensive avionics. :)
  17. "Your aircraft!"
  18. I'd implement my PAX endo training and smack you in the nose if you reach for my mag switches!
  19. you say "Roger" to acknowledge a transmission. Check out the tutorials on this site.
  20. Would you disable something on your glider? Today you will jump with your main chute tangled. Use the reserve!
  21. What happens when the student does something stupid on short final and you can't whack the power on? It's dangerous and unnecessary. All my training about decision making goes against switching the engine off. You make a situation less safe. That is wrong. Never do something that makes you less safe. Don't take unnecessary risks. Is this not what we are taught?
  22. Who switches off an engine in flight?!
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