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Everything posted by Fishla

  1. So is that $46k AUD plus GST plus shipping for the four stroke? Does look rather swish for fifty something thousand.
  2. Hold up. I voted yes. Via chairman proxy. By form signed at Devonport during meeting with CEO and President. Not that it matters now but where do you get your info from?
  3. We are only talking about class G here. No clearances at all required.
  4. You just keep climbing immediately as there is no rule against it. Basically you need to be aware that inbound traffic might be overflying at circuit height + 500. So if you're on downwind and climbing fast, watch out. See CAAP 166-1(3) Operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes.
  5. How can you fly unbalanced? I thought I was susceptible to air sickness until I got my turns better coordinated! I'm not perfect yet but the little ball is usually in its place...
  6. Board members are all out now? Have to face an election within 6 months?
  7. This is kind of personal preference and depends on what your POH says and what your instructor says. I pull carb heat before closing throttle. That is on downwind. But on a jabiru that does little to my available power. There is a drop but it is not as drastic as on other types I am told. I have no personal experience. I leave carb heat on till touch down. A go around is throttle push forward to full power and carb heat push forward to off. It is fairly automatic now. I do remember once during training I went around. I applied full throttle and pulled the flaps up from full to half. On the j120 the flaps are manual. I was caught having to milk the flaps up halfway between indents. So not having a third hand I asked my instructor to switch the heat off for me. I was milking the flap because I felt the lack of power and lack of airspeed... It is not normal procedure. I was too quick on bringing the flap up and had missed the carb heat. It was a mistake. So some say carb heat off on final. I am almost idling or idling on final so I leave it on. Less power and less chance of storage or more power and more chance of stoppage? The J120 POH leaves it up to the pilot to decide on the method. It only says turn heat off when going around but you are allowed "as required" for descent, whatever that means. The J120 also allows ground operations with carb heat on so I can land with it on unlike the Cessna example. I dont grab the flap lever before carb heat and throttle are forward anymore! As to how quickly ice occurs? Don't know. But it probably takes too long to melt it when it occurs!
  8. It cant be a donkey vote as it wasnt compulsory. Every yes vote was on purpose.
  9. Who are the 6 board members against the new constitution?
  10. Beautiful!
  11. If your CFI thinks you personally need a little more time then that is fine. But if you think you know the syllabus and have the required hours a flight test is in order I'd say. Adding minimums to minimums is out of order.
  12. Wait, you have 10 hours solo but your CFI is demanding you do more without regard to your actual ability before issuing you your pax endo? That is crap. The syllabus says nothing like that and it sounds completely unnecessary. The test is to brief your pax, secure your pax, monitor your pax, what to do in an emergency, sick pax or grabby pax, and understand handling characteristics of the extra weight of the pax.
  13. Fix it so we can press the back button on our browser. Here are some other tips from the experts: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Faviationadvertiser.com.au%2Fnew_search.php%3Fdo_search%3DSearch%26catid_search%3D133&tab=mobile
  14. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/poh-for-jabiru-lsa55.7258/
  15. 3 initial directors but must call election within 6 months. Explained that paperwork will take 6 weeks or so initially. Happy with that timeframe personally. Only humans get a vote. Explained that original draft had what you wanted but we members said we didn't like that. I agree with current draft - only humans should get a vote.
  16. They admitted the plan isn't perfect and we will likely have amendments over the coming year or two. Talk to them yourself, but I am prepared to gamble on the need to change now after understanding how they have made past decisions.
  17. I suggest you speak with them yourself. I think you've already made a few wise cracks that show you have some idea already. Three words. Conflict of interest.
  18. I just attended the meeting with the President and CEO at Devonport. After speaking with them and understanding their decision making I have cast my proxy vote as a YES. I suggest everyone attend similar meetings in their own neck of the woods.
  19. First flight with my newly minted pax endo. 2.1 hours cruising around the Tasmanian Midlands with my father. Perfect smooth weather. No one else in the sky. That's what a day off work gets you! Couldn't be better. Well, actually it will. When I get my XC endo next!
  20. Are we a lobby group? Or an arm of CASA? I'm a new pilot. Want to fly for fun. Pretty sure I want to be apart of a lobby group to secure the right to fly for fun. So don't quite understand the need for change in that respect.
  21. Right of way rules. Circuit pattern, height and rules. Separation minima for take off and landing. Aerodrome markings. Aerodrome types (cert, reg, mil).
  22. Ah. I see. Thanks.
  23. So who is actually attending the meeting and voting? Anyone planning on taking proxies for a no vote? I expect you can proxy the chairman if you want a yes vote. I am still unsure myself. Haven't read the new version. Don't know history and why we need change in first place.
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