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Everything posted by Fishla

  1. You need your certificate and 10 hours solo for pax endo. You'll already have 5 to get your certificate. Just another 5 after and you can take pax. Talk to your instructor. There is a small theory component about how to brief your pax, handle nervous pax and deal with pax who fight for the controls. Nav endo is 10 hours dual nav and 2 solo. You read a map, plan route, estimate fuel, fly route and make radio calls. I doubt you can take anyone up before you get your certificate. You can always ask your instructor though!
  2. https://members.raa.asn.au/files/download/?id=211
  3. Your ultimate touchdown would be into a steady strong headwind on a very cold day with a high pressure system over the airfield. Antarctica would be a good bet for the conditions required.
  4. Lumps malfunctions and failures together. Doesn't explain why. Doesn't break them down. Explains that there are high, medium and low risk malfunctions. Doesn't explain how many of each engine type are which. The 18 examples of high risk mention Jabiru twice only and I am left to assume the other 16 are non-jabiru. Says can't explain causes for malfunction for 25% of Jabiru incidents but rotax that is 51% and average is 44% (in other words more thorough reporting of Jabiru which doesn't necessarily mean more problems). Puts much blame on though bolts which I thought have been fixed? As someone who has now risked their life for about 40 hours in a Jabiru I'll continue to believe the biggest risk to me is not being fit and well and underestimating the weather. The stats don't add up to me when I read in Sport Pilot that it's more likely a Tecnam will kill me than a Jab.
  5. Golf carts are an easy fix. More fun too.
  6. Check your PDS. But my super covers me for any method of death, except for dying from war, or something happening to me in gaol, or a preexisting medical condition. I'm even covered for suicide oddly (after a 1 year waiting period).
  7. Another hour solo today. Great weather. Cruised a little way away and then returned to airfield for some circuits. Did 4 landings with various flap settings and some slipping.
  8. Nah, just one of those who isn't over the age of 40. Aviation seems to be the only sport where one wishes they were older. So they can afford it! I've got my eyes set on one of those panthera's when I cash out my superannuation in 10,585 days and counting... Hopefully the age pension will pay for the fuel. (OK, maybe a J230 will suffice).
  9. Put me down for one of those cheap high-end aircraft in 5 years time. Hopefully one with an electric motor and solar panels.
  10. Did 1 hour solo today. My first since getting my cert. A crosswind landing after my little jaunt around made for some excitement.
  11. Enjoy the journey.
  12. My mistake. Its only 4 months suspended for killing someone.
  13. You can kill someone and only get 12 months SUSPENDED. So I'd say a stern warning from the magistrate should suffice as punishment.
  14. Fly with an instructor in the other seat until you're comfortable. What exactly is your friend lacking confidence about? The machine itself or their ability to fly it?
  15. Last flight was third solo. Had circuit traffic to add to the excitement and was great fun watching another land while I was on downwind. 3 hours solo in the log book now! I keep forgetting to film the flight... next time!
  16. My last flight was this morning - FIRST SOLO! Doesn't get much better for a Saturday morning.
  17. Not sure if I'm 20-30 or 30-40! I put the later and now I feel really old.
  18. I'm being taught in Jabiru J120c.
  19. The old bomber strip. There's a great school there now - Midlands Flying School.
  20. On the eastern shore of Hobart but flying from Tunbridge.
  21. Welcome! Whereabouts you flying?
  22. I'm happy for the staff to be given a half-day outing. Every (good) employer does things like that. I hope the staff had some well deserved fun. Every time I've called or emailed them they've been helpful and efficient. Probably better not to advertise the outing in this way though! As for the idea of a safety month I guess its in response to all the accidents lately. A better response might be a safety lecture by our new safety officer put up on youtube or something else which would be just a tiny bit actually useful to pilots and cost very little. Hell, maybe they should provide a complete set of training material? This very website has some very good tutorials for free! As a student pilot I have to say I don't see what I get for my money.
  23. I would have built a cheaper house with a timber frame and bought another flying contraption with the spare cash!
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