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About rankamateur

  • Birthday 19/01/1966


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    Savannah S 19-1641
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  1. I was thinking of Wayne Fisher with the VH under the wing. It did stuff we are discouraged from doing under RAA. Numbers were a bit hard to read under muddy water. Little more obvious in the later posted photo.
  2. He walked away from it. Helmets will be compulsory before you know it.
  3. The Savannah ditching at Conway Beach had the problem that the doors would not open until the cabin nearly filled with water to equalise the water pressure. The plastic bottles would have been much more use than deflated air matresses, the blowing time had nearly elapsed by the time they got out of the cabin.
  4. Nicely played! Troll proof.
  5. A lot of repetition in these AI generated clickbait stories both in the photos and in the dialogue
  6. https://www.regosearch.com/aircraft/au/GUM on the news footage. No effort to conceal the rego.
  7. No way anyone would spend all that time polishing just to make the paint hard to keep on. I think he meant it when he polished it!
  8. Also reported that someone from the plane company came out in a boat and got the passengers into life jackets. Good job they landed nearby.
  9. So 313 knots projected on the flight radar track may have been two and a half times that given the sudden altitude loss that is accompanied? That being the case, why would you fly on for your destination rather than divert to Roma or return to Toowoomba?
  10. The something happened north of Dulacca much nearer to Toowoomba than to Mount Isa, which may have been a better place to limp to. While they reacted to the something, they maintained near perfect track while losing a whole heap of altitude and airspeed rising over 300 knots.
  11. Its logged speed was over 260knots but it didn't seem to exceed 223 in the later part of its final flight. Are you suggesting that it was limping to its destination?
  12. Given that it was doing 223 knots at 28050 ft in a straight line then suddenly decelerated less than 100 knots while losing 4000 feet doesn't seem like normal fire monitoring activity. It had a return flight to Townsville logged for later that afternoon.
  13. This shows VH-ATF as BD 275 so that could be where the confusion came from.
  14. 370 appears to be VH-ATF though!
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