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Everything posted by LimaMike08

  1. Might be a bit far north but Adels Grove is great. Fit it in with Undarra Lava tubes and Chillagoe (awesome limestone caves and history) for some interesting attractions.
  2. Hi Blue adventures, yes it seems to automatically save plans. See the attached image. Past plans can be accessed by tapping the plan button "line with dots".
  3. I have a Samsung Tab S2. The in built GPS works fine with RWY.
  4. They're out there. Or perhaps I should have said "there out their".
  5. I know I have posted this photo before, but this just looks right to me
  6. Hi Derek, I assume you mean Warwick Qld. If so the Qld Recreational Aviation Association (QRAA) is based out of Warwick airport (Massey). It is a fairly large, 100+ members, and a very well organised group which organises a number of flying trips each year and multiple other social events. Do a search for QRAA Warwick on Google and you will find the details of the relevant contacts. Cheers
  7. Has anyone had much to do with the Mr Funnel product. (http://www.mrfunnelaustralia.com.au) I am thinking about getting one and they look good but don't now which size. Is there any issues with using them?
  8. I love them both, but am a big sucker for the P38 Lightning. Two planes, one pilot the Japanese called them. That is a sweet looking aircraft.
  9. The copilot and I a couple of years ago in the trike days. He commented yesterday when we went for a fly in the Jab that he didn't miss the Trike. Too cold and windy he reckoned.
  10. Hi OK, Yeah there are a few options around the house to land (not in the Jab though). I agree a strip at the dam camp grounds would be handy. I will have to mention it to them. Cheers
  11. I'll give it a go Ian. I just did a test run and it seems like a fairly simple process to enter an event. The bonus being that when the wife asks why I spend so much time on "that website", I can answer that it is "official business".
  12. First flight of the new year with my son and photographer, Connor. Went for a fly over Queen Mary Falls at Killarney, Leslie Dam (Warwick) and our Home. 1.5 hours all up and a glorious flight to start the year off. Warwick township, with our place mid foreground Lake Leslie Copilot and photographer
  13. hi FT, could there be a problem with registering it?
  14. Hi Maj, I am interested. Can you send me some contact details for the owner so I can follow up? Thanks Les
  15. I got one of these also when I was selling my trike. Living on an off shore oil rig etc etc. I also got an email from a person living in England who was buying it for his mate in NZ. I ignored it as well assuming it was another scam. Two months later I got a phone call from England. It was the same bloke still looking to buy it on behalf of his mate in NZ. I nearly missed out on the sale because I assumed it was a scam. Lucky he called.
  16. Signed tonight. It said I was signature number 100 so hopefully a lot more people support the petition yet.
  17. I like.
  18. J160c is $120 wet at Warwick, QLD. $170/hr with instructor.
  19. http://www.gtgyroplanes.com.au/ Have you checked out the GT gyros HH? They look like a great machine as well and I have seen a few YouTube videos of them as well. Gets me excited.
  20. North up for me. Didn't think I would be in the minority though. I will have to try track up and see.
  21. I queried the same thing with the staff at RAAus (I can't remember the person's name now) but she told me on two separate occasions that I only needed to do one each time and the suggestion from her was to alternate them. I have both weight shift and 3 axis. I suggest giving RAAus a call. They don't bite and then you at least have the answer from the horses mouth.
  22. What a beautiful start to 2013. Zero wind and no bumps here in Warwick. I spent 1.5 hours really enjoying flying after no flying for about 3 months. A couple of QRAA members went for a fly to Heck Field et al. Fantastic. Happy new year to everyone, wishing you all smooth air for 2013. Cheers Les
  23. I'm loving this Flyerme. Makes me appreciate the BAK study and hours of flight training.
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