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Everything posted by LimaMike08

  1. Watching Getaway special now. We really do have the best view of the world, don't we.
  2. I did the same thing Peter. Started, then stopped, but never really gave up on the idea. Now is as good a time as any, as they say. Good luck.
  3. Hi Tim. I thought you might be feeling unwanted, so...... Tell us a little about yourself. Are you a pilot, interested in aviation, just browsing?
  4. My trike was named "Mother Goose" by its previous owner. I shortened it to "The Goose" by removing the M, O and R. Fitting name my wife said as she thought I was a goose for flying such a small plane.
  5. Real reaction time test....punch him in the nuts first. Don't you instructors get any ideas!
  6. I hit the wall during my trike training (like you Ayavnar I could only get to training every few months due to the tyranny of distance in NQ and sometimes I would drive the 6 hours to Townsville only to have the weather turn against me) and again during my 3-Axis training. I thought I would never get there during the 3-Axis training and then one day it all came together. To me it didn't seem like a gradual progression. One session I was Shiite the next it all can together (I think a major factor was the realisation that my feet should never be still, especially on final). Good luck.
  7. I read an Incident Report that was undertaken by ASRA about a gyrocopter accident earlier this year. It was very comprehensive and informative. RAA could learn a bit from ASRA in this respect.
  8. Maybe a gyro would be better suited to your strip. Plenty around to suit your budget.
  9. Nice. You have got to love the Doppler Effect
  10. Found under area briefing 9400. Can be hard to find though.
  11. My NOTAM from my NAIPS app is still coming up as "No NOTAMS service provided" for Miles, but I have been sent an email which shows a NOTAM that states that "Miles AD not AVBL DUE TO WIP". Accessing thought the Air Services Australia website returns the same NOTAM. Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else tried NOTAM for YMLS?
  12. Weather prediction is looking good for Wings Over Warwick this weekend. Should be a great day. Hopefully might see some of you guys there.
  13. Sounds logical Winsor. I remember a mate of mine had one when I was in Moranbah and he would be up in weather and heat that I wouldn't even dream of taking the trike up in. Made me envious.
  14. Why is it that Gyro's are less affected by wind? I think this will be my next 'endorsement'. I note from reading their website that only a minimum 5 hours training required if you already hold a fixed wing permit/license. Has anyone on this site done the conversion? If so can you share your experiences with regards to how long it took and how they control compared to a UL?
  15. Hey Dazza, I also FIFO out to Roma on a 2/2 roster. We might cross paths one day. Les
  16. Hi Nev, Does that mean I should open a new post to ask the question?
  17. I also am interested in an answer to this if anyone has been running a Jab 2200 with the Rotec TBI. Also has anyone got any feedback on the Rotec Liquid cooled heads for the 2200? Cheer Les PS. Thanks Ian for lifting the ban. Lets hope lessons have been learned.
  18. Hi, I currently have a Arplast propeller on my 912 Quantum and it is getting a bit worse for wear. Has anyone put a different type of propeller on their Pegasus? I would like to go a Bolly but would like to know if there are other options or if Arplast is my only option. Regrads Les
  19. Hi, I recently recieved some quotes for $10M hangar keepers PL insurance. They range from about $880 to $1200/year (none of them firm offers yet). Can anyone share what their costs are for this insurance? Cheers Les
  20. Ringer, then worked for the Dept Primary Industries now Environmental Specialist working in mining and now gas.
  21. Hey Fellow Trikers, See link below to an add for my trike for sale. http://www.recreationalflying.com/classifieds/aircraft-recreational-1/912-pegasus-quantum-583/
  22. Hi, The Morgan Aeroworks site doesn't have Landing and TO distances (over 50m obstacle) for the Sierra 100 or the Cheetah. Does anyone have these numbers or is there any estimates from current owners? Thanks Les
  23. Did you get a price for it Blackrod? Look expensive
  24. G'day GDL, If you look through this forum you will find plenty of discussion on the Jabiru motor vs. Rotax 912 et al. Generally the camp seems to be split between those for and those against the Jabiru motor. In my limited experience having trained in a Jabiru 2200 and owning a trike with Rotax 912 I have had positive experiences with both. I have no experience with the Alpi Pioneer so can't comment there. There is plenty of experience on this forum so i am sure someone will be able to advise. Cheers
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