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Everything posted by LimaMike08

  1. Quote: "I really like the look of the Ibis, however I'm unsure what the dog wearing the top hat has to do with it..." Evan, I believe the dog is just a family pet, and probably a better looking model than most of us. Ross, One of my reasons for liking the IBIS is the size of the cabin (and also cargo area). Being larger and longer than most I have found that alot of the UL's aren't made for us bigger folks (that may be a size-ist comment). So far I have only found the Foxbat to have a wider cabin than the IBIS......and the trike of course, although hanging out over the sides shouldn't count. Luckily I haven't had enough time in the flying game to yet be bored with any of the makes (that may be an age-ist comment). Cheers PS. If anyone has advise on other makes/models out there that comfortably fit the long and large, please let me know.
  2. 6'3" & 120kg fits into a J160 no worries. I have multiple knee ops as well, so bending the knees enough to get in can soemtimes be an issue, but with the right technique the J160 is no dramas. No dramas in the Ibis 700 either. It might have been the seat position but I couldn't fit in a Sav at the Clifton fly in.
  3. Hi Mat, 7646 I think. Brand new, only had about 10 hours on it. It had yokes as well which I didn't mind. I am pretty big too so found it pretty comfortable (loved the leather seats).
  4. Hey BlackRod, I have done a bit of internet searching on the P1 but not flown one. A mate just bought a Ibis which is how a got a chance to fly it. Really made me realise that you have got to try out as many makes as possible otherwise you don't know what you what you are missing out on.
  5. I went for a fly in a IBIS GS700 on Saturday. I've got to say that I was very impressed. The low speed handling, STOL charatistics, benign stalls all make for a very easy plane to fly. After learning to fly in a J160 I found it required much less input in general. I think it has gone to the top of my wish list (with the Morgan Sierra)
  6. I had a sit in a Sav xl today at the Clifton fly in and needed a shoe horn to get in and out. Being that I am big in all dimensions and multiple knee surgery means that I don't bend that well either, can anyone tell me if the Sav S is easier to get into? I know the cabin is larger but is the door larger as well. As a side note I have no problems getting in a J160 (and even less slipping into my trike) so the the Jab must have bigger doors than it looks.
  7. See youtube links. Jim Greenshields has done it in a few different aircraft. Got to love the commentary in the first one.
  8. Hi All, I have a 912 Pegasus Quantum for sale. It has 455 hours TT. Q2 wing. Trailer etc. See classifieds for more details and photos or contact me on: 0427963066 or [email protected] Cheers Les PS Looking to purchase a 3 axis so if anyone is thinking of trading that way let me know.
  9. Only 200 pounds. I'm 250, although being 6'3" helps spread it out. All I did was buy a plane with a bigger motor ;-)
  10. Thanks all for the advise (and the serenade).
  11. The last couple of times I have had the trike out it has been strongly pulling to the left. The wing has been packed up more often than not in the last year and therefore the battens have been in a bag as well. It is not very relaxing constantly fighting to keep straight and level. I have an idea what it might be but thought I would ask about as I might be missing the obvious. Any thoughts/advise?
  12. Two days of great flying weather in a row and me on days off, sweet! As a bonus I had a close encounter with the feathered kind today that I thought was worth sharing. I was out just a bit west of Warwick (Qld) and was thermaling so had my attention mostly on staying in the thermal (i.e. I was looking mostly on the inside of the turn). When I took a glance to the outside I discovered a rather large eagle about 10m off my wing tip checking me out. I couldn't tell if he was curious or distainful. It gave me enough of a fright to turn on the noise and get out of there but in hindsite I wish I had of taken more of a chance to appreciate it. I'm sure there are plenty of other similiar stories out there, especially among the open cockpit pilots.
  13. An update on this. Wingtech can't replace the whole fabric but can do repairs on the Pegasus wings. In my case the problem is delamination of the leading edge. If the rest of the wing is in good condition then replacement of the leading edge will be about $1200 + transport. I have just got to figure out how the remove the fabric from the frame now. Any advise appreciated. Cheers
  14. Thanks Bill. I was told that Wingtech had the template for Pegasus wings a while ago, but couldn't remember their name.
  15. Not a bad point. i might just try the first winter with thermal underwear and see how I go. Having just bought a house I have discovered the true meaning of "budget".
  16. Castrol AntiFreeze-AntiBoil from Supercheap auto. 50:50 with demineralised water
  17. Hi Again, I am thinking of getting new fabric put on my wing (Q2). Can anyone tell me who I can go to to get this done and what an approximate price might be?
  18. Hi All, Having just moved from the tropics I am finding that the jacket and jeans that done me for winter are not going to cut it down here. Any suggestions on a flight suit that won't break the budget?
  19. Hi Heon, Thanks. I hope to get out to the air strip towards the end of the week. I have just moved to Warwick and have been waiting for the weather to be kind. Seems to happen when I am away for work unfortunately.
  20. Hi, I am having trouble removing the magnetic plug on a rotax 912. I am worried about how much force I am putting into it (and as yet it hasn't budged). Can anyone advise?
  21. This sounds simple (and cheap) which is what I am after, however I am having trouble picturing it. Sorry to be a pain but I don't supoose you would be able to draw up a quick diagram of how it fits together as well as how it is used?
  22. Hi Ray. The hanger doors are 3.2m and my king post is 3.8m (or there abouts). Thanks for your suggestion. That may work.
  23. Hi All, I am trying to figure out the best way to put my trike in a standard hanger without having to take the wing off enterly. I have read about a few options of lowering the nose of the wing onto a trolley and pushing it in without actually disconnecting the wing from the mast. Can anyone provide some advise. Photos would be nice too, if available. Thanks Les
  24. Thanks All, That has helped. Alf, what is the process for getting a ethanol test done. Is there any other way to find out if ethanol is added? I checked out the MSDS's for each at Caltex online and the ingredients for both Regular Unleaded (RON 91) and Premium Unleaded (RON 95)are exactly the same and in the same proportions, so that didn't help. Cheers Les
  25. Hi All, I have been told to only use premium in my 912UL and the pegasus handbook also says to use premium, however the rotax manual says I can use regular. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
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