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Everything posted by LimaMike08

  1. Maybe just shorten the "Airborne Trikes" to just Trikes. Doesn't matter what type it is, does it. Although.....
  2. Thanks John. I appreciate the help.
  3. Crezzi, I had a look at it today (didn't get right into it due to wind and rain and lack of hanger space)however it does look like the sail tension will have to be removed to get the room to move on the leading edge. Have you ever removed the sail tension on the tip? If so can you offer any advise? I would hate to not be able to get it back on or do damage due to wrong technique. Cheers Les
  4. Thanks John.
  5. Hi All, I have got to install a new washout tube/shock cord etc and was wondering if anyone has done it before and if there was any tips you could provide. I haven't had a close look at it yet but have been told it will be a bit a pain to do due to the lack of room to work in. Any advise would be gratefully accepted. It is a Q2 wing if that helps or makes a difference. Cheers Les
  6. :thumb_up:. Thanks all for your feedback. I take everyones point about not skimping on the maintenance and perhaps I could lose a little weight.thumb_down Regards Les PS And Alf, thanks for the good advise with purchasing.
  7. Hi All, I am new to the forum and thought I would say hello. I am currently learning to fly a microlight (and dreaming about my first purchase). The information I have gained from this forum already has been great, however I do have one question I would like some feedback on. My trike experience to date has been in a 912, however due to budget constraints I will probably have to buy a 2nd hand 582. It has been suggested to me that due to my size (108kg) that I would be better off with a 912 (for the extra lift should I ever be in a situation to need it when carrying a passenger). Can anyone relate their experiences with a 582 in this regards? Cheers
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