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About ossie

  • Birthday September 2

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  1. a big up for Avplan
  2. ERSA does the conversion to feet for you (in hundreds of feet). for example..... YWOL airport diagram shows RWY 16/34 length to be 1819 metres. The Physical Characteristics shows a length of 60a, the conversion is - 1819m x 3.281 = 5968.139ft, so the 60a means the RWY is between 5900ft to 6000ft and the surface is asphalt or bitumen. Hope this helps.
  3. removed by mod...off topic
  4. The CASA site is quite informative sometimes..... http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/download/caaps/ops/235_1.pdf
  5. another RC modeller. My first turbine model, and now have a couple more with one the bench just about ready to bolt in the engines.... Sold all the prop models quite a few years ago.
  6. Can't work out what all you blokes are gettin upset about. I practice all the time.....
  7. best to backtrack (taxi) down the centreline....you're much easy to see Oh, turn so you can see the circuit and don't park on the keys...
  8. That's interesting Dave... Most likely "printed copies" in Motz's post is where the confusion is..... Yes you're are right, printed copies do not need to be carried. However, the correct interpretation of CAR 233 and the AIP, requires a 'hard copy' of a wx brief to be carried. How that hard copy is obtained is left up to the PIC. I took Motz's "printed copy" comment as a 'hard copy' and, I would have thought others, knowing the rules of course, would have taken that the same way. Oh, for those copying a wx brief via phone, radio or other electronic means, obviously get the latest one, don't forget to jot down the issue and validity time, it might save some embarrassment if ramp checked down the track. And, storing aeronautical information locally on any electronic device and using it as your primary source of information is jumping the gun as far as the regulations are concerned regardless of what Mr OzRunways tells you. As Dave says, it's still works in progress with CASA at the present time, unless of course you have Class 1,2 or 3 EFB approval. Ciao Os
  9. CAR 233 (h) and AWB 00-017 issue 2 as a valid CPL holder you'd know, or at least know how to find it.....
  10. Maybe this scenario has not been considered...... "SYD CTR....." Twin 'ABC' cleared CN RNAV track DCT WC Contact CN TWR 120.1 Traffic in your 2oclock 2miles 6500' unverified.. "TWIN...." Cleared CN RNAV track DCT WC Contact CN TWR 120.1...traffic sighted...'ABC'. TWIN then changes to CN ATIS, prior to calling CN TWR approaching WC. No one interested because TWIN driver and SYD CTR well ahead of the game... Jab driver possibly oblivious to all this, whilst looking at acft below that's no threat, and allowing oneself to be in a position and at an altitude that is likely to conflict with IFR arrivals. Please post up the reply to the incident report.....
  11. Okay, can see now where you're going wrong..... Here's how to solve the problem in your example - 1. place wind (045/20) UNDER True Index, if the instructions you're reading say 'opposite' they actually mean UNDER 2. mark wind speed (cross) (20kts) UP from the centre. In the photo below I've marked it from the 100kt mark, you can mark it from any speed mark. I've also drawn the wind vector to help visualise (In your example the wind is coming from 045T at 20kts). Now, 1. rotate compass ring so True Track (276) is UNDER True Index, again if the instruction you're reading say 'opposite' they actually mean UNDER. 2. move card so TAS (130kts) is under your wind mark (cross) 3. read drift, in this example = 7deg right, then read your Ground Speed = 141kts So the answer is - 276 + 7 = 283T and a Ground Speed of 141kts. And, don't forget to apply the Magnetic Variation to determine your Magnetic Heading :)) The best way to help visualise is to draw your track and wind direction on a map, that will clear up any confusion.... Hope the above helps :))
  12. Not quite sure what you're trying to say, but if you are placing the reciprocal heading under the True Index....you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how to use it....... If you're in Sydney, am happy to sit down with you to clear things up....
  13. great !! another damn gauge we have to teach people to stop looking at......
  14. Hey Mark, and ain't Nina a pretty little thing
  15. Okay thanks, looking for canopy for RV8 fastback.
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