That's interesting Dave...
Most likely "printed copies" in Motz's post is where the confusion is.....
Yes you're are right, printed copies do not need to be carried. However, the correct interpretation of CAR 233 and the AIP, requires a 'hard copy' of a wx brief to be carried. How that hard copy is obtained is left up to the PIC.
I took Motz's "printed copy" comment as a 'hard copy' and, I would have thought others, knowing the rules of course, would have taken that the same way.
Oh, for those copying a wx brief via phone, radio or other electronic means, obviously get the latest one, don't forget to jot down the issue and validity time, it might save some embarrassment if ramp checked down the track.
And, storing aeronautical information locally on any electronic device and using it as your primary source of information is jumping the gun as far as the regulations are concerned regardless of what Mr OzRunways tells you. As Dave says, it's still works in progress with CASA at the present time, unless of course you have Class 1,2 or 3 EFB approval.