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Everything posted by ossie

  1. Okay, sounds like you have a very 'unique' E6-B...!! How bout posting up some pics so we all can see
  2. RV-8 under construction
  3. I reckon you're not applying the wind correctly......follow the instructions on the E6-B and you wont go wrong. Check this out, it will clear things up for you.....
  4. lucky devil.....
  5. wow.....couldn't believe how many other people had nothing better to do on xmas morning than log-on here.... merry xmas all
  6. The misses's bladder will .... Say 77kgs each person, that only leaves 20 odd kgs of fuel available, staying under MTOW. There'll be plenty of stops along the way to cop an earful....except YLHI.... One up, and that thing looks awesome....
  7. my favourite too... the more rounded bulbous looking they are, the more I like looking at them...... now were's the misses..!!
  8. the old 'landing on a bush strip that goes pear shape'.....followed by a bunch of bush lawyers/expert's commentary...!! ever wonder why ALA's are only written up in CAAPs ?? Those suggesting a 'duty of care' exists against the airport owners/operator when permission was not sort, and, a proper evaluation of the airfield was not conducted by the PIC in accordance with his license privileges, are drawing a long bow in my opinion....
  9. and, there are none here ??
  10. If this scenario actually occurred you'd have had quite a bit of training and number of waivers under your belt, and you'd be sitting back watching, just watching, this thread, reminiscing what a great flight that was...... :-)))
  11. my day off.....
  12. ossie


    St. Peter is very busy in Heaven, so he leaves a sign by the Pearly Gates: “For Service Ring Bell.” Away he goes; he barely gets started when BING! the bell rings. He rushes back to the gates, but no one’s there. St. Peter goes back to work when suddenly BING! the bell rings again. He rushes back to the gates, but no one’s there. A little annoyed, St. Peter goes back to work. Suddenly, BING! the bell rings again. St. Peter goes back; again, no one’s there, and he’s now really, really irritated. “Okay, that’s it,” he says. “I’m going to hide and watch to see what’s going on.” So St. Peter hides, and a moment later, a little old man walks up and rings the bell. St. Peter jumps out and yells, “Aha! Are you the guy who keeps ringing the bell?” “Yes, that’s me,” the little old man says. “Well, why do you keep ringing the bell and going away?” St. Peter asks. “They keep resuscitating me.”
  13. how does that work ??
  14. Interesting that the list of disgruntly QF/ex QF employees is steadily growing..!! Can assure you that quite a number of QF skippers are on over 400K per year, taking into account allowances for both flying and other duties. Is that excessive..??......the beancounters think so, and so does joe public, right up until the time they plonk their a$$ in a jet. Have never been able to work out why so many that work for the airline are 'biting the hand that feeds them' ..!! The clever ones had seen, early in their careers, that opportunities are abound if one only looks, whether it's flying or a ground job. Ones that I know, and have worked with, are either still with QF earning good coin, or have moved on to other carriers earning even better coin...... If it's loyalty you're on about, mate, that went out the window years ago....some know that, and positioned themselves accordingly. Anyway, back to the topic...has anyone seen the ICAO investigations on the number of fake licenses in the sub-continent. There are suggestions that it could be in excess of 4000. A few have been caught but investigations are continuing, or so it seems.
  15. Geez OME, the fresh air/avgas out at CN has done wonders..!! Oh, you still flying off that hill out at Mt Annan with Mr Wenban ??
  16. No, but have noticed I drink more before getting on, to sleep and prevent this:faint:from happening.....
  17. ya gonna need more than a leather helmet to cover that ugly noggan of yours......
  18. Discuss......okay, If you're 14nm off in 30, I'd suggest you think about finding a new job...!!!!
  19. we've all (us at Camden) wondered why it aint come outta the shed..!!!!!
  20. code is usually marked somewhere on the airside side on or near the gate....CTAF freq is the code at a few 'secured' airports I've been to.......:thumb_up:
  21. same place as I keep these....need them after I read the book....
  22. Boy, you blokes carry some junk.... This is all I take....
  23. ossie


    Google is your friend....try this one - http://www.visi.com/~mim/nav/
  24. yep, will be interesting..!!! Those in the industry have checked FMC navdatabases (from multiple providers) and found the correct ALT has been coded.
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