Wow them tanks in your Jab must be big, on the 31st Dec BILLY was a long way off the coast.........., not sure that I agree !! Anyone flying up there at that time would have certainly been aware of BILLY, along with those who watch the evening news.With all due respect turboplanner, and I sincerely mean that, the problem is unless one's profession is in aviation there seems to be an endless list of acronyms. Yes, I agree that list appears to be longer than any other industry, but really it's no different.
To post up a one liner like -
"and not give the whole picture is irresponsible in my opinion. Why, because BILLY was not a code or acronym at all, and there are many young and not so young pilots struggling to decipher all the information, then read this and throw their arms up and say "no not another damn coded message I have to learn".
Maybe the best approach here would have been -
"Hey guys I seen "BILLY" in a WX message (post up that message) the other day, it refers to a cyclone up in the north west. Check out all the WX messages, the BOM site and the news for the info"
Australia may not follow ICAO to the letter, but go look at some other countries AIP's and compare the content, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well we do it in this country.
No, I don't work or ever have worked for AsA or CASA or the BOM, and I too struggled with the so called "jargon" when I started out, but like all conscientious young pilots I read through all the documentation and began to understand why and yep, I'm still learning.
Hope this is taken in the right context.