Hey there avi8tor72,
Know exactly what your going through, except it took me quite a bit longer to sort myself out. I had a great job, good money with heaps of international travel, but as the years rolled by I could never shake that dream I had as a young boy.
I remember a wise old man telling me years ago, a week or so before I married..."you can't make anyone happy unless your happy yourself "
At the tender age of 45 I decided to have a go, much to the disbelief of work colleagues and friends. Fortunately my wife and kids could see the effect my previous life was having on me, it was the frustration on their faces that woke me up...
So, I completed my CPL and Flight Instructor rating a few years ago and haven't looked back since. Sure the money is not within a bulls roar of what I was earning, and as others here have pointed out, that's not what life is all about.
That wise old man I mentioned, well he's my dad. The look on his face when I showed him my shiny new CPL brought a tear to my eye......somehow he just knew.
I'm 51 now and have never been happier............:thumb_up: