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  1. Yep it was real dusty that's for sure. Filled the radiator with straw while waiting in line to depart ...... engine was a little warmer than normal on the way home :)
  2. After the Chaser's little stunt at APEC it just shows how easy it is to fool people. And their cards were deliberately made to be wrong ....... if they had gone to the trouble of making them look real they may well have got all the way and been able to have a coffee with Bush :big_grin:
  3. It is interesting that the planes that flew into the World Trade Centre were hijacked in the US but we are the ones with the crappy cards. Any one that believes that a card will make a shred of difference to someone wanting to get up to mischief is kidding themselves. You could go to any of the people that supply the gear to make plastic cards and make a half decent copy that would pass muster in no time. It has been more a decision to be seen to be doing something rather than any improvement to security.
  4. Just to be told I can fly whenever I like for the next year ....... with a right of renewal Oh and dinner with Angelina Jolie would be nice ;) though that wish could cause me a bit of pain :black_eye:
  5. Yes took a few photo's including in side the cockpit. Need to work out how cut down their size to post them. However this link gives the story and shows photo's taken at Oshkosh this year. http://www.aero-news.net/SpecialContent.cfm?ContentBlockID=6965df6d-6c78-469f-b8fc-8b3cb829359f&cat=27#d
  6. I had the opportunity to have a look at the Skycatcher at Oshkosh this year. It looks a neat aircraft but I am not so sure about the engine as it will be a lot more expensive than some others to maintain. I an 6 foot and around 90 Kg's and I did fit so size is reasonable. The control stick they had in the mockup was not all that nice and in fact in the end they had to get someone from the company to sit in the aircraft with people as it was in danger of being broken off. Felt weird to be honest and I would not be surprised if that is changed. They certainly sold a lot at Oshkosh with an electronic counter showing nearly 600 sold during that week. From what was being said a lot were being ordered by flying schools. The new Cirrus SRS LSA looked better to me.
  7. As strange as it may seem Bruce there are those that can fly model helicopters like that. They must have shed fulls of broken models though to get to that standard :)
  8. The only Grob Egret two seat aircraft flying in the world. Based at Parafield South Australia and used for airbourne research. Powered by a Garret turbine. [ATTACH]764[/ATTACH]
  9. Most unfortunate accident. The pilot was someone that I knew and he had been flying Austers for many years. He was also a well respected Tug pilot. With someone with that much flying experience it is hard to understand how they would turn into power lines. Again shows that just because you may fly a lot mistakes can still be made and is a warning to us all.
  10. Work for Agile Communications/Internode Systems one of the large Australian ISP's as a Business Development Manager :)
  11. It will be interesting to see what Rotax decide Dave. My main worry would be that if there is any sort of engine fire then it would get a whole lot worse if the hoses or plastic elbows give way (or more to the point when they do in that situation) as there is no way to stop the "coolant" from continouing to feed the fire. You can turn the fuel off but a couple of litres of Evans would sure keep things warm . CASA may well have an opinion given they issued a directive a while ago for Rotax engines to use Evans and later amended it to allow both Evans and 50/50 coolant. http://www.casa.gov.au/airworth/airwd/adfiles/piston/rotax/rotax-021.pdf
  12. As a follow up to the saga of using Evans another interesting fact has emerged in the last few days. Stemme the manufacturers of the Stemme Motor Glider (the current model uses a Rotax 914) have issued an AD that if you are using Evans it must be replaced with a 50/50 coolant water mix. According to the AD it has been found that Evans will burn. Not a nice thought to have an engine fire that gets fed by the engine "coolant" if the pipes rupture . http://ad.easa.europa.eu/page-2/ BlueSideUp
  13. I think the Australian agent is Barry Pendleton but I don't know his contact details. This is a link to an article he has written on the Pioneer 300. http://www.pioneeraviation.co.uk/pr02.htm
  14. My girl friend and Icame toa mutual agreement that if I wanted a life of sex with her, they (and flying) had to go. Now that is tough. How many years did it take you to talk that situation around ?. BlueSideUp
  15. Yes I understand that Evans has a much higher boiling point. I still don't like running an engine constantly at close to or in the hot range for the engine. Regardless how good Evans is regarding it's boiling point it is not as good at heat transfer as a Glycol/water. Does not matter what is used in the engine hot is hot
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