No worries - we are in Melbourne, but I work at YLTV during the week...
Yeah I have an idea about what is involved (warbirds are a good place to look when it comes to manufacturing parts from scratch ha!)....but I am an engineer long before I'll ever claim to be a pilot!
I have spoken to a few people out this way and it is funny the opposing view points from those of us from the aircraft maintenance world to the pilots regarding building from scratch
Realistically, I was told not to look at the kit laid out on the ground as it can overwhelm some builders....I looked at it and wondered where the rest of it was, my exact thoughts were "is that all?" - my background is a little different I guess.
My partner and I are of the same mindset when it comes to making things and are very excited to get stuck in, we also have the luxury of just being able to order individual parts considered "too hard" or easier to just buy rather than manufacture, but the sheetmetal stuff is simple and straightforward to me...and there are no solid shank rivets! (How easy is that?!)