Yeah, it is intended to be funny, Like Bexr I have spent time in China, on more than just a tourist trip, with friends over there who I still keep in touch with and some who even visit here in NZ when work brings them this way.
It might surprise you but I have tucked into chicken feet myself, with the right spices they aren't bad, a bit bland and with a geletinious texture, but even to foreign preferences they are quite edible. Even chinese I know will joke about them to foreign friends.
Oh yeah, now THAT stuff is just plain inedible! You should get your hands on some NZ Marmite instead!
Back to the original topic, Bexr... didn't the plan originally have diagonal bracing slipped into cutouts in the extrusions down the sides, not just around the join of the bottom fuselage bars? are they no longer needed?