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Everything posted by Kiwi303

  1. Along with the Avro Canada Arrow
  2. Well you did ask Defense Scenario... Pretty much Indonesia is the only one close enough to have any sort of real air to air combat with, everyone else is basically too far away to make land based fighter or bomber attacks effective. And anyone with carriers are either too far away to make invading Australia worth their time (India , Russia, UK, China, France, Spain, Japan, etc) too small to worry much about but have a carrier for prestige purposes (Thailand, etc) or are so damn big that the RAAF would be better off doing an Iraq and donating their planes to the RNZAF like the Iraqi airforce did to Iran. Most defensive scenarios would be served fine with Px loaded with antishipping missiles and whatever subs can put to sea.
  3. Pretty much limited to Indonesia deciding they want to grow Wheat instead of Rice. Anything else is better off dealt with by P3s/P8s loaded with Harpoons from just beyond ship mounted SAM range.
  4. It flies, currently mature technology. Working off-boresight helmet launching, same system as the Typhoon. Quoted RCS of 0.1 while worse than the quoted 0.05 to 0.01 (0.0001 I have seen I reckon is fanboi wishes, 0.01 seems from reputable sources) for the F-35 is better than the F18E/F at 1 or 2 or legacy hornet A/B/C/D at 4+ or F16 at 1.5+. Not stealth as such, but low observability. Good radar, updated Blue Vixen derivative AESA similar to the more powerful Blue Vixen derivative Captor-E in the larger Typhoon. size simply allows more power. Designed from the beginning with sensor integration, it may not have all the bells and whistles the Americans have loaded the F35 with, but if you can buy the sensor, the Gripen can network and run it. LINK 16 for NATO/US interoperability, faster more secure TARAS swedish system for internal comms. plus other networking systems... Pick what you need, not what LockMart want to sell you at markup. Range, Gripen D quoted at 3250km with drop tanks, around 1600km on internal fuel, the E/F models have 40% more fuel but bigger engines, F35A CTOL at 2220km internal fuel (1200NM). This is the biggest difference, the Gripen is a european theater fighter. Shorter range with small countries. Australian use would generally require drop tanks as standard accessories.
  5. I thought the name seemed familiar... don't subscribe to his channel, but even a cave dweller like me has heard of Mr Crazy Jet Bastard.
  6. opps, should have been departure port, not destination port.
  7. It wasn't a Peoples Republic then... No People to sit around talking... You didn't talk, Peasants worked, or died, sometimes both if the boss was in a bad mood. The Enunches might have talked, but they scurried to deliver orders if a noble said something, for fear of losing something more than just balls. Just like Japan at the time, only difference was rather than two swords and being born Samurai, you were born Mandarin and had red coral buttons. Japan didn't have anything like the efficient public service bureaucracy and merit based examinations to pass the orders from the nobles to the peasants tho. They just used low-rank Samurai to pass orders and oversee projects, any big FUBAR, or small one for that matter, and they got to open their bellies with their short sword to apologise. Examination by results I guess... the good overseers survived, the bad ones died.
  8. Better to simply install cellular jammers every few meters throughout... cheap on aliexpress and dealextreme, so should be around on taobao.
  9. Nope. had this before. It's transport only, crane onboard at the destination port, fly off close to the destination island and land normally. Good way of getting across the pacific without running out of gas in the days before in-flight refueling.
  10. In other words... "Do it this way, at this time, in this place."
  11. Interesting phone screenshots... Reminds me of my time in Chongqing... It's also quite common when teaching to have the head teacher tell you something, the class manager tell the class something else and finally a third thing happens... One time I had a class from the School of Foreign Languages of CQJTU, (I worked for the International College of Chongqing Jiaotong University, different department) having been loaned over to cover a short English refresher class for some engineers whose company had just won a contract to do work in Singapore. The ICCJU manager I reported to told me that the last class time I would normally have them for would be an exam so no need to show up the final period. So on the second to last class I told them farewell and good luck with their exam. They were puzzled, Their class coordinator at the SoFL had told them there was no exam, the last class was just cancelled. I texted the ICCJU manager, the class rep texted the SoFL class co-ordinator, and someone must have organized something, we both got told to show up at the classroom that last class. Next day, showed up, everyone waiting around joking and playing up while we wonder what happens, and the SoFL co-ordinator shows up and hustles us upstairs to a meeting room set up with a big table... Speech time. Deans talking, head of departments talking, class rep talking, me talking, lots of speechifying at short notice. Photos, diplomas/certificates handed out, photos taken, and all done. That sort of organisation skills was pretty standard for China.
  12. Or hit that manor house it looked like he overflew the gardens of.
  13. Looks like he had a soft landing, and not in the sense of a light touchdown, but more in the sense of a squelching halt in brown goo.
  14. Mohammed must have met a few Yoga gurus in his time traipsing round the desert... And decided he wasn;t going to drink his own piss, looked around and saw a camel at just the right height to make a fine dispenser...
  15. Good. maybe Tiwai point can pay their own electricity bills this year.
  16. Somewhat better than the time a RNZAF SH2 had to land on Te Kaha or Te Mana somewhere in a stiff breeze and rollers...
  17. Hmm. looking at the shadows, no blade shadows... You may be right, just a scale ground display model with blades added. I wonder if it was ready made and waiting in an "April 1st" folder somewhere on his computer?
  18. With the wings well out the back on that, almost Long EZ ish, wouldn't you need a clear plastic canard set up front to provide front lift? Centre of Lift recedes rearwards at high post-Mach velocities, something to do with pressures and sonic booms, so high speed planes tend to be wing-rearwards, not very effective at low speeds like RA and GA planes... Even with a lifting body design, I wonder how the nose stays up on that plane.
  19. A JATO pack help? Or would that just Darwinise the nearest cliff face?
  20. I guess they can go mid engine like that, sit the engine where the pilot goes on a tractor mount and put the pilot up front like a real jet. Wasn't some guy called Malish or the like doing another Ducted fan somewhere in Russia?
  21. But would someone with a NZ RAANZ certificate and a ZK-xxx reg Microlight be able to fly in Aussie... They have a certificate, and a registered aircraft, boxes ticked, but not CASA boxes. Through the NZCAA system of putting microlights (sub 600Kg rules etc) on the ZK system not on a separate RAANZ system like your number RAAus regs could be tricky as you can't tell from looking at the reg whether it is a microlight or GA just from the reg.
  22. Well they are used to the Vietnam heat...
  23. Especially since Afghanistan is so much more recent than Vietnam. also http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/syrians-are-paying-a-high-price-for-russia-s-cheap-bomb-1744082828
  24. I'm sure there's an App for that. It probably runs on Win 2000 or some legacy server system tho.
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