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Everything posted by Kiwi303

  1. On a side note, for cars, do not forget mandatory government required safety features. It used to be if you crashed you carked it with the steering wheel shart co-located with the aorta, now you have a crash and the public health system sews you back together and the welfare system pays you invalids benefits for the rest of your wracked and mangled life.
  2. That Searey isn't the famous Southern Sun? I hope everyones insurance was up to date and covers new planes, looks like repair will be a LOT more difficult and pricer than a new 2 week build.
  3. Australia just wants to build everything defence related in Australia... Buy one sub overseas with future foremen watching the pros and build the rest in-country. Which means the first sub was fine, but the crazy aussie electrical monkeys wound the coils wrong for the rest of the engines and shorted things... Then there was the ANZAC frigate debacle... Building the infrastructure and training the welders and other things to build them in yards that were used to building small fishing boats meant they came in almost 3 times the cost of buying them straight off the already smoothly running and integrated slips from Blohm and Voss in Germany. The 105mm Hamel guns... 8 times more expensive delivered than buying direct from the armoury churning them out for the British Army... There is a point that you should say They make them and know what they are doing... Let them do their job" and shoot any Job-Creating pollie or union leader who wants to burn taxpayers money on wasteful duplication of resources which will just languish again after the project is finished.
  4. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/aircraft/other/auction-1033855814.htm
  5. That doesnt look very durable... look at all the flakes dropping off near the end!
  6. The article doesn't have them whinging about the heliambulance services, but the regular tourist joyrides ,and the sports days VIP trips to the games on the big days. Looking at some NZ tourism trips, 40 min flights every hour on the hour daily in good weather... If I lived under that and wasn't deaf, I'd be muttering about commercial activities in a residential zone as well. Add a fleet of rich cats shuttling to their boxes on game day instead of having to fume their way through snarled streets and full parking to get to the stadium.
  7. http://dailycaller.com/2016/01/22/american-gripen-the-solution-to-the-f-35-nightmare/
  8. Manufacturers I don't know, but it's a popular home build resin system. Simple, convenient and on a par with pretty much any other consumer available system.
  9. I went and looked at the West Systems website. A bit of Wikipedia first. The heat deflection temperature or heat distortion temperature (HDT, HDTUL, or DTUL) is the temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load. This property of a given plastic material is applied in many aspects of product design, engineering, and manufacture of products using thermoplastic components. Determination The heat distortion temperature is determined by the following test procedure outlined in ASTM D648. The test specimen is loaded in three-point bending in the edgewise direction. The outer fiber stress used for testing is either 0.455 MPa or 1.82 MPa, and the temperature is increased at 2 °C/min until the specimen deflects 0.25 mm. This is similar to the test procedure defined in the ISO 75 standard. The lowest HDT listed on the 105 resin family page was 117*F. http://www.westsystem.com/ss/typical-physical-properties/ So anything under 47*C and you're good.
  10. I see that has 420m2. If you want small, Try Cebu, Lawaan I in Talisay city has some 48 SqM blocks with 32 SqM houses on them. around 200,000 philippine pesos.
  11. Well, they may well have meant some other plastic, I was talking about nylon itself tho :) Nylon has a melting point above 400F/200C depending on the type of nylon. which tells you how much the MGF and Lotus would overheat by. I'm sure the Rotax bushings have better wear stats than Nylon does, through some nylon composites are pretty interesting .
  12. I'd be Chary about nylon too... I had a MGF, needed to watch the temp since the thermostat was on the inlet not the outlet and the head gasket locating pins were nylon. Fine for the little Metro town commuter car the engine was designed for originally, in the Lotus and the MGF there were lots of melted pins and walking gaskets due to overheating and then shock cooling when the thermostat opened.
  13. Most of the so called "Third World" have them, the "First World" or "Western" nations supplanted them with banks and cheques and electronic transfers, Back in the 1800's they still used Letters of Credit between money lenders and Telegraph Transfers. Even as late as WW2. With the rise of banks and rapid ever-present inter-bank communication that sort of money-in-money-out transfer became irrelevant. In less developed cash economies where bank accounts are a luxury for the rich, cash transfer is a necessity for delivering money to your relatives or creditors. Most of the "Second World" or ex-soviet-sphere countries have a blended system, cash transfer but done through the banks, which fits with their central soviet control system where the state had it;s nose in everything. Walk into your bank, pay the fee and pay in the cash to be sent, then the recipient can walk into one of the bank branches near them with ID and walk out with the cash. Sorta like a cheque without the cheque itself. In the Philippines even pharmacies can do it for drugs. Son with a job walks into a pharmacy in Manila, orders and pays, Aged Father in Davao hobbles into a branch of the same nationwide chain and provides ID and hobbles out with his drugs.
  14. Yep, Worldremit suits me, I tried several ways before, Xoom is the only one I can remember, apart from the obvious Western Union, WU has that big ass user fee on it, something like 35 bucks a time! too much, Xoom was around $15 to send to the Philippines, I would only send something once every quarter or so for special occasions, a birthday, pay the school fees for one of the girls, etc. they both have cash pickup options, but not as many offices for them as Worldremit. WR is partnered with M L Huellier, a Quata Padala (sp) provider, filipino for money transfer. So a working filipino on some island resort could walk into a ML Huellier office near the resort and send money to his parents in the poor quarter of a big city. There are a LOT of ML Huellier offices around the Philippines, which makes it a very convenient way. Plus at only $4 a pop instead of $15 or $35, I send more often as well. I don't donate to the likes of the Childrens Fund or other sponsor-a-child-for-$1-a-day charities. This way I have the same effect, and I know who the money is helping directly.
  15. Is this including the $6.96 fee you mentioned in the first post? if so it's a good site and worth using. If not then adding the fee would bring them pretty much to parity, in which case since you're already signed up with your one it's worth just keeping it anyway, no point in changing. Either way works fine. I like how Worldremit charges my debit card in NZD locally avoiding an overseas transaction fee (usually a few cents when buying things online) or a bank conversion rate while making the pay out in the Philippines in Pesos.
  16. I had a quick look at the Worldremit site and plugged in the US instead of the Philippines. They only have a Bank Deposit option for the US, but using them: I set it to Receive $1000. The number you used in the OP. Send amount = 1562.94 NZD Fee = 3.99 NZD Total to Pay = 1566.93 NZD Your recipient gets = 1000 USD Exchange rate used: 1NZD = 0.63982USD Taking the NZD 1566.93 and putting that into xe.com which is the online calculator I use most that tracks the live market rates gives USD 1,016.55 It costs you 16.55 USD to send 1000 USD. or 1.655%
  17. I tend to use WorldRemit sending money to friends. But then it's only for amounts of $10 or so to the Philippines, where they can then pick it up from a company there. They have bank transfers et al, but my friends I made while there don't have bank accounts, it's easier sending cash, and a few dollars goes a long way at their level. They charge a flat fee of $3.99 NZD for the transfer service, some of which would be passed on as the money transfer pickup point companies fee too, plus a not the greatest exchange conversion, but still a better conversion rate than the bank uses!
  18. I see NoTing, NOOO-Ting! in the New Topics list that fits... (My apologies to Sgt Shultz.)
  19. It's been a while since I read the magazine, but one of the magazines that was available at the library was on warplanes, one had a cutaway drawing of a Frogfoot in it some years back... Make that many years back, I was in High school then. If I remember the cutaway right, it has a central spine rather than being a monocoque type with the body and stressed skin providing the structureal strength. Plus it has sort of upside down L shaped armour plating casing the engine to direct any failure out of the podded engine compartment and isolate the other engine on the far side. From the looks of the pic the design worked, the SAM went up heat trail of the exhaust, fractured the combustor rings and catastropic loss of the spinning hot side fans. But the damage mostly went out, and was isolated from the other engine, which allowed it to get home. Those designers knew what they were doing alright.
  20. LAMBington? :D
  21. If you want to see what a good vs bad OT situation is, Go look at Forums.hybridz.org and you will see one of the worlds best TECHNICAL orientated forums, there is SOME OT stuff, but very little and car orientated. I don't think I have ever seen a politics thread, and thread drift in that direction gets a stamping. I like it there.
  22. This is a private site, owned by the admin, and the only question is is it a benevolent dictatorship or a tyrannical dictatorship. What Admin decides is going to happen, is what is going to happen. I'm fine with all the OT guff getting the boot to it's own OT forum. That's what Facebook is for, not Rec Flying.
  23. How many of those with a fancy panel set have an autopilot? From what I read, it sounds wiser if you get trapped in IMC conditions to just pop the autopilot on and set it to climb wings level above the clouds... then just sit back and wait until you are VFR above the clouds again before finding a break to descend through. Or have ground control give a lower ceiling height and set the autopilot to descend below the clouds until you can go VFR again below the ceiling.
  24. Happened here, the Smelter down south at Tiwai point was threatening to close if they didn't get electricity at a price they liked, Govt leaned on the (govt owned) power company, sweetheart deal achieved. Govt share dividend lowered due to lowered profits from the govt owned power co, but lots of workers paying income tax instead of recieving the dole more than balances that.
  25. Well, if you follow the links in the ATSB "correcting the media buzzards bad reporting" link in the previous page, that article is refuted. The plane did NOT circle the pilots home island. Noone has said if the flaperon was up or down, or speculated in an official capacity, that is media wishful thinking. The engine flameout scenario envisioned and calculated for is one flaming out, followed by the other in close order due to fuel exhaustion. The articles author refutes the official calculation on the basis of one engine flaming out but the other continuing to run, not what they say would happen.
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