I remember reading a tourist guide about the 'Lake', saying that an aircraft got stuck there in the 60's, and is now "...a small salt-encrusted island.." Anyone tempted to try a landing out there needs to remember that image. I once watched a STOL aircraft try a touch and go on the surface, but broke through and started making deep tracks as the mud got hold. Fortunately he had enough power 100hp Rotax and a good high lift wing (Zenith 701) and a light load, but just barely managed to pull free......... It was a very close call, and a very tense time, with probably just as much of a mess in his shorts as the mud below....
Actually, I have landed out in the middle of Lake Eyre in a Beaver ultralight many years ago. But that was only after first walking out 4 hours under a full moon, and identifying a solid hard salt pan and marking it with my GPS. That spot was just as hard a concrete, as I found when I slept out there the rest of the night without a mattress.... Had to skirt around lots of soft muddy spots that looked just the same from the air but would have been traps for the unwary. Flew out the next morning and landed on that absolutely smooth surface, Waa-Hoo!