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Everything posted by JG3

  1. That sounds good, I was just going to start making hinges...... You reckon Danny has a set?? JG
  2. Here are the cliffs next to the Torrey Pines Golf Course just north of San Diego. These men release their hawks, and then soar with them. This is really spectacular. Click here: ParaHawkinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd5BMP_41bI&rel=0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3>
  3. Cancel the request. I've just made my own from aluminium. JG
  4. Yeh that's a real shame. Not enough cafes on airfields in this country....... JG
  5. The Lazair is still flying, now electric powered.
  6. Someone already posted a link to this excellent real-time Global Wind Map, but it quickly got buried under some other threads. It's so fascinating and useful that I'm posting it again. Click and drag to tour the globe, use scroll wheel to zoom in, click anywhere for a wind speed. Zoom in on eastern Australia and see the massive SE'r that we're now experiencing, and have a look at South Australia to see where the high temps are coming from. Then go to the north Atlantic and see what Ireland is facing. Fascinating! http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/1000hPa/orthographic=151.63,0.01,273 JG
  7. I carry No-Doz caffiene tablets in my aircraft, and always take one before an afternoon flight. There's something about droning along in an aircraft at that time of day that really brings on the heavy 'drowsies', and can't just pull over for a quick nap. JG
  8. But then she rang Lauren in Canada, and found out they're spoken for.... Guess I'll have to make them..... JG
  9. Turns out those ailerons are already owned by someone.......... JG
  10. I've been leaving voice and text messages for Wayne's daughter (Laurel?, Lauren?) 0451 109 763 for a week, no reply.... Do you have any other contact?? JG
  11. On New Years morning official first light was 5:24, sunrise was 5:51 NSW time. I took off at 5:30. As I understand it, we are allowed to fly at first light. Easy to climb to altitude in that time. JG
  12. True, latitude makes a difference, about 13 minutes at Tasmania, but someone does have to be up there. I did my 2011 sunrise flight above the Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania, that's about as early as you can get. JG
  13. Here's a photo seen from my first flight on New Year morning. From 6,700 ft near Cape Byron, easternmost point of Australia. So I was probably the first person in the country to see the sun in 2014. Wishing all of you clear skies and tailwinds for the coming year. JG
  14. Thanks heaps for that, I'll follow it up. JG
  15. My last flight was sunrise this morning New Years Day. Took off at first light and met the sun at 6700 ft. This was over Point Byron, the easternmost point of Australia. So I was probably the first in the country to see the sun this year. Sure is a heck of lot better than head under a pillow with a hangover..... I have a great photo but don't know how to post it here??? Wishing everyone a fun flying year to come. JG
  16. Both Hans and I mounted the knob in the same position as original on the left. Bought the units with 6 ft cables, and snaked the right side around to the carb in an easy sweep. Kept the left side cable same length and just made a large diameter 360 behind the panel. Theory for that was to help ensure carb balance. Don't know if that was necessary for balance, but it sure works well.... JG
  17. We found these dual throttle cables, designed especially for the dual carburetor 912 series, to be excellent. Very high quality engineered construction. Smooth action, good friction adjustment. Sturdy cables for push-pull security. Got rid of that crap firewall torque tube contraption, and now carburetors stay in balance forever.... Only have one control knob in the cockpit, but don't need two except for training.... http://www.mcfarlane-aviation.com/Products/?CategoryID=260&ID=76489575& Also available from Aircraft Spruce. JG
  18. X-Air Model F skins are available (complete set for all surfaces including fuselage US$3495 + shipping) from The Ultralight Store in California. Also Maxair Drifter sails for US$1595 complete set. He has a very good reputation for ultralight sail manufacture. http://www.theultralightstore.biz/ JG
  19. Gday to California, I keep a Kolb in a trailer at Brian Ranch airfield, between Palmdale and Hesperia, and go over and fly it when I can. My last trips in the USA are at http://www.tailwindsplease.com/usa-flyingroad-trip/ Lots of really terrific scenery over there. Australia is great, but so flat compared to that rugged high desert over there. If you get out this way get in touch and we'll go for a fly. JG
  20. Blue markers are airfields near enough to town. Purple markers are fly-in resorts. There should be an explanation above the list of places on the left of the page. JG
  21. Got it now, thanks. JG
  22. Come on, there must be unused Drifter ailerons gathering dust somewhere........ JG
  23. Got them, thanks for that. JG
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