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Everything posted by JG3

  1. Have look at this one. http://www.vimeo.com/21181307 JG
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  2. A tradition that I have kept for many years is to take off at very first light on New Years morning, and meet the sun at 5000 ft, then follow it down to the ground again. What a great way to start the New Year! So much better than nursing a sore head under a pillow.... Here's what I saw this year, over Somerset Dam, SE Qld. Wishing everyone tailwinds in everything you do this coming year. JG
  3. This was a good one, across the middle and around the NW. Photos.
  4. I much prefer the McCreary brand, the Condors are a lot heavier..... Profiles are similar. Are there more of those McCreary's available?? A friend would like to get some. JG
  5. I count 10 Jabirus for sale in the same issue.......
  6. Geoff, OK, I finally got in direct touch with Free Flying at Caloundra, and yes they're still in action. It seems that they've been working up in Mt Isa for awhile, but will be back in Caloundra later this week. Their website has changed to http://www.freeflyingcaloundra.net/ They fly a Texan. JG
  7. There's avgas at Nullarbor, but not sure at Border. The strip at Nullarbor is better.
  8. Yes, Nullarbor Roadhouse and Border Village both taxi right to the back of the roadhouse. Premium fuel. Good runways. JG
  9. I've had a lift-off just about as short as that in my Savannah, when it was young and light, and there was a freezing cold, howling SW gale blowing, like i think there was in the video. (It used to blow like that here sometimes in August, before the climate changed...) An observer reckoned the wheels only made one revolution on the ground. (No videos in phones in those days, so no evidence...) But I didn't haul it up at very low speed just hanging on the prop like that guy did. Just as soon as the wheels lifted, I put the nose down and held it in close ground effect, and built up airspeed rapidly then hauled back and zoomed up real steep, with momentum enough to nose over into a safe glide if the engine coughed. (I have horrors imagining the fuel in the float bowls when at that very steep climb attitude at full power.....) Still able to clear an obstacle just about as high as would have by clawing up there hanging on the prop, but much safer. In a real bush situation there's also a real risk of getting behind the power curve while trying to climb over an obstacle with a slow, prop-hanging climb like that, and losing climb angle and settling into the trees..... That's a 'hot rod' aircraft, like a dragster, probably stripped of all weight, and you could hear the very fine pitch prop crackling even with that load, so it would over-rev straight and level.... Great for show-off and that's just what it is, but really good show-off, eh! JG
  10. My early iPhone works easily for tethering, just turn 'Tethering' on in 'Settings' and enable it on the PC. No charge. JG
  11. I've done email business with a fella in Canada by my iPhone while flying at 5500ft over the Petermann Range 50nm west of Uluru, no problem. Amazing! Telstra NextG is the only way to go. JG
  12. Yeh, you could hear the wind rumbling in the microphone. JG
  13. Gday Kreisha, I second Ross's offer. If you're in the Sunshine Coast region we'd be glad to fly you around our patch. JG
  14. Yeh, well that's up to us who do the travelling. I've done plenty of travelling recently, so I guess I need to do some writing..... But a good idea. Kreisha, how about an introduction to everyone, in the form of your cross-country trip adventure. Wasn't an RAAus aircraft at the time, but the right spirit of adventure anyhow. JG
  15. I must mention that I met our new Deputy Editor, Kreisha (Girl with a Fox and a Bat), at Yarram, when she was flying a Cherokee to Tassie and then on to Western Australia. Absolutely bursting with enthusiasm and sense of adventure. Very quick-minded and bright and friendly. She has heaps of energy, and I'm sure that she'll add a real spark to the magazine. I look forward to it. JG
  16. That's if they hear you coming in an engine out glide. Some years ago there was a pilot with an engine out all set up for a golf fairway, but golfers strolling down the middle didn't hear him and get out of the way, so he tried to ditch on a highway and had a fatal headon with a 4WD..... Be good to have a horn to warn them, eh.......
  17. Well actually, as I heard it, it was the approval that the airfield would stay that caused the one school to move to Tassie. Immediately, the owner of the hangar he was operating from raised the rent by 2-3 fold, and priced him out. There never was a lot of business there, more like a subsistence living for dedicated fliers who didn't want to do anything else. Like a lot of flying schools, eh..... JG
  18. Gday Geoff, It's heartening to hear all the helpful response on this forum to your query. As you know, we've been in contact for some time, and I encouraged you to come to Caloundra for your holiday.... At that time there were two Recreational flying schools at Caloundra, but I regret that both have now gone, one to Tasmania and the other has just disappeared without notice..... I'll pick you up in Caloundra and fly you to both Caboolture and Gympie, and a few other airstrips as well, and have a look at the islands and hinterland. Looking forward to it. JG
  19. This manufacturer of floats in Czechoslovakia sent me the following email, seeking a representative in Aus. I pass it on in case anyone else would be interested. I am producer of aluminium floats for ultralight and LSA. I would like ask you if it could be interesting for you (or for somebody from your friends) to cooperate with me as my dealer for QLD? Please, see my web site and let me know. Regards, Josef Fillinger mob. +420 724 375 900 http://www.floats.cz
  20. The pressurized aerosol can type inflators are the way to go for travelling around. They're instant, and seal the leak at the same time, so you can fly on to destination. When you get to a convenient place to do a proper service, throw the tube away. I always carry a spare tube cause you can't always find those sizes when you want. JG
  21. Both now on the map, Thanks. JG
  22. Now marked on the map. Looks like a real good spot, on a route with not many alternatives. Thanks. JG
  23. Ravenswood, Charters Towers, Longreach and Charleville added. More like 2km walk for Charters Towers, but worth it. Charleville is a fair walk, about 3km to the RSL, which is the closest bar and best food value. Cosmos Celestial Observatory next to the airfield. Slabs of concrete all over the bush, remains of the American airbase from WW2.
  24. It's now on the map, thanks. JG
  25. Yeh, expensive accommodation, but camping is $18 pp. Must be quite a unique experience. JG.
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