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Everything posted by JG3

  1. Shute Harbour now on the map. JG
  2. Added El Questro Station, and Emma Gorge. Added this resort at Cape Leveque, is that the place?? http://www.kooljaman.com.au/
  3. Emu Park - OK, I think that's what I've marked on the map. The strip actually runs N/S and is at right angles to the road to Rocky. There's houses all along the east side, and self-storage sheds to the west. Taroom - OK, I've found that one, and it's now on the map. Wandoan - Yeh, I found it pretty much the same as you did. Flying a 50kt ultralight with a 447. Had landed on the main Taroom field late on a Saturday afternoon hoping to find glider fliers for a ride to town, but deserted.... Next morning early (Sunday), got out on the highway with a jerry can, but no traffic.... So headed on south with remaining fuel, and faith...... Found Wandoan with welcome relief just where I really needed it. Don't know what took us so long to do it ! Yes, I've been wanting this info for a long time. Maybe this will now be it. And yes, it needs constant updating. I can open it up to anyone to edit, but have a feeling that could get out of hand. I'm willing to maintain it and add airstrips and modify it as info comes to hand. Hopefully Ian can put it on it's own button, like those for Classifieds, Photo Competition, etc. Then anyone can post corrections and new strips on here and I'll add them to the map. JG
  4. This is the state of the map at present Pubs and Food Map For those who are unfamiliar with manipulating Google Maps, here are some tips: - Move around the map by click and drag. - Click on 'Satellite' or 'Map' in the upper right corner to switch between map and satellite view. - Zoom in our out with the +- scale on the left side, or with the thumb wheel on the mouse. - Zoom right in close in 'Satellite' view to have a good look at the strip and surrounds. JG
  5. That's a good one, thanks, added to the map. I'd forgotten about that one. Landed there many years ago when I found it chance.. JG
  6. Maj Emu Park - I've marked what might be the strip, but it's not clear. Please check to see if it's correct. If so, that's a really valuable strip, cause there's not much choice in that area since Hedlow closed. Taroom - Can you describe the location of that strip north of town?? I can't find it on the satellite view.. JG
  7. Sounds like a great place to visit, but would need wheels - it's about 4-5km from the airfield to the pub..... No refueler there these days...... JG
  8. Good one! Got it on the map now. JG
  9. Good one, it's on the map now. JG
  10. Yeh, it's a brilliant place, see photo. Cliffs and caves across the road. Great little seaside town. Way to far to walk to town, but a good visit if you're willing pay taxiis...... JG
  11. Hillston added. Looks like a good one, thanks. JG
  12. I just marked it on the map. Please check to see if I've found the proper strip. JG
  13. Just added it to the map. Please check to see if I've marked the strip correctly... JG
  14. I just added it to the map. Looks really interesting. I like that gold country out there. Thanks. JG
  15. Just added this one to the map. I've started a new category of 'Fly-In Resorts', designated by purple markers. JG
  16. Yeh, I know Merimbula. It's a beautiful place! Camped there for a couple of days while northern NSW was being flooded in '09. Normally wouldn't be allowed to camp on the airfieldfield, but friendly manager obliged. About 2 km to town, but a very pleasant walk. Didn't know about the Golf Club, but that sounds good. Definitely need ASIC card there! The only place I've had someone examine it closely (twice) to see that it was current. Security is a big deal there, with electric fence and infrared light beams! I'll add it to the map right now, thanks for the reminder. Moruya is more like 4km to town, so a bit much of a walk. JG
  17. I just added what I take to be the airstrip. Could you check and see if it looks right?? JG
  18. I put in Barkley Roadhouse in the NT. Is there another in the gulf area?? JG
  19. Good suggestions, thanks, I'll add them when I get the time. This doesn't have to be only country pubs. Might be good to use different coloured markers for different sorts of experience. I'll work on that. Welcome all suggestions, and we can make something interesting of this I reckon.... Keep 'em coming. JG
  20. I left Toompine out because the strip is more like 3km from the pub. I walked in, and scouted places to land my Savannah just across the road, but off course can't recommend that..... Their signature - "Toompine, the pub without a town." JG
  21. Yep, it's an excellent strip. 'Shag pile' is a real good description. If it's wet and the grass is bit long, figure on a long t/o run. Easy walk to the RSL Club for food and drink. JG
  22. Parraburdoo is actually about 3 km from the pub. Like you say it's still walkable, but I had to draw a line somewhere and chose 1km. JG
  23. Here is a map of airstrips that I've used that are 1km or less from food and beer. I consider 1km just a good bit of exercise after sitting in an aircraft for hours. http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?msid=208172682501724513260.0004ab2697c752a1eb177&msa=0&ll=-28.690588,133.330078&spn=40.342952,50.537109 I don't know how to load a map like this into the site, but it seems that it should be accessed by one of those separate buttons. And it should be open to additions and corrections by everyone. Don't know if this is possible. Maybe need to have additions posted in a thread and a moderator add them to the map. A map is such a good way to present them visually, then just click on the balloon to get the details. And then click on 'Satellite' to see the layout. I guess Ian is pretty busy, but it would be good if we could get something like this going..... JG
  24. JG3


    I reckon that's a great idea, but needs to be more than just a new thread. Threads get buried under more recent threads. Needs to be some sort of register that lists strips close enough to towns for an easy walk to the pub, food and fuel. Maybe something like the map I've done for fuel supplies at http://www.stolspeed.com/outback-fuel It would need to be easily accessible for additions and corrections. I don't know how to set up something like that, but hoping someone else does..... I know quite a few of such strips, and would be glad to contribute. JG
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