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Finally here is the visor that I made for my Savannah. Works really well and I use it a lot. Simple construction, light weight and low cost. It's made of that material that's commonly used for real estate for sale signs. It's corrugated plastic, very light and quite rigid. Mine is 600mm wide by 200 deep. I can see out from under this to enough above the horizon for safety. A length of 6mm aluminium rod is epoxied to one edge. I added aluminium strips wrapped around and epoxied to give more strength. Cutouts allow the use of good quality plastic clothes pegs to use as hinges. The clothes pegs are riveted to the cabin top. They provide a friction hinge, and allow easy removal of the visor. When not in use the visor is held up to the overhead console by a tab of velcro. JG
Gympie Poker Run is on this coming Sunday 29 Aug. I want to go to support an eager and growing club, and mix with some different flyers. Picking up cards at Gympie, Wondai, Eidsvold, Gayndah, and Biggenden. Lunch at Biggenden Hotel. Start early and finish by 1300. For more info [email protected] JG
Those long range tanks are the standard factory supplied tanks. Many existing Savannahs are so equipped, either at the time of building or added later. They fit easily in the next outer bays of the wing. Some with one extra tank, some with two. With just a pilot and four full tanks still within the weight limit, and an endurance more than 8 hours! That's really handy for inland travel and makes fuel planning easier and more flexible, can stop at a lot of places that don't have fuel. Also makes it much easier and economical to find unleaded instead of Avgas. Some times a dollar a litre difference in price.... Savannah definitely the way to go! JG
Last weekend Dags tested the reserve alarm in his Savannah by shutting off the fuel at the tanks and watched for the alarm to come on. He flew on and on until the engine coughed as the reserve tank ran dry. Of course he was at altitude and the engine recovered as soon as he turned the fuel back on. The alarm had failed to work, so it was lucky that he wasn't really depending upon it. We pulled the float switch out and found it to be totally defective. So maybe a good idea as part of regular preventative maintenance to drain the reserve tank enough to really test the float switch. We all know that the TEST button only tests the lamp, but it still gives a false impression that the system is OK. Better to remove that darn button altogether I reckon... Mind you, the original lamp does need testing, because that tiny bulb has a tendency to work it's way out of the socket. Even when it does come on it doesn't tend to catch the eye in sunlight way over on that side of the panel. So I've replaced the whole lamp assembly with a flashing LED, (Jaycar ZD-1965, $2.45). It's 10mm diameter and really catches the eye when it flashes. It mounts easily in the same hole in the panel a 19mm diameter rubber grommet. I use that alarm frequently on long trips. When using the outer long range tanks I run them until the alarm comes on, then switch to the inner tanks. I also run on time, so have a pretty good idea when those tanks will run dry, and am ready to immediately reach the fuel valve if the engine coughs because the alarm has failed. And of course I only allow that possibility at altitude. If the changeover is due while on approach to a landing, then I switch over early to full inner tanks. A problem that I had for ages was false alarms from that reserve tank. Once an air bubble gets into that tank it can't all escape readily, and a shallow bubble floats around and triggers the float switch. It mostly happened over bad tiger country, ie Blue Mts, Bass St, etc...... Then I removed the 5mm thick spacer between the float switch and the top of the tank. That moved the float switch down by 5mm, so a shallow bubble can now remain without causing false alarms. Works real well now. JG
We have found that the easiest way to get a good result is to attach the top of the leading edge first. Cleco all the way down to the leading edge radius. Then one strap at each rib. The key to getting the under surface tight and smooth is the length of 50mm thick spacer under the bottom surface so that the straps are pressing the skin against the ribs. Snub up the straps gradually, 'bumping' the surface with the palm of the hand to help pull it around the radius until the holes underneath line up. We got really good results easily when we did this last time. That's Kenny (Dags) snubbing the straps and Hans clecoing underneath. That's steel c-section were using because it was at hand, but pine stud material is ideal. JG
Just remembering previous visits to the Birdsville Races. Last year I arrived on Thursday afternoon. Only a couple of other aircraft there so got parking right at the gate. Thursday evening was a real good time to be there, cause the crowd is still small and easy to get into Brophy's Boxing tent. Friday sees the arrival of most of the aircraft. Sure is good to be already parked while all those high speed charters jocky for circuit placement... I enjoy watching the build-up of excitement as all the new arrivals fill the street outside the pub. Friday night is full on, beer cans curb to curb....... Hang around for while Saturday then depart while the airspace is deserted. Stop somewhere quiet for Saturday night, as a good contrast to the revelry back there. Enough is enough..... Sunday morning is chaotic with departing aircraft, often full of hung-over passengers impatient to get back to the big city. Another year I stayed on the ground til later on Sunday, and it was fun watching all the departures and seeing an almost deserted airfield again very quickly. Heard one aircraft returning immediately, "...due to ill pax..." So, several of us are already planning on Thursday arrival and Saturday departure, if the winds are suitable. JG
I just found my logbook today, waaaa-hoooo! It was stuck to the vertical side of the baggage compartment, and I could only see an edge of it. Brought it up to date, added an address and phone number, and took it home to photocopy once again. Whew...... JG
I've never taken a dog flying. I don't have a photo of the lady with her poodle all wrapped up for flight, but I do love this photo from a fella in a 701 in USA. I've posted it before, but will do again cause it's such a classic. I also know of a mustering pilot in central Qld who used to carry his working dogs in his Drifter in a cage mounted where the rear seat was. He needed the dogs for the yard work after the sheep were in. The dogs didn't like flying much, probably due to that very high noise in the back seat of a Drifter. They didn't have any muffs of course, life's pretty rough and ready for such working dogs, and their owners for that matter. Nobody gets pampered, out there.....
I'll bring a box of port. Won't need to buy coke and ice..... JG
Anyone needing an actual weather report at Kilcoy area can ring me on 0429 943 508 Any day after 0600. Birdsville temp can be totally variable at that time of year, depending upon the wind direction, which cycles hot northerly followed by cold southwesterly. Almost nil chance of rain at that time. JG
You need to learn how to maneuver tricky multiple choice questions. As my examiner cautioned, don't just go for what seems to be the obvious correct answer. Very often, the most likely looking first choice is a trap, with double negatives and false leads cleverly built in. His advice was to first eliminate the obvious wrong choices, usually two of them. Then carefully examine the remaining two for the correct answer. Many of the questions are more a test of your ability to analyse tricky wording rather than just understand the issue.
Yeh, it sure is a costly place to go on a beer swill. But those xxxx tins are specially printed for the Races, collectible souvenirs eh, I still have one from '95 on the shelf. So a couple for refreshment, then discreetly into the port or whatever that's easy to pack and doesn't need refrigeration..... Need to arrive prepared.... Speaking of being prepared, try to find room for a folding chair. There's not enough room on the curb for everyone......
The attached photo says it all..... I did meet a 701 flyer who lived near the Zenith factory and his contact in there had told him that they themselves were disappointed with the performance of the 750...... I didn't look close enough to compare baggage sizes. But then I've extended the baggage compartment considerably in my Savannah, as have many others. Back to the next frame, and deeper. Only use it for light camping gear, and CofG is within limits. JG
For a start that Zenith folding wing option is really only viable for minimizing storage space when the aircraft is laid up for some months, as is often done for the winter in Canada. It's way to cumbersome for frequent use, and no use at all for trailing. The weight of the 750 would be a very real problem in Aus with the 544 MTOW. Zenith quotes an optimistic 350kg, but then they also quote 263kg for the 701. Hans's 701 weighed in at 274kg and he couldn't have done it for less. Using a Rotax will save some on their quoted weight which is with the 0-200. But we really do find that for legal x-country travel in the 544 category, the empty weight needs to be no more than 300kg. I haven't tried the 750, but did see the first one at Oshkosh. Nearly everyone looking at it was dreaming of carrying BIG men and complaining about "...not enough baggage space..." If they load up like that behind an 0-200 they're going to be disappointed in performance..... JG
For a start that Zenith folding wing option is really only viable for minimizing storage space when the aircraft is laid up for some months, as is often done for the winter in Canada. It's way to cumbersome for frequent use, and no use at all for trailing. The weight of the 750 would be a very real problem in Aus with the 544 MTOW. Zenith quotes an optimistic 350kg, but then they also quote 263kg for the 701. Hans's 701 weighed in at 274kg and he couldn't have done it for less. Using a Rotax will save some on their quoted weight which is with the 0-200. But we really do find that for legal x-country travel in the 544 category, the empty weight needs to be no more than 300kg. I haven't tried the 750, but did see the first one at Oshkosh. Nearly everyone looking at it was dreaming of carrying BIG men and complaining about "...not enough baggage space..." If they load up like that behind an 0-200 they're going to be disappointed in performance..... JG
Also on the track from Arkaroola to William Creek is the 'Marree Man' artwork at S29*32', E137*28'. See Marree Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Well worth a look. About 3000ft is needed for a good view. An impressive bit of work to lay out this image so that it fits exactly in the space selected. JG
I've never got avgas at Innaminka, but premium at the servo. Only problem is distance to the airfield, too far to carry. But ask likely looking 4WD's, offer a short flight if necessary.... Last time I was at Marree avgas was only in full drums, and in town was only regular unleaded, no premium any more. Leigh Creek doesn't have fuel any longer. Arkaroola has avgas, premium, and regular, and very aircraft-friendly hospitality, so they deserve support I reckon. And cabin beds for $15 last time we were there. Just call on 126.7 while overflying the resort. Signal is blocked by mountains from on the ground at the strip. JG
If I was going from Melbourne I'd go by way of Broken Hill and Arkaroola. Those northern Flinders Ranges are really worth a look, and Arkaroola is an excellent overnight stop, with both premium and Avgas. Then up the Birdsville track with maybe a diversion to have a look at Lake Eyre. The Birdsville track is a wide highway these days so it's like one long runway if you have engine problems. It's about the safest place to fly of anywhere. And it does run through some spectacular desert country, much more interesting than the mulga country. Unfortunately Mungerannie airstrip is closed now, so if you are fuel limited for exploring the Lake then might have to figure on going across to William Creek for fuel. The 'desert' country of northern SA is much safer flying than than all that mulga scrub in western NSW. There's lots more opportunities for a safe outlanding in open areas. And of course follow the main roads whenever possible. They provide even better landing possibilities, and with lots of 4WD traffic these days to be of assistance if necessary. But whatever, do get up and go! JG
There was a woman pilot used to fly the 'Pink Panther' ultralight in SE Qld many years ago. Very good pilot, won the day at the spot landing comps at Watts Bridge one year. She carried her poodle everywhere in her little aircraft. Just wrapped his big furry ears down with an elastic bandage around and around the head. Then bundled the dog up like a baby and tucked it down beside the seat, with it's head just over the edge of the cockpit so it could see around. Dog seemed to love it, better than riding in a ute even. Of course the dog does have to have big floppy ears to do that.... JG
The Savannah is an even better bush plane than the 701. Hans (701) and I (Savannah) each have about 800hrs flying and comparing these aircraft. See results at StolSpeed Aerodynamics - Performance Enhancement for Light Aircraft JG
I had another idea last night, that should always have a phone number and address in there, in case some well-meaning person happens to find it laying around and doesn't know what to do with it..... JG
A couple of months ago I reminded everyone to periodically photocopy their log books in case of loss. Well, I'm sure glad that I did, cause I seem to have lost my Pilot's Log! Can't find it since we got back from the Centre trip. Hopefully it's just mislaid somewhere, but been through all the camping gear and corners of the aircraft, etc.... So, another very strong reminder to make copies....... JG
There's a big advert in the last RAAus mag. My mag is out at the airfield so I can't check it, but if the contact isn't in the ad, get back here and I'll put you in touch with someone who has made a booking. They said that there were few left, but they should be able to arrange more at this stage if the demand is there..... JG
Glad to hear you're keen, Dags. Hans is now planning on going as well, just doesn't want to miss out.... It'll be two days out with overnight at Charleville, and two days back with an overnight probably at Eulo. If someone wants to include Lake Eyre, then it would be three days back, one day over the Lake to William Creek and overnight at Arkaroola, and then two days back along the Darling probably overnight at Bourke. JG
It sounds like the Birdsville Races, Friday and Saturday, 3 & 4 of September, is the place to go this year! I already know of quite a few flyers planning to go from SE Qld, a couple of aircraft from Gladstone, several from Kilcoy, several from Boonah, probably one from Gatton, and at least one if not more from Gympie. Already that’ll be the best turn up of RA aircraft yet, and as the word spreads, I’m sure there’ll be more. I was there last year so don’t really need to go again this year, but will go anyhow just for the get together. The Birdsville Races gathering is a unique experience, and a real blast! Definitely an experience to remember. An account of my last year trip is at StolSpeed Aerodynamics - Performance Enhancement for Light Aircraft From SE Qld, Charleville is good for the first night stopover. They’ve always allowed airfield camping in the past, and walking distance to the RSL for a good feed. Then there’s the Cosmos Night Sky Observatory near the airfield if you haven’t seen it before. Next day a stop at Windorah for fuel, then into Birdsville mid-afternoon. To make it a round trip, probably come home by way of Innaminka, Dig Tree, Noccundra Pub, Eulo, Cunnamulla, St George. Innaminka has premium fuel but too far to carry, so need to beg a lift, but lots of helpful 4WD travellers around. Noccundra and Eulo both have convenient regular ULP, which I am satisfied to mix with some avgas remaining in the tanks to make a suitable blend. Eulo is a really nice place to camp for a night, water and toilets at the airfield and the pub just across the road. For flyers from NSW and Victoria, Milparinka is a charming overnight stop. Old sandstone buildings and evidence of gold mining boom days. Taxi to ULP pump. Food and drink at the pub. From Victoria and South Australia consider a route to overnight at Arkaroola, then William Creek for fuel and across Lake Eyre to have a look at the water and on to B’ville. While in W. Creek talk to the charter operators about routes and procedures over the Lake. It’s very busy airspace these days, with the operators flying routes and calling landmarks that are familiar to them. I’ve compiled a map of known fuel stops for southern Qld and western NSW at StolSpeed Aerodynamics - Performance Enhancement for Light Aircraft If travelling on Sunday, remember that callout fees often apply at airfields, and sometimes no service at all without prior notice…. Probably no fuel service at St George on Sunday. At Birdsville during the Races, the gate that’s handy for carrying PULP is locked, so it’s a l-o-n-g way to carry jerry cans. But the price difference to avgas is about a dollar a litre so that’s a saving of $22 for every carry. It’s always dry that time of year, but winds can be lively. The cycle is, increasing north/northeasterlies, followed by a strong southwesterly change that can blow really hard for a couple of days. So it sure is good if you can have flexible timing, and watch the pattern, so if you see a SW change coming just when you want to be going west, it’s best if you can go out a couple of days early to avoid a headwind slog, then ride the tailwind home. Be sure to bring good tie-downs…. From the response to the story of our recent trip to the Centre, it sounds like there are quite a few flyers out there eager to go travelling x-country in their aircraft. Well, Birdsville would be a good trip to fit in this season. And don’t figure on leaving it too long…. Fred Brophy’s Boxing Tent won’t be around forever, and the whole Races event is becoming more and more commercial. Don’t listen to those who claim it’s not worth going cause it’s “not like it used to be”…. Yeh, maybe not, but it’s still a really unique experience that you won’t find anywhere else, and I say again, it’s a real blast!! Look forward to seeing you there, JG