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Everything posted by JG3

  1. And these days the USA can't produce enough face masks when they need them......
  2. I've done that but the ad is still up......
  3. Now my question is how do I remove an ad after the item has been sold?? I guess I'm slow but can't find a way to do it.....
  4. I found that these sardine tins do the job very well. Fit snugly around the float bowl. Held up by either light bungy cord or tie wire. Drain tube is plastic drip irrigation line forced into slightly undersize hole. Been using them for 10 years no problems. Light weight and the price is right..... I particularly like their heat shield function from the hot exhaust right below.
  5. JG chipping in here...... Those ICP VGs should just click into the holes provided, in that paired pattern as you see in the photo. If you didn't have ICP VGs then the Stolspeed VGs will just stick on over those holes in the same pattern. ICP purchased their very first set of VGs from me at Narromine. At the time I was importing the VGs from the USA, and ICP copied that style of VG. I never liked that style with the sharp point and the crude base, so I later designed my own. ICP chose to go with the paired pattern that some other suppliers used. I tested both that paired pattern and the alternating angles pattern that I now use. I preferred the alternating because I found that the paired pattern caused the vortexes formed to interfere with each other and tend to rise from the airfoil, while the single VGs in alternating pattern gave tighter vortexes that tend to stay tight to the airfoil where they should be for best effect and least drag. Either method will work on the Savannah, which already has a very forgiving airfoil.
  6. <<do you listen to area frequency to stay safe and informed? >> Informed about what the big jets and IFR aircraft are doing way up there, but nothing about the low level VFR you may encounter....
  7. Thank you. I didn't realize that you need to select the category first step. Done now.
  8. How do I add a new posting in the classifieds?? Maybe I'm blind but I can't find a way in.....
  9. Work the circle cutter by hand. Round and round a few times, from both sides of the panel. Done it many times, safer than a powered drill.....
  10. I watched a country show when they emptied all the oil from an old Vanguard and then took bets as how long it would last. It drove around and around the race track while the evening show, complete with fireworks, took all evening, but the Vanguard was still going well.... Finally it was getting late and everyone wanted to go home but the engine giving no sign of seizing. Finally they drained the radiator and then it only lasted another half hour....
  11. JG3

    STOL comp winner!

    It's a VG.
  12. Boy, it sure doesn't take you guys long to run a thread off topic into BS jousting...... Please set up different threads for that game so that the rest of us can avoid it all......
  13. There were no jury struts before the 560kg upgrade.
  14. There's some video on Facebook. Looks like he managed to hit one of the only thick scrub patches in the midst of cane fields and paddocks all round...... Right next to a big power line as well.....
  15. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-05/gold-coast-light-plane-crash-jacobs-well/12122992
  16. And heavier wing root attachments, and most critically, doubled strut to wing spar attachments. The jury struts are part of the upgrade kit but some didn't bother with them.
  17. I just got back from a beautiful local flight this morning. Never below 1000AGL except on takeoff and landing at the deserted airfield. Didn't touch anything that anyone else had touched or will touch. Isolated all the way...... Just common sense......
  18. Any more feedback from users with experience with both OzR and AvP??
  19. If the hearsay version isn't correct then please tell us the correct version. If the pilot has lost memory then any witnesses need to record their memories (and memory loss is often the result in a traumatic incident especially where there is a head injury). And those memories need to be recorded as soon as possible while they are fresh, and before they become fuzzy and the rough edges polished off. These STOL capable aircraft are very popular these days, and STOL ops are becoming more popular. We all need to learn all that we can from such incidents in order to help avoid such a situation ourselves. It's an unwritten obligation for fliers to share the details of such incidents so they can be hashed over in hangar talk and we all learn and benefit. I've landed many many times off-field on unprepared ground, often at very remote sites. I enjoy the challenges of the judgement and skill required, and the satisfaction of getting it right. I learned many of those judgments and necessary cautions from reviewing the experiences of others, not from formal training. It is a mystery how such serious injuries could result from a loss of control on landing such a sturdy and capable aircraft at 30kts. There's a whole lot more to that story..... We need to know what the extenuating circumstances were so that we can try to avoid them for ourselves in future. These aircraft are very capable for STOL ops, and are a heck of a lot of fun as such. I long ago named one of my aircraft, my "High Clearance Trail Bike", and I use it as such.....
  20. Seems like a deliberate effort to keep this one quiet...... As I hear it from those who were at the event, it had to do with a "...hey watch this..." attempted STOL landing on a narrow ridge off-field, that went wrong.... There were several witnesses at that event so it would be good to hear more real details so that all of us can learn from it.....
  21. Being so close to Brisbane International there might be a radar track??
  22. The photo on their website illustrates my point exactly. Using the underside of the wing as reference, I measure an angle of attack with the tailwheel on the ground of only 13°, and that's nowhere near the maximum lift coefficient of that wing. With nosewheel Savannah allows about 19° before the tail contacts the ground. I'd match a nosewheel version against that taildragger version any time in a takeoff/landing comp.....
  23. Taildragger configuration doesn't work well on a Savannah or 701. Have to move the main gear forward, and with the tailwheel at the back, the angle of attack that can be pulled on takeoff and landing is less than at present and performance is less good..... With the present gear can rotate more and when landing can hold the nose wheel way off the ground, so that it's landing very much like the best taildragger anyhow. The cabin structure isn't built to take the load of mains at a point forward of the present strong point, and there's also the question of whether the tail cone could handle the loads of a tailwheel, especially on rough ground. Bad idea all round, better as it is.....
  24. "...The two most exciting days of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it..." As a former boat owner I heartily agree with that saying..... Keep flying. The regs are becoming a bit more of a nuisance but not enough to give it away. Some dost complain too much.....
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