If the hearsay version isn't correct then please tell us the correct version. If the pilot has lost memory then any witnesses need to record their memories (and memory loss is often the result in a traumatic incident especially where there is a head injury). And those memories need to be recorded as soon as possible while they are fresh, and before they become fuzzy and the rough edges polished off.
These STOL capable aircraft are very popular these days, and STOL ops are becoming more popular. We all need to learn all that we can from such incidents in order to help avoid such a situation ourselves. It's an unwritten obligation for fliers to share the details of such incidents so they can be hashed over in hangar talk and we all learn and benefit. I've landed many many times off-field on unprepared ground, often at very remote sites. I enjoy the challenges of the judgement and skill required, and the satisfaction of getting it right. I learned many of those judgments and necessary cautions from reviewing the experiences of others, not from formal training.
It is a mystery how such serious injuries could result from a loss of control on landing such a sturdy and capable aircraft at 30kts. There's a whole lot more to that story..... We need to know what the extenuating circumstances were so that we can try to avoid them for ourselves in future.
These aircraft are very capable for STOL ops, and are a heck of a lot of fun as such.
I long ago named one of my aircraft, my "High Clearance Trail Bike", and I use it as such.....