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Everything posted by JG3

  1. Departing at1600 for a 150nm flight with sunset at 1728....??? Several useable alternates enroute..... Judgement???
  2. I wanted to have a look before they start digging.... Fight to the Adani Carmichael mine site.
  3. I used 2mm and that works well.
  4. I don't know, probably any would do due to small loads involved. I chose Teflon due to its reputation for low friction.
  5. No tendency to tilt showing after 1000+ hrs. The diameter of the flange for the thickness is plenty stability.
  6. These are much improved aileron bushes that I made for my Savannah long ago. 1000+hrs now and no wear at all. Still snug fit and silky smooth action. The larger bearing surface of 8mm diameter Teflon gives no wear on the aluminum. The bushing is held tight against the support by the bolt, and the aileron bracket rotates on the bushing. The nyloc nut is used because this isn't a rotating part, and the bushing must be held tight against the support. Needs access to a lath, but someone should be producing such bushings.
  7. No news, just wanted to get away from that "...lost foot..." post that comes every time I scan the forums list.....
  8. The story is that they are only for use by the Flying Doctor, and then only when 'official traffic control' (police?) is in action.
  9. Flight to the Far Corner of OZ
  10. I just received an invoice for $10 from Avdata for a landing fee at Chinchilla, Qld. I had landed there for a quick pee beside the runway then away again in minutes. We often joke about the $100 hamburger, but this is a $10 pee fee......
  11. This weekend we tried to use that Brolga prop to replace a Bolly damaged at Cawarral on the way to Lakeside. But it turns out that it won't fit the S and XL Savannahs because they have that prop hub extension with bolt holes only 100mm spacing.... The Brolga is 80mm and fits the Rotax hub because it has bolt holes for both 80 and 100mm sizes. In this instance we managed to borrow a new Bolly from Ray at Rods Bay. Many thanks for Ray's generosity and to Greg who arranged the contact. It's a great flying community we enjoy!
  12. The way that I made opening windows on my Savannah is at https://www.stolspeed.com/opening-windows
  13. <<with tail winds at 5000ft.>> Please remember that 5000ft is an IFR altitude, and we MUST NOT fly it...... And it's the lowest IFR so it's popular with short haul IFR aircraft, because when they call control they are assured that "There is no known IFR traffic...", and then they fly it as if there is no traffic at all because they know there should be no VFR aircraft at that altitude. But I have many times heard recreational pilots say that they had found a good tailwind at 5000..... I once had a ride in the righthand seat of an Aero Commander doing courier work from Horsham to Melbourne. He climbed to 5000 then got clearance from control and set the autopilot and proceeded to work on his courier paperwork, and never once scanned his flight path ahead. I watched him closely, and the only times he looked out the screen was to watch a thunderstorm off to the left. I sure wouldn't want to have been cruising along anywhere on that flightpath at 80kts with that 150kt machine boring blindly along....
  14. No not good to cross there. Continue from Warwick almost to Toowoomba then head down the range along the Gatton-Clifton road, then over flat open country to Kilcoy, then east along the Stanley River Valley and on to Caloundra. Cunninghams Gap is some pretty scenic but wild terrain, then have to go around with Amberley control zone if active. That D630D is only a Danger area, not a Restricted area, used for military flight training. So just keep eyes scanning as usual and hope for the best, not much you can do to avoid high speed jets, they have it figured. You still have your same air rules of see and avoid and yield right-of-way when required. No worries, we go thro there all the time and see nothing.
  15. Yep easy. Have a look at your Ozrunways.
  16. Avgas for that length of trip is no problem at all. Good move to drain the oil at destination while it's still hot. Mogas available at Dubbo. Don't know your useful range, but Avgas at Moree, Warick, Toowoomba, Watts Bridge. The best place to drop off the range is just south of Toowoomba, then down the wide valley to the coast.
  17. JG3

    ASIC renewal

    Well, now I already have my new ASIC card, only 8 days (including a weekend) since making the application. That's a heck of a lot better than the old RAAus system that took weeks, and needed more runaround finding a JP, etc, etc. Took maybe an hour of my time on the initial application, scanning in my documents, next day received a reply asking for scans of the back page of a couple of docs and including a barcode and list of acting post offices, the lady at the post office scanned the barcode and my docs again and took my photo and sent online. By the time I got home there was a confirmation email from the processor. Today the card arrived by Express Post, along with a frame and pocket clip and neck lanyard and fridge magnet with expiry date reminder. Brilliant service all the way! That was done by securityid.com.au
  18. JG3

    Savannah S Dreaming

    Marc, I have a home-made 3.6m press brake that could do that pre-bending really easy. Now equipt with a full length mandrel for bending short radius bends, ie- trailing edge rudder, and other shorter mandrels for radius approx 6 and 22mm. Would be no problem to make up a larger radius mandrel for those main wing leading edges. I'm finished with it and it's free to take away to any who can use it, such as you guys at CAB. I did mention it to Roger but haven't seen him since. Interested??
  19. JG3

    ASIC renewal

    I just finished the ASIC renewal process at the post office. Good service. I used securityid.com.au. Was an easy process online, very good website; I didn't even get confused by it.... Now I can stop at those security controlled airports when necessary for fuel. Might do it 2-3 times, so costly fuel......
  20. JG3

    ASIC renewal

    Thanks heaps. That's just the leads I needed.
  21. I need to renew my ASIC card. I realize that RAAus aren't involved any longer, but who do I go to?? I did a search and couldn't find the answer, but did find one post that there are other options than CASA. Does anyone know the best procedure now?? Please no tirade of how ridiculous the ASIC concept is, we all know that only too well......
  22. The PLB/ELT system uses a different and more comprehensive satellite system to the SPOT, so the SPOT is not a replacement. That's why I carry both.
  23. That hasn't been my experience with SPOT at all. I've used mine for 8 years and done more than 200 Check-Ins, and never missed one. Both in the USA and Australia, from the Kinberleys to Tassie and many remote sites in the middle. Wouldn't travel without it. Of course I also carry a PLB as back-up, yes BACK-UP. I like the SPOT because I have the option of three levels of message besides the SOS that calls in the cavalry.... All of these messages go to friends back home who are experienced and capable of arranging whatever required. 1 - All is well here. (Check-In) 2 - Not injured but stranded and need assistance. (ie- when I've done a bush landing and busted the landing gear...) 3 - Injured need assistance ASAP. (Pretty obvious.) The PLB uses a different and very comprehensive satellite system so is a good ultimate back-up, but it does call in the cavalry even if I wouldn't need that much assistance. So I can be the judge of what I need. I trust this actual experience more than third hand rumours.....
  24. Oh boy, that's a heap! My Classic Savannah weighed 143lbs and flies really well in all ops. I believe the S model weighs more like 156 with battery in the tail. So yours is about 80lbs more, and sounds like a real problem.... You'll definitely want to reinforce that alloy front axle. Even with the lighter weight we've found it wise to line drill it and add a 3/8" stainless bolt all the way through. Doesn't add that much strength to it but prevents breaking away those piddly little end bolts, allowing the wheel to swivel and jam and collapse the leg, with bad result for the prop.....
  25. There are reports running around that a couple of SPOT locators failed to work when SOS was triggered. I just did a test of SOS on my SPOT2 with Geospace - all working well. In Australia call 0424217768 to set up a test. Good friendly professional service.
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