The following is an account of an incident that happened to me near Ceduna several years ago, that I had published before. Then yesterday I found the same situation, that the rear latch of the door hadn't engaged properly. I was already 15 minutes out from the strip, and well remembered the incident below, but didn't want to turn back, big mistake! I figured that if I slowed to 50 and was prepared for the forces involved, I could close the door properly. Once again, I was firmly pulling on the door, but as soon as the main latch disengaged, the door snatched outward and then reversed and slammed in with the front edge inside the door post. Could easily have ripped the door off completely.... Then a hell of a struggle to get it closed properly..... I should have learned from that first experience, but hopefully others will pay attention and not make the same mistake.......
Recently I had a violent experience while opening a door in flight. I had installed a three-way latch system that was very secure, but when I closed the door one time I must have been leaning on the door a little bit, such that the rear latch didn't engage properly and ended up on the outside of the door post, leaving a 20mm gap at the rear of the door. I didn't notice this until well into a x-country flight and thought it would be easy to close. I knew there would be an outward pull on the door, so held the operating handle in my left hand while pulling inward firmly on the fillet at the rear of the window. Then carefully eased open the main latch, planning to pull the rear closed and re-latch. As soon as the front latch released, the door snatched open violently, swinging up about 45 degrees, then reversed and slammed shut so violently that the flange at the front edge of the door ended up inside the door post rather than outside. The inner frame of the door was broken in several places, but didn't break away. I continued on to the next airstrip, now with the rear of the door sticking out 80mm, and a bleeding arm from some skin that had been lost in the incident.
It all happened in an instant, but I did a horror vision of the door ripped off a 701 that Hans was flying. The door flew back and impacted the horiz stab, breaking a mounting bracket and leaving the stab askew...... A very close call.....
This incident has demonstrated that opening a door can instantly change from benign to violent...... Totally unpredictable!
Flying with a door removed is no problem, but DON"T UNLATCH A DOOR WHILE IN FLIGHT!!