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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. Just add water
  2. Crashley - an engine can fail any time, anywhere whatever you fly , and usually at the worst point - its just a matter of time. However I find the thread as you state a lot of rot as well. If Jethro wants to fly across to and from Tassie its his choice - but he must understand the risks of flying or get another hobby. Spend the money to get experience and /or get a twin when you have enough hours under your belt, for his comfort of his single engine anxiety. A lot of paperwork will be involved if you hit the drink.
  3. Nightmare - these days - All the departments of the government does not trust us. And why should we ever trust the government - catch 22? or the truth.
  4. Jethro- as I stated earlier in this post the Partenavia p68 is one of the simplest twins around engine out to fly. However, you still need to rack up quite a few hours on single engine aircraft first before just jumping in to the deep end.
  5. Oops - how much paperwork?
  6. RISK - RISK -RISK what is your limit on Risk Flying. Is tiger country flying safer than flying over cold water? Here is the simple truth - people will do what they want, even when THEY think its safe and they will make it hopefully. You cannot stop people from making decisions - legal or not. Flying tiger country or water or bad flying conditions. It always will boil down to what risk the persons MINDSET is, on THAT day and time AND that mindset deems acceptable. Sorry its not what you or I do, its what they do at the time. I have watched commercial pilots flying RAA, doing stupid stuff they would never do commercially. Understand this clearly no matter what - People have the right to kill themselves, it cant be stopped by rules and regs, - example a guy up here tried to commit suicide by driving a car into a concrete bridge pillar - however he did have his seatbelt on, and survived.
  7. They should be on 127.85 as per the AIP AND VTC which is the CTAF. Where did 126.7 come from?
  8. Jethro your comment - At the present I can't see why your (SSCBD) Swiss Risen aircraft, correctly kitted and prepared, could not do it easily. Wouldn't you want to? MY REPLY - Yes it would and so would the Pipistrel Virus SW with turbo Rotax – But they can now fly up to 25,000 ft ish (bloody cold and need oxy) – damm high. AND regarding your comment on the Partenavia P.68 - "I have read about standard twins killing most typical GA pilots within a few minutes of engine failure due to their asymmetric thrust causing it to roll and power spin as I recall. It is really nasty to correct and single engine performance is marginal, so the risk reduction offered by a traditional twin barely outweighs their benefit for GA aircraft, and you pay double the engine bills." IT’S A PUSSY CAT – compared to other twins. The asymmetric thrust problem is really easy and have always voiced my opinion getting a twin endo on the P68 is not a real example of twins single engine flying compared to some death traps out in GA. EG Piper Aerostar - love the plane - but it will kill you.
  9. My question is who would cross Bass Strait in an single engine at any time in any RAA aircraft or single engine GA. I know people do - but why take this risk to this level. google tells me its around - 238 km ish. of cold death below you. Distance from Bass Strait to Tasmania Suggest you get the Jab twin engine I saw they made somewhere. That would be to me then acceptable.
  11. CASA - Please speak English! How badly can CASA word this crap. (d) the person is carrying the person’s medical certificate, and a statement of the applicable conditions, for inspection by a passenger or a guardian of a passenger. Note* I usually tell any of my friends I take flying you are going to die if I have a heart attack anyway. Also with my CASA approved Med two a GP cannot tell me that I wont have a heart attack the next day anyway. Its all snake oil.
  12. Bex, I already am GA as well so I will fit in the system anyway - however I am like others here who are not, and that they will have to spend more and more which is not fair to them. Or new students should just go straight to GA and then fall back down to RAA level they want with big weights and CTA etc.. I like the idea of different levels or classes, but don't want guys who fly rag wing for example having to pay for it in increasing fees or have a huge over training gap to fly rag wing octa. In fact they should pay less in membership etc then the guys who are flying 600kg machines for example. Again one size will not fit all the needs of all the people (members).
  13. sorry to disagree but - Bet you there will be more $$$$ - another endorsement to do, and more fees to flying schools for training as well on them. Plus things RAA pilots will have to learn like mixture control.
  14. I Deny Everything - Your Honour - I have done nothing compared to what uncle Frank has done, time and time again - and HE started it and showed me the dark side, and the fun of flying rag wings, (its all Franks fault) However, - in Franks only defence - It was CASA who said it was impossible for rag wings to do aeros in Australia because we were at the bottom of the earth and had no inertia or wing loading ! - Really truly CASA did say that Frank, - but you had to disagree with them again!
  15. Frank said - I did more stupid things in the early days of my flying than I do now! I was able to learn from them, to give me the knowledge I have today. I know Frank - I was there and watched!
  16. That's great - but the Tecnam 2008 they have at Boonah also - is more nice than the golf. try it next!
  17. And remember some guys who don't have radio, OR its broken OR are on the wrong frequency (FINGER PROBLEM), OR forgot to change to CTAF. This happens sometime so always have a long hard lookout in circuit. AND then you get the guys who are trying out for a commercial radio station, on the bloody thing every 2 mins.
  18. And the ball park price is ready to fly?
  19. Hi - why did you do a RAA flight review? You still are current in GA?
  20. Ok reading all this is doing my head in. For RAA pilots, 30 mins, is fine for most guys flying around as long as you know what your doing. FOR RAA GUYS ONLY - So hands up first who has had ANY TYPE OF engine failure over the last 30 years and NOT put out a mayday call? Second - who flying a two stroke has not had 30 mins of fuel locally flying when you get back to your strip - be honest! I HAVE from from my local strip. Third - anyone flying a point to point with a rotax four stroke is mad if they don't have reserve on board, but do you know the unusable amount in you aircraft that cant be counted. And I cant see anyone out the back blocks hitting the mic key when they reach 28.5 mins of fuel in a ALA circuit. We are not flying twins or jets, so my rule of thumb is I flight plan 30 min reserve and also assume I burn 20 liters hour - instead of 17 or 18 per hour when going somewhere point to point which is providing further. Usually I have full tanks eg, 100 liters at take off. Headwinds with aircraft flying around doing 80 kts or 115kts cruise (which most of us do in RAA) can make a big difference, so know your ground seed vs airspeed. Example - headwinds are problem with those new to flying. If you Flight plan for 115ks and your ground speed is 87 kts, = you will usually run out of fuel or need to divert. Also - If you are flying a single seat thruster with a 20 liter tank - its not much of a flight landing with 30 mins reserve. Oh for some common sense - from the gods at CASA. Please we are not one size fits all.
  21. Hi Nick - I hope you were not offended by "my post" here asking cost of the aircraft. I for one like the fast beast, - and I also like the other end of our roots of rec flying, like rag wing slow drifter types. I think the problem here with the forum is the one size fits all tastes, which has not worked for some guys wanting different things in flying - slow and low - medium cruise with stol - high speed point - then CTA - or no CTA etc. All basically under the same rules which do not fit. I fly many RAA aircraft slow rag wing and fast carbon coffee machines including GA. BUT Best example is the training side and operations when you have people on limited cash flying say drifters for their hobby, then you have your type of clients which require a higher (more expensive training level or require more hours to get up to speed in your beast at the top end of the market. I love the idea of your machine in Rec flying. As soon as I win lotto I will give you a call.
  22. Regarding RAA aircraft - Think of all the paper work and the grilling you will have with a Mayday call. Again a pan call is fair enough if genuine problem and aircraft is not near a runway - but if you have an airstrip available 10 mins away - would you REALLY hit the radio button. Be Honest!
  23. Where has this information come from? Who can confirm this. Anyone got a phone number to a board member they can call and confirm this weekend and get a direct answer from a horses mouth??? Or who is the initial contact (name title) with CASA that RAA deal with - might be worth a direct call at let them know we are not pleased with RAA and go above the RAA head and express displeasure. WHY has RAA hidden it and not put it out to the members. If CFI's are getting personal briefing's by RAA - WHY? TOTAL lack of transparency, if this is true. Looks like RAA is a member of the CIA - tooo many secrets. I may be pis*** off, if we have not been informed as members of RAA by email - however it all could be lies and just worked up over rumors. No I am not a member of any other mob - ELAA? is it? Just generally pis*** off
  24. YES another stuff up I believe. My question is "WHAT" is the RAA doing for us on a month to month basis. Do we know anything with the RAA agenda and what is going on for the next 12 months. Have not seen any reports from the Chairman of RAA in any updates on email lately of have I missed it. Should we be getting a full RAA in house performance newsletter, with details with board performance, and of membership numbers monthly, pilot cert numbers gained monthly, those who have not renewed membership, Aircraft new rego's and planned objectives of RAA with CASA for the year and told of the actual process or blocking from CASA in written form. Or Not?
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