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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. How would you react on a dirt aircraft strip if something happened? Just took this section out No duty to rescue Under Australian law, you have no duty to help a stranger involved in an emergency or accident. Michael Eburn, an associate law professor at ANU and emergency law blogger, said this meant if you decided not to rush in to help you were not at fault. "That changes if you have some relationship with them or caused the accident or it's someone who you have responsibility for," he said. "But if you just see an event happening and have no other contact with it, you're under no obligation to go and assist." As for switching on your camera and capturing what you see, the rule is clear — you can film anything you like in a public place. "People should be jumping in to help instead of filming, but, from a legal point of view, what the law says is there's no property in a spectacle," Dr Eburn said. "If something is happening in a public space, and you're not going on a private property or anything, you can film it."
  2. It was the wild west sometimes.
  3. Not really - and specifically on finals up to 9 aircraft and overtaking happened!!. Every man (pilot) for themselves - we used to call it doge the students! Sorry don't accept that. Seven aircraft in circuit is not hard - really. for students yes maybe but then they should be with instructor in that case till they are in-front of the aircraft. Speed control and lookout, wide or tight circuits depending on aircraft types and speeds.
  4. Bankstown many years ago used to have 20 aircraft in the circuit using 3 runways and also training Garuda pilots with a six week English course! - and that was fun watching a Cessna 150 waffle all around on finals in front of you for runway left and you are in a twin for runway centre with the closing rates. So please don't give me a busy circuit with seven aircraft. Really.
  5. Can anyone provide a ball park figure on the "factory cost" and how much mark up is on it??? What is the typical amount a aussie agent / dealer selling the toy here also make. Forget all the options that can be loaded on.
  6. Hi red750 - I was flying retract and controlled airspace back in the AUF days legally. Do a bit of research on our history.
  7. Real photo - I wonder how many of these fighter pilots would pass an Australian Medical
  8. Just a quick note as have little time before I am out. I don't know how many hours you have flying, or in a drifter, but I assume from the question not thousands as Frank has so listen to him. However a safe way. Poor mans way to convince yourself, the dangers of hot weather 30 to 35 degrees c on limited runway length. I suggest yo find a nice strip with elevation don't care but lets say you want one around your 600ft elev. Mark out you length available with a line on the side of the strip, using bag of flour and make say 50 meters before the end as well, you want that line to be airborne THEN on a nice hot day over 30c to say 35c Try a few take off and landings hopefully with little wind say 2 to 5 kts max . Then also try a few downwind AND SEE the huge difference as well, including rate of climb if the wind is 2 to 5 kts . Take a go pro and lets us know how you faired and post the distances you got. Also try a landing without brakes, as always assume they will fail. Unless you trust in god. (not being rude.)
  9. Hey Frank - interesting - do you hear of many crocs being shot up your way? Or is this a one off.
  10. Class 2 is a croc of ---- . CASA is just moving the deck chairs. No real improvement of the CASA culture. As stated above here, UK have dumped the requirement, so why are we so bubble wrapped. Its a joke as you can con your way to a med2 by not saying a word in fact a DAME said to me don't tell me anything I don't ask for and little as possible. But he flew, was a good guy however looked in worse shape then me. It seems CASA want to keep people on the payroll not reduce overheads - sound familiar. A few Commercial pilots have died in flight or taken ill WITH heart problems that never showed up on their commercial medical so who has the crystal ball?.
  11. Hi Frank - Jesus you are rubbing it in - that's also a bit high for you my son is it not. I remember you just over the top of the cane never that high. You may need a oxygen tank and some glasses to see the ground! Also was it a glide descent?????? You old basta**. Best.
  12. Is that right hand top nut on correctly? Sorry to be picky. Just checking.
  13. Why not ring the factory - its a Jab right/ That's the first call I would make to get the correct information..
  14. The question is what aircraft do you want to land on it eg friends aircraft ? Are any GA?. If not and just looking for RAA types then 500m ish should be fine. It also relies as you are well versed on skill level and hours. Other thought is get a bigger slasher that goes faster to cut the grass (I assume) and with a 2km strip we can all have a fly in. Even CASA could land on a 2k strip!*****
  15. Hi ben87r - that sounds like a challenge? - Which RAA two seats are you saying cant be flown from the right hand side? - I have flown many factory build and had no problem?
  16. Just put a white cross X on each end of your four wheel drive track. And Frank when is a cane field a runway? And all that may land of course did due to some rough running engine or some small failure or concern of safety overhead, put in maintenance notes. Or you could say no one lands without x thousand hours (example Whitsunday has 250 hours pic I think before you can land)
  17. It bloody slack, with the RAA fees we pay just to be a member and hold a cert. This has been going on for tooooooo long. I to have had to ring up and push, to get things done in a timely manner . Have zero sympathy for a organisation that dose not preform. Or Just go and fly and see if they are game to prosecute me for their failure to deliver after payment. Judge might like to read a long submission of payment vs performance.
  18. Is this just a stupid rule, that shows CASA cant offer any solution in a timely fashion. What would the actual safety effect be against an angled instrument. Surely it would also reduce parallax error?
  19. That's a can of worms. Not sure!! is my quick answer - With RAA and no current GA, I THINK you have all the exams etc and flying. You should be able to do the MED2 if no major medical issues just to get current again. Call a AVMED doctor first and have a chat before booking and see if he sees any problem. Sorry just saw you were AUF instructor - so give RAA a call and see if they have you on the old system. That could then work?
  20. Welcome - if you are looking for your PPL back - check with CASA on your license number is still on the system (which it should be ) do a MED 2 from a AVEMED doctor then do a few flights and theory (new procedures etc) with a GA flying school till they are happy to sign off a BFR. All done. Then if you want RAA just (Pay More money to join RAA) then give copy of your Log and BFR to RAA CFI and do some time in the RAA toys and you have both worlds covered. Best
  21. DONT believe in hoses lasting that long, I have had them fail - (spilt in flight ) - I would change them personally every 3 or 4 years. Coolant also causes hoses to degrade and become brittle over time, I am told by a ford mechanic.
  22. Welcome - we are all cheap here
  23. (Off to work in the real world now for a few hours. ) see how this develops?
  24. Being the devils advocate - so you want students going solo in that aircraft - sure the owner is happy with that argument?
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