I would like to see more candid plan English, in depth reports on a monthly basis from our beloved RAA LEADERS OR, another name for it, monthly progress reports. Remember we pay for our leaders. And Not written in pollie speak.
Basic idea is.
I personally and logically see 3 to 4 categories to be used in the RAA.
1. Rag Wing OR machines under 550kg kg AND cruise under 80kts AND stay outside OCTA. LOW entry level RAA fees, with owner maintainer to be level one ish. And level 2 to inspect the aircraft every 12 months. Old auf exams and ground theory for these.
If you want more then.
2. Up to 600kg cruise above say 80 kts or 90 knots, kit or factory with Level two maintainer AND a real LAME check 12months. Pilots wanting control airspace clearance through major airports but not land, must do CTA endorsement. As same for towered secondary. Or keep away.
3. Anything that max cruises above 125kts and above and is usually RG as well, CTA endorsement (because that's why you bought the bloody Ferrari and you want to) and LAME airframe check every 12 months, pass a very high standard of flying ability.
4. 750 kg two seat with CTA endorsement (and say min 150 hours PIC before you can fly them by yourself ) GA ppl exams. No med 2 required just drivers license level 2 plus, AND a Lame inspection every 12 months.
5. Say 750kg RAA four seat category , full GA PPL required as you have more pax lives, and night vfr available . But that is my whish list!!. (like the sling four - jab 4 seat or the New ICP Ventura. No med 2.
Training standards to be lifted for number 2 and 3 and do some extra class times because they are mini GA.
The reason for a real LAME check is, the woefully shoddy stuff and repairs I have seen on some aircraft, including flying school aircraft with duct tape that hold covers on, as the screws had fallen out still being used, and people still training or hired out, and corrosion ? (Yes, Really).