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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. For those who know about the problems of kangaroos that WILL NOT move OR do when landing in the back blocks. IS THIS THE ANSWER FROM THE USA?
  2. IDIOT- DEFINED - a stupid person. -a person of low intelligence OR Idiot, from the Greek idios ("private" or "one's own"), is the oldest of these words, and has been in continual use since the 14th century. Over the years idiot has taken on a number of meanings, ranging from "an ignorant or unschooled person" to "jester, professional fool" to "Stimpy" (of "Ren and" fame).
  3. Without starting a war here - Rotax 915
  4. How stupid is RAA, that a LAME cannot do work on a RAA aircraft. Why would a LAME pay for a RAA membership to work on toy aircraft compared to the GA stuff - really.
  5. For two weeks i was landing on mission beach (lightwing 912) and others. The cops had no problem with it at all. Also was not stupid and did not land near anyone if they were on the beach. Got plenty of waves. Just don't do anything stupid or go near people or fly over them when landing. In other words dont be a di**h head. Remember everyone has a phone camera anyway!!.
  6. With all the crap and corruption again this week of the government and its staff or public servants. Questions 1. Do you have any confidence in CASA and RAA to provide service, better freedoms and better outcomes for our RAA sport. 2. What do you expect to be approved this year in RAA to provide more freedom to our flying 3. Is RAA doing a good job for the members? 4. Do we finally expect any MTOW weight increase THIS year? 5. Are YOU happy flying around in our toys compared to say 5 - ten years ago? Are we better off now???
  7. You can land them with both eyes closed. So easy to fly - nice plane.
  8. If and I said if - the two guys in the white shirts were flying in the Foxbat, she would be seriously over MTOW. Smile.
  9. We don't want any RAA involvement - look what they have done so far. Also no CASA. - Pirates forever! However very kool!
  10. Skip - never heard of them or any of anyone has used them in 35 years of flying. Sorry.
  11. Call BS on that.
  12. Do get I get an automatic RAA tailwheel endorsement if I have a GA one on a tiger moth - that has no tailwheel?
  13. Skipppy - Well we have got no real transit lanes into CTA besides what you mentioned. All CTA should have no clearance VFR for GA and RAA. With that attitude of not getting your vote what is the answer, we get no where and go backwards. RAA just are not doing anything for the members form my stand point except safety this safety that. WHERE IS THE OPERATIONAL PROGRESS which is called freedom. And another point is that any ex GA PPL pilots and up now only flying RAA should have automatic approval to transit CTA. Let RAA think on that one. I never - ever had a GA BFR once i got my GA license to go into CTA. So being current GA means nothing to currency in CTA. Think about it?
  14. Give me 50% more power on just about any aircraft specifically RAA for take off on any day - but specifically for heavy hot, high, short strips that's all I would use it for.
  15. Now after all this above - we need to have transit lanes for all raa aircraft. Then ATC just have to adjust Commercial aircraft around these lanes that we RAA don't need clearance - and don't tell me it cant be done coastal at 500 ft in these zones with all the airports all the way up to cairns.
  16. What are the Jet commercial aircraft they are building and will / how it pass international certification. Also are not LSA aircraft being built in china? Anyone know the brands?
  17. The USA drone market ban is not going to hurt Rotax
  18. 58 minutes ago, Bruce Tuncks said: Are there chinese clone rotaxes? tell us more please. YES
  19. Sorry jackc - occupational health and safety wont let you drive a car if they had there way!!
  20. BFR and Flying Instructors But all is not equal with instructors. I know of and have personally trained and approved these new puny gods and CFIs. Some are good some are not so good. They only pass as they themselves have passed a set of standards given in the book. (some i would not fly with or send students to. These brand new shinny deer eyed gods that need time to actually be able to develop skills themselves to teach at a higher level. Then you get the old bastard types that just know you have stuffed up before you have done it - like watching a slow train wreck. These are the ones you need to fly with. That may and should push your skills or say your a dead man if you keep that up. Learn form these types - seek them out. Everyones ego needs to be shaken, not stirred now and then. FLY SAFE.
  21. https://www.flygas.info/flygas-912-rotax/ Food for thought and question yet to ask - Could it be used for takeoff then go to carbs for the rest of the flight ? TBO? Cost of unit?
  22. I wonder if our leaders at RAA are going to pushback or do anything about it ?
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