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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. Hi DWF, To be clear when was it brought in? Not when I did the PPL many, many years ago. Also never had any requirement for an exam with all the BFR's I have completed.
  2. You have completely misread what I said. Nev Not mixing with airlines or their airspace.
  3. I just did a rambling thoughts answer on anther post BUT saw this pop up. Since I am both GA and go back to the AUF days I would offer the solution of, For those who want to fly the drifter lightwing thruster types (i have and love them as well ) outside of control airspace and in the back blocks non controlled airspace, why not have two standards for RAA licence. With the other for the bigger beasties like sling2 and in controlled airspace etc (which again I like to fly as well) . The system worked in the AUF days and was just upgraded and keep going. It would able people to decide on how much they pay and gives a clear two step standard. The standards are already written and exams done from the AUF days so what's the problem. Gives people a clear choice Drifter types or Sling2 types and some lower cost for flying and training with the first. Its not unsafe with same maintnace level as well. Then if and when they want to do more or go bigger faster etc or spend more they can -ITS THE MEMBERS CHOICE!
  4. Hi FT, I agree common sense is always a bonus. My "Random Thoughts" Ramblings and Personal Problem and Opinion is: I can fly GA all day long and night and don’t need to pass any Human Factors, Did not have to do any exam on my GA BFR, yet I had to do the exam to fly RAA aircraft. Weird double standard is it not. Quote a CFI - It’s a mess the way its presented and tested. Having said that I do agree for (non GA) RAA pilots that in my opinion should really have a higher standard from what I am seeing today. Specifically, some of the RAA aircraft have higher performance that GA these days. Personally I also think spin training, unusual attitude recovery, under a hood for an hour or two, and “solid x-wind with turbulent gusting landings and takeoffs” should be included (hammered) in the training SYSTEM when getting a PAX / Cross country endorsement. (another non flying pax life matters and skills need to be high). These take offs and landings training need to be pushed in rough weather I believe. When you watch some of the club boys in gusting weather land. They are all over the place and I shake my head in disbelief in the lack of skill and control. How to use Flaps – I am shocked to her discussions on the use of flaps and power. Specifically, for low inertial training then the faster heaver 600k beasts. Using all stages of flaps which I was “stunned” that a member had never flown a metal beastie and he had not used flaps with the aircraft and had not trained on using them before taking a Pax with him and bent a 600kg beastie when he did for the first time as if came down hard!! Really no excuse and no common sense. Training gaps would be so simple “to bring up to GA RPL on flying standards”. I also saw the thread that said it takes “around or average 20 to 25 hours” for a RAA PC. Back in the Lightwing / Thruster / Drifter in the AUF days was around 15 hours to have an average student pretty well up to speed from memory. And around 10 to 12 for first solo. Yes, I know we are more anal now – and accept that. However to have a GA flying standard (PRL STANDARD not PPL ) with the 600kg RAA aircraft if not far away to get to. Remember some GA training aircraft you started in you had to be spin endorsed before you went solo or could not fly unless you got that endorsement. EG - Tomahawk! Yes it would cost a bit more to exercise the privilege to fly RAA with a PAX. Say an extra 3 to 5 hours (my guess) HOWEVER CASA would not really have a leg to stand on with pilot proficiency or standards with our flying the 600kg beasties. To get the PAX / cross country endorsement or in other words a non-flying human life at stake. This should go down well with the RAA pushing safety and shows CASA we are serious and to get further freedoms like night flying etc.
  5. WHY NOT - has the RAA have the power to issue a "Dispensation" to fly RAA aircraft to get serviced or cleared etc. This is madness. We did everything well a lot of things under dispensation in GA. And had many issued by CASA when doing airshows in the AUF days FLYING ULTRALIGHTS including operating in controlled airspace back then with two stroke engines. Please enlighten me.
  6. PPL GA is to standard end of story, You will be expected to know the current airspace operations ect - RAA is the same as, to and acceptable standard of flying. However you will have to be complete with the current exams for example Human Factors which again is badly written and should be scrapped and changed to " Do You Have Common Sense".
  7. To those who have not spun aircraft - MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, I would hope all that can do this as its highly valuable training and may save your life one day. Also - I have no connection with the above at Clifton or its commercial operations.
  8. Its the best TV series ever. Watched Clintons party opening implode with Bernie group. I love the exposed and totally corrupt process of the "land of the free" and they tell us (the world) how to act. Trump is a babe in the woods compared to the hard core dirty pollies in Washington. All my USA mates are so embarrassed with the Clintons and what has been exposed. Cant wait for the next instalment. Loved the meeting with Bill and the AG on a plane and just talked about grand kids while Hillary was still under investigation. Stinks of incest. Also think we here are just as screwed with our pollies.
  9. So KOOOL , I like it - When can we do this in RAA aircraft !!!!
  10. Have not checked the ops manual, However if you are a new shinny RAA pilot (nor being rude) and - If you have only flown one type as you stated Lightwing GR912 Highly Recommend - for example if you jump into say a sling2 that it would be "madness" for you to fly it without doing some time and landings, engine failure practice with a instructor. They all have a different feel. I would recommend 20 mins upper air work and say 6 bump and grinds. Also a "Must" is to sit in the seat FOR 30 TO 60 MINS and look at all the different and shiny switches and where they are hiding, and if radio, flight display is a different brand get briefing on how to use what you are not used to. Just in my humble opinion.
  11. I believe you will have to do RAA Human Factors exam - god knows how we used to fly for so many years before that without it. Both in GA and Ultralight. I think it should be completely scrapped to a simple - Do you have common sense!!
  12. Don't play golf but I think it is out of bounds. And there is no real media any more it is all social chats.
  13. Have you called Errol?
  14. Dr Zoos - Really - Sounds like you are young bold pilot. Hope the air gods don't smite thee.
  15. Hi Guys anyone have any idea on how many new RAA members are joining as student pilots a month, AND how many Pilot Certs are being passed or issued a month. Any one from the RAA office online here that has that information. Be interested to see if we are growing or shrinking. Be interested if the RAA gave a number of new students enrolled and Pilot Certs completed every month.
  16. Sorry to hear. However being the hard head I picked up your statement "Well I decided to land short and pulled 3rd stage of flaps. I had only ever landed twice before with full flaps on a strip i knew well under ideal conditions. Well from the minute I hit full flaps I was behind the airplane". Why have you only landed twice with full flap. This seems to me the lack of training and or ongoing self practice which took you outside your comfort zone with operating the aircraft. Can you confirm this. I am not have a shot at you.
  17. Maybe children (man baby) should be seen and not heard and given the dummy. (I see the stirring of the pot).
  18. Lesson one. Welcome to the real world. For example read below and by the way it takes out other major banks we all know. Then Aussie land has real problems. Jul 10, 2016 3:50 PM Deutsche Bank stock is now worth just 8% of its peak 2007 value. It’s already been a loooong ride downhill for one of Europe’s most iconic banks, but Brexit kicked DB in the crotch because almost 20% of its revenues came from the UK, bringing its stock down to a groveling “crash value” now of $12.60 a share. One of the world’s largest and oldest banks looks ready to fall into the gaping abyss of the Epocalypse. No wonder European banksters are screaming “Bailout!” AND Nothing is more shameless in a bedazzling sort of way than rich banksters standing on the public curb with their hands out. First, we had the admission this past week by a major French bank that Italian banks are so sick (and so too big to fail) they could cause systemic banking failure throughout Europe if not bailed out by over-taxed taxpayers. Lorenzo Bini Smaghi — who was a member of the European Central Bank’s executive board and who is now Chair of French megabank Societe Generale — said the only way to save European banks, if they start to fall like dominoes due to Italy’s banking problems, is with taxpayer-funded bailouts. Europe’s banking market faces the risk of a systemic crisis unless governments accept the idea of taxpayer money as the ultimate recourse in a crisis, Bini Smaghi said. Any intervention should be as swift as possible, he said. A French CEO says his massive bank and others could fall like dominoes due to Italy’s problems? That has to be good for his falling stocks. So, you ask yourself, why would he say something to spook an already scared stock market? Then we had Italy’s prime minister, Matteo Renzi, pressuring Europe to bail out Italy’s banks by pointing out that Italian bank problems with bad loans pale in comparison to Deutsche Bank’s towering derivatives problem over in Germany. Gee, you’d think they were trying to talk the EU into a panic … as if it weren’t already there. Considering that 17% of Italy’s bank loans have gone sour (which sounds monumental to me), Deutsche Bank must be bad beyond belief at a hundred times worse! That’d be an undoable 170% bad, which is pretty dang bad!
  19. Shows the state of the Aussie economy. My accountant said today most of his clients are sinking badly.
  20. Maybe Members that live near these strips could help out with a roster or phone number that could help out with fuel for other members that need fuel if to far from town. Sort of a list to call as well if stuck or pre arrange.
  21. Hi is Ray Clamback still holding a commercial license?? Not being rude. I knew him over 30 years ago with Navair - and Anita was around as well doing fear of flying courses.
  22. Common sense prevails. Thanks Geoff good answer.
  23. Was waiting for that one, well done Frank - Oh yes the difference is that these aircraft have a maintenance history under stricter control, and strict known factory build and checked by LAME's. Frank I am a firm believer that we need to be vigilant and confirm visually with RAA aircraft at present. Visual checks only cost time. I am for the freedoms we get under RAA but also have watched many failures specifically hoses rubbing, wires rubbing, and cracks in mounts ect over the last 30 years. We have come a long way with the machines we have today, BUT level 2 maintenance quality by people still has its ups and downs. So again a simple visual can stop a lot of cost or hurt and reports we don't want to see. To put it another are you sure you want to risk a PAX life when you cant see all of the engine frame and hoses of a hired plane and that you have no idea what it has done sine the last 100 hourly. Sorry not me if I am hiring.
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