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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. One thing is for sure - fees will always go up, and we do (some of us ) do operate in CTA. They - the GOV - CASA - RAA - will sooner or later work out how to bleed our back pockets more and more. Interesting point is that in USA it coast FIVE DOLLARS to register and aircraft. My first question is what is the RAA break up of where it goes - of our RAA fees and pilot cert and aircraft rego. How many new members joining and actual pilot certs being issued monthly from RAA?????
  2. So fees going to go up I guess.
  3. I was told in passing a couple of weeks ago runway needs a fair amount of work.
  4. So what is the status of flying schools today and how much are the costs going up for dual training. I saw the last post on this thread was - Student Costs for Dual Training RA-Aus Oct 8, 2013 last post. So what has gone on since, are they flat out, and the costs (Dual training) seems to be prohibitive high for younger guys. How much is a pilot cert from scratch these days? Also do we know how many new members are joining the RAA per month, and how many pilot certs being issued p/m. Should schools go back or look at having “Rag Wing Type Trainers” say drifters and I saw the new Bat Hawk – similar to the side by side old thruster to do the initial pilot cert to reduced costs to the public and also provide a clear price gap to GA. They also go back to the old hard core AUF days and were fun (low and slow) and easy to fly with a short list of checks. I believe the Bat hawk is under $70k. With these entry level aircraft “I assume” (yes I know don't assume ) that the costs could be compared to running around in the metal / carbon types unless some clubs get tooo greedy. Is it possible to get a $120 (pure guess) dual and hour or less in these aircraft types to bring members in? Any thoughts???
  5. The people that run this should put out a nice piece of paper WITH a circuit diagram drawing that shows people two ways of doing it. One with radio and one without. One simple way is also for non radio aircraft is to fly at 500ft circuit and entry over the top and two defined base turns for both types. It has all been done before. The drawing can be done in crayon even. CASA can issue dispensation for the weekend by the way. Simple. Again ready for bullets on this comments from all the compulsive disorder personalities.
  6. No mate - old, bold instructors play chicken real well. - its all yours!
  7. You would be way toooooo busy trying to figure out why you rudder was jammed, while I shut the engine down. You will learn grasshopper ( smile )
  8. I will go on the engine off side - So what happens when the - student has an engine failure for real with a non flying pax!!!! - I have seen many times the eyes of a startled deer looking at me. It brings home the whole training system to what is real and not a game. They don't have to cope with other things like noise they have never heard before, or fixate on a stopped prop - so they can at least fly the aircraft - the primary job. Now lets get real as well - I do admit that some, under line some CFI's and instructors I have know were not capable in all segments of training - yes its true. They are human and the whole system we fly under are under human rules and performance. Some preform better then others, same with pilots we have here just look at the landings or some comments posted on the site!!! (all smile now and take a deep breath). Ready for bullets.
  9. Dutch roll - The RAA do. As posted by happy flyer above from the ops manual. Ops Manual Section 3.02-2 9. Operations with the engine stopped during flight may only be conducted by a CFI or higher approval holder in controlled conditions for emergency training.
  10. Students in my opinion MUST experience a engine off and even more so if it a two stroke. It makes for a completely different effect in rag wings specifically can be very disturbing with noises that the engine covers up and you may think the airframe has had a failure. By the way its one hell of a shock being in any aircraft when you see the prop stop turning. If they cant land over a big runway with an engine out safely and with instructor - they don't get to fly. Simple.
  11. Welcome = Tail Draggers Rule!!! puts hair on your chest and shows you have real Ball*** sorry gonads, to be bloody PC - compared to these "sissy nose wheel boys" in cross wind.
  12. Just had a look at the web site and prices below - Standard Chinook Plus 2 - Two Stroke Kit, less engine, propeller, paint and instrument options: US$13,800.00 Standard Two Stroke Engine/Instrument Package: US$6.500.00 Does not include shipping and handling or paint. Chinook Plus 2 - Four Stroke Kit, less engine, propeller, paint and instrument options: US$14,500.00 Standard Four Stroke Engine/Instrument Package: US$18,692.00 Does not include shipping and handling or paint.
  13. Frank the way it used to be - history coming back. It should be affordable to buy I hope and cheap fly. Slow and Low and you could land into a paddock or four wheel drive tracks.
  14. BUT on the other side and above all its still cheaper than having a wife and kids by a nautical mile!
  15. Frank are you trying to bait me - you old bugger. Funny - What it really needs is an in flight coffee machine - then I am in heaven. Best.
  16. Beautiful sport touring aircraft that shows what can be done at a cost - yes. Has the FIA speed record of 175kts. Yes its a bowling green landing aircraft and Roberto is looking to increase weight and the undercart strength next year. Cost is high but expect it to come down once the facilities are paid for. It just shows what can be done for the high cruise speed end of the market in Europe. Not suitable for Aust till undercart is stronger.
  17. But it goes like a cut cat.
  18. You were taught "wrong" sorry to say. As stated Carb heat off mid to short final. They should be no argument on this.
  19. Carb heat off mid to short final. They should be no argument on this. You can get a large power loss and less response and if you are doing a missed approach or bounce and its usually with a xwind and need to get outta there you wont have time to stuff around with finding knobs you just want max power and "Rule One" fly the aircraft.
  20. Hi all. I have been told and getting the feeling the Rotax 912 is/isc has had some nagging problems. Have noted by comments from guys in flying schools (lessons cancelled or changed general knitting circle talk) that their training aircraft is down due engine problems (they did not know what it was and I did not ask and not referring to airframe problems), but is seems to be fairly frequent over the last 7 months or so. Not major failures that cause rebuilds. I know these aircraft can do a lot of hours over a month or so but still gremlins are not fun. My Question is WHAT are the common gremlin’s that the 912 is / isc have. Compared to the 912 ul carb version which uses more fuel ( say 3 lt hour yes ) but seems to be a better performer for reliability long term. I would suspect most are electrical based but will stand corrected. Can we get a list of problems you have had with hours run on engine and what was done to fix the problem? Including costs or replacement parts. I am looking to get a Rotax 912 this year end depending on what is really going on with the problems and what spares to carry if I go the 912 is / isc route.
  21. I am now confused with all the answers above. remember low time guys as well are reading this and their heads must be spinning, beside the ATC guys answering. So with all above and many people reading these "GEMS" of wisdom, They who provide must be all Gods of the Air or CFI's so what is the process, 3000 FT 5000 FT above 5,000 FT So when CASA asks me for a coffee and a chat before the incident report , When, or What height and What distance for CTAF into local strip etc etc. Or do I say I read the procedure on a forum from a guy named xxxx, That will go down well. I think we need ATC guys to answer these specific questions and say this is the ATC answer. Ready for bullet holes now!
  22. FT I am not, and you have your head in the sand. What a stupid comment you made. Peoples lives are at stake. FT - It's an matter of when. When I don't know. Look at the laser lights used at aircraft, by IDIOTS (mostly adults) of low mental ability and they know its wrong - so what has stopped them - nothing. Show me the IQ rating of drone drivers! Wake up FT and smell the coffee - never say never!
  23. That's fine FT I understand that: - we shall just wait for an aircraft to come down with a drone strike. Then watch all the idiots say we need to change the law or ban them. And put the operator in jail for murder. Its a loaded gun waiting to go off. Just once I would like to see CASA get ahead of the problem that a blind man can see coming.
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