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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. Simple fix all drones sold to carry GPS and limited by GPS to 300ft. Many ways to fix the problem for over the counter toys, but it has to be done now or they cant be imported or they become illegal. Why do we need a plane to crash first to stop what WILL happen.
  2. 2015 174.406 kts - Risen world speed record challange in the sunny morning of 16th December 2015, at the Aviosuperficie di Ozzano Dell'Emilia "Guglielmo Zamboni” Bolagna, Swiss Excellence Airplanes Risen has won a new challenge: striking the UL class world speed record with a standard Rotax 912 ULS 100 hp engine. Is it a unique fact that the pilot is also the engineer that designed the machine, so the satisfaction for SEA was double. Pilot Alberto Porto, with Sara della Moretta on board has made a 323,31 Km/h Speed over a straight course, establishing a new AECI certified national record that was claimed and now is under review at FAI.
  3. Very, Very Sad - knew him - great guy - had many ideas and then made them. Great aeroplane the Light Wing, had one and many of our guys have learnt in it . Gave me the keys to the prototype tricycle and said take it for a run and see what you think. Lost a bit of living history and condolences to his family and the guys that worked with him in Ballina. Everyone should have a fly next week in his honor and think of Howard Hughes.
  4. Russ are you learning to fly and with an instructor ? This is basic student stuff. You sound like you have read some books and just stared training? Please confirm.
  5. Yep - thought it hit him on the hand. Very lucky boy.
  6. Frank this is irresponsible post - you are telling guys things that could cause an event!!! and they would not do normally. You don't know their training level or if they stuff it up whos to help them recover. What position have you put them in by your post. Many people have problems with stalls, let alone spins or spin entry.
  7. Again Instead of answering this question or by the forum of which you may get some out of left field answers or confusion or typos. go see a CFI in GA and get some stall spin training. Yes and a well trained Spin CFI and plane that is spin-able. Learn in real time and find out the different ways it enters. Especially slow banking turns OR SUDDEN banking turns low speed. Just like an engine failure after takeoff. It should then cure you for life on turn backs to a strip, to start with on engine failure. '''''Highly recommended for any RAA pilot that has not done real spins in GA. DO IT, not the kindergarten stuff in RAA''''''. Then you will get a healthy respect of what you are asking, as its only words here - Its not real till you "See and Feel" the earth rotate in front of your face - understand.
  8. Have no idea. Wing skins ok? What engine are you looking at to put on.
  9. Its a Mustang, Aussie made built in Sydney, used a single robin or twin robin way back then. Not aerobatic.
  10. Also did not see and cross control entry, but hard to see with the cam position of the stick. I hate to say it but agree with facthunter above.
  11. Instead of answering this question or by the forum of which you may get some out of left field answers or confusion. You have also stated you are low hours so it may be best to go see a CFI in GA and get some stall spin training. That will raise the blood pressure at first, then ask your question face to face with the CFI.
  12. As Keith Williams once said: "We Have The Best Politicians You Can Buy" - It just depends who has the biggest cheque book.
  13. Aldo - It is Petty Jealousy and those who cant, to whoever put you in and did not contact you first than involve the RAA. They are just jealous of the joys of night flying in clear skies and don't spend the money to get the rating. May I give you the perfect curse to pass on to whoever did it. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your ass
  14. Have never seen ATC spill their coffee jumping off their chair. (smile)
  15. Ian, that's why some have more grey hair than others. And we used slim packs that were going to hurt no matter what, with wind or not.
  16. I want it now
  17. That's fine Pearo - all good - fly well.
  18. Hi SDQDI - That's fine and agree, but have said common sense has to be used as well. Here is the problem. We need to talk oranges or apples. RAA at 600kg max or GA with whatever kg depending on type. Because we do fly them differently and also for different conditions. I agree with you on speeds and flaps and retrac landing gear on RAA aircraft. This provides further limitations with speed, but you also should be trained for this at a higher level to fly these aircraft including turbulence penetration speeds and use of trickle power as well etc. However, the more vulnerable aircraft and pilots are the lighter rag wing types, drifter thruster etc or none flap lightwing types (not being rude guys) that have penetration problems in gusts and bad weather because they are very light. So WHAT I am saying is we need to identify the aircraft to have all the facts to specifically answer questions or posts properly and keep the low time guys in the loop with best answers from those who have the experience and or training in those types. To keep them safe and if not able to answer simple questions refer them to CFI to keep them and possible a non pilot pax safe.
  19. Pearo this is a RAA forum not GA, Stop trying to have a ego and puff up with GA knowledge in front of people that don't fly GA. The C172 has AROUND 1,100 kg max take off. I was talking about RAA aircraft with a MTOW of up to 600kg ish most a lot lighter. Its your damm crossing of types and GA weight that cause confusion with RAA pilots and what I said. However, What is said was correct in the sense for RAA aircraft with runway length available, use it. YRED and has one runway designated 07/25 which measures 853 m. Any RAA aircraft, if you read my post correctly is fine for an extra 10kts for wind shifts and gusts on final with reversing windsocks etc as we don't have the INERTIA like GA. The next sentence was for crosswinds - Quote "Also people scared of landing in a solid crosswind really again, common sense get and instructor and rack some hours in crosswinds otherwise I would call it unsafe for you to fly right?" - which is again correct with common sense which is severely lacking on this site at times. You must put the argument in context of RAA aircraft and not go off on a tangent to GA.
  20. Just over the last 6 months here Raa Stuff - Aerofox - Tecnam RG - Sling2 - Foxbat, before that lightwing, drifter, thruster, plus float, plus etc etc. Was in Europe last year and flew Vl3, Sting, Sport Crusier. Then GA.. But wanting the Risen new in europe - its a cut cat, for point A to B. very nice but very expensive and want to see at least 10 roll off the line first.
  21. Oh come on guys basic 101 - If you expect wind shifts and gusts etc stick the nose down in ground effect on takeoff and pick up some speed then climb out at 5 or 10 kts higher than normal. Same on landing use the runway length, no points for crashing in the first 10 ft. So add 10kts or so on final and hold the wheels off the runway around 3 ft and let the speed bleed off. Really should not be going over this and it should have been covered in training. A lot of strips have this problem. Also people scared of landing in a solid crosswind really again, common sense get and instructor and rack some hours in crosswinds otherwise I would call it unsafe for you to fly right?
  22. BLAR82 - I like your outlook on life on your post - "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, joystick in one hand, scotch in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"" To bad they invented Human Factors and PC.
  23. We used the incentive program back in the Non Political Correct days, and the student was fined with a beer a bounce, and a slab for any bounce over four feet. Attempted murder of an instructor eg trying to land 20ft high and on the stall etc was a pub. All instructors never paid for a beer ever. But then again common sense and fun were allowed. Would not happen these days would it. What a sad time we live in where its more exciting for some people to fill in paperwork or point fingers than actually fly.
  24. Hi KRviator - Please share the fees and charges?
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