Common sense and logic must come into this argument, don’t laugh, all of which is lacking with government. With that being said, CASA can operate to their heart’s content on the commercial side and senior commercial side of large aircraft and RPT etc on medical issues. I have no issues with this.
As mentioned in this thread or somewhere else as my Alzheimer’s may be affecting my memory, pilots with class I medicals have had heart attacks in the cockpit the following month and wasn’t picked up by any medical. Don’t let any medical clearance think you won’t have a heart attack.
Flying is risk, driving is risk, walking down the road is risk, it is all acceptable risk that we take and the government accepts every day.
This is general and sport aviation and we are being attacked with red tape rules and regulations that far exceeds the requirements of what some pilots want to do. Some pilots just want to be able to fly basically outside of controlled airspace away from built-up areas and if that is the case. Good for them. If you wish to go into controlled airspace or over cities, yes, something between, as in mid way of a drivers license and the current aviation med two would seem fair and reasonable to me.
Many, many years ago I knew a pilot that put a pill under his tongue just before he took off for angina. I did mention this over a beer with the Aviation Department guys that I used to hang around with. To my surprise, the Department knew of this person and said he is in the middle of nowhere in the back blocks and is not going to hurt anyone but himself. True story.
The solution to all of this is quite simple. However I will bet it will not go down well with CASA or the powers that be.
For our RAA pilots that are basically flying single seat aircraft outside of controlled airspace and built-up areas. There is nothing the matter with the normal driver’s license equivalent and same applies for two seat operations provided the person that is going flying with them is aware. I also don’t see the problem of flying a two seat RAA registered aircraft into controlled airspace subject to the pilot having procedures and operations to do so have been passed and equipment on board, suitable.
To me it makes no difference that I can drive a four-wheel drive car with five people in it and crash into a house or restaurant carrying some minor medical problem but still allows me to hold a driving license legally, it’s a risk all of us take every day with other road users. It happens I’m sorry to say but those are acceptable risks that even insurance companies cater for.
To be honest my thinking is the standard of class two medical certificate should be between holding a driver’s license for a car and that of the current requirement of a class two as we are not driving A380s around the sky that can wipe out half a city if they come down as the department seems to think we are.
And I’m sure as a backup to all of this, especially with two seaters, nothing is the matter with having a safety pilot with you that can put the aircraft down provided any medical hiccup can be dealt with by an independent specialist without months of forward and back and costs if someone has a intermediate problem as I have seen over the years. Anyway.
To put this in perspective which I am sure may cause an argument from the governments side is that all GA aircraft flown by private pilots up to 6 seats have a medical standard that reflects that medical conditions do occur and are controlled very well with medications that do not impose a greater risk to the general public than driving a car and don’t go overboard after a GP and or specialist has cleared it.
In closing I was informed while watching the news one day that the government had tested the sewers of some area in Australia. I believe in Victoria and with their science and voodoo had concluded that one in 20 people are driving their cars after taking illegal drugs, now that’s something to think about why you’re watching a car coming toward you on expressway or passing you.
By the way I dictated this post by using Dragon 13 voice to text as my Parkinson’s make my hands and fingers jump over the keys when typing.
Everyone have a good time flying and enjoy life as we will all be grounded soon enough.