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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. For all the Dudley do rights - the feds would charge you here (PIC) in Australia for letting her fly without a license, correct? - or have a go on the stick. Stupid laws here. Who here has not let the pax you take have a go. But don't film it.
  2. Link?
  3. Have a look at flybox http://www.flyboxavionics.it/vigilus-aero.html
  4. 6hour endurance? means you will have to have a dam good bladder or be using plastic bottle during the flight. Your other option is also to have a 20l fuel bladder in the back to use to extend range.
  5. Example lets assume concert blocks buried into the ground that are not going anywhere. Not pegs hammered into the ground. So for all the physics guys -what size rope / chains probably or how much load or strain is placed on the rope / wing tie down point with an aircraft in the open. As we have all looked at pics with aircraft upside down that were tied down after a storm or heavy wind - what is the strain can be put on a RAA aircraft ropes. Has it ever been calculated?
  6. That’s what I said read the Read the first line of the post
  7. Generally the system is corrupt. Government as in all of them lie or wont answer question. You never hear of a dept head being sacked. You almost never hear of a MP who got caught fudging the system being booted out or resigning. (should be held to a higher standard if the are in politics) Any problem it seems always goes along the line of - we will get a review done - 12 months later what happens?. Sorry call me cynical but would you hand your wallet over to the government without being forced . another fresh point is - Any government forms for example with the drought or the fires we had needed basically paperwork that people lost or accountants had to complete. So Its never the ministers fault - so whos fault is it?. The dept heads that run the country are greatly overpaid with no oversight and need to be replaced (no value for money spent) by say three heads each responsible for a section of the portfolio at a much lower salary. Also they need to be replaced every four years.
  8. Difference of cost and not in CTA Redcliff Tecnam Eaglet Dual Hire $300 per hour Boonah [TABLE] [TR] [TD]Tecnam Golf[/TD][TD]Dual:[/TD][TD]$240 p/h[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  9. I know its in CTA and with x country. But $417 dual. The 5 theory lesson (NOTE why 5 has me confused) at $261 to me is stupid. I undestand the med 2 cost for cta operations Also I can hire the same aircraft type solo RATE OF $140 hour wet. [TABLE] [TR] [TD]Recreational Pilot Licence[/TD][TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]36* Fixed Price Lessons in Sling 2 @ $417 / lesson[/TD][TD]15,012[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]5 Theory Lessons @ $261 / lesson[/TD][TD]1,305[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]RA-Aus Student Membership[/TD][TD]237[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Student Starter Kit (textbooks, logbook & manuals)[/TD][TD]397[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]CASA Class 2 Medical Exam & CASA processing fee[/TD][TD]314[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Pilot Certificate Flight Test & RA-Aus processing fee[/TD][TD]626[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Typical Total RA-Aus Pilot Certificate Cost[/TD][TD]$17,891 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Typical Total PC Logbook Hours[/TD][TD]40* hrs [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] * The syllabus and testing required to be awarded your Pilot Certificate is competency based and the actual hours taken to achieve competency will vary depending on your natural ability, individual rate of learning, frequency of lessons and your preparation and study between lessons. It may take you more or less time. Prices are current as at 1 January 2020, and are subject to change. I KNOW ITS IN CTA -BUT!!!!
  10. YOU really think.
  11. Yes you might be having a bad day, but it's probably not a "tell your boss you set off the fire suppression system at the Minnesota National Guard hangar and foamed all 10 aircraft” kind of bad day...
  12. This list is only some EXAMPLES of sins - Please add more to my examples - for we know we ALL sin. And Bernie with one sin - I don’t believe you!
  13. You need to repent and have this burden lifted. I know some of you are worried that the evil CASA is looking here – but have no fear. You may have seen someone else sin, without any names. Or it may have been many years ago.. in a faraway galaxy… All pilot confessions are welcome from RAA to GA (including commercial who will surely go to hell) Examples of some Pilots Sins could be (not in any order … Left the chocks in place or still tied down trying to taxi Forgot to check for water in the fuel before flying Left a fuel cap off Seat belt off on takeoff or landing Door not secured on takeoff or flight Wrong airfield setting Arrived at different airfield at 1000 ft and found that you could read the number plates on the cars Unsure of position - really no one! Totally lost You were more than 4km off track and still did not know which side of the track you were off (REFER ABOVE) Flying with the fin of the aircraft in cloud – (and also possible) looking at the birds in the trees (VFR) Wrong radio frequency Takeoff wrong runway direction Radio runway call right - but landing wrong runway direction e.g. reversed runway numbers Misread the windsock Big one (landed at unknown or wrong) airport or strip Exceeded VNE – if you are still here! Left the wife at the airport (no biggy) Forgot flaps at takeoff or landing - or exceeded flap extension speed Forgot to retract flaps for more than 1 min or more after takeoff Forgot to turn fuel on Forgot to switch fuel tanks in flight every 30 mins ish Stuffed up last light, or wind strength and ended up night flying or nigh circuits (WELL DONE!) No checks on downwind Tried to land on top of an aircraft on the runway Picked a fight with ATC ATC asked nicely to call them after landing Punched into CTA without clearance Told any Instructor or CFI that they are an idiot Forgot your head set and could not fly Any Pilot in Command that flew to a winey or wine tasting Used the wrong aircraft callsign to ATC VS FLIGHT PLAN For commercial pilots - got in the wrong aircraft - than actually flew it
  14. I believe you can take the back seats out of the VH rego J240 and then it can be on the RAA rego.
  15. The Bristol LSA I flew for a couple hours was very skittish -just one take off and landing as direct flight - it would porpoise and yaw very very easily with the slightest bump - would not settle easily without input -it would be demanding hands on to fly long flights without auto pilot for holding heading . Never got to stall it. However I have looked at the tiny tail feathers these types that may have and lack of elevator and rudder control at low speed also. May be we need an third party HONEST review by some high time CFIs and rate them for any design or operation like no coffee holders or landing differences
  16. Why are you crying in your soup. We live under the dictatorship of CASA where the Minster of Aviation is only a figure head.
  17. I know this has probably been on the site before. Has anyone come up with a brilliant idea of flying a low wing canopy aircraft. Then say a nose wheel collapse and it flips over on its back in the back blocks. Any idea or system on how to get out of the aircraft let's say in a remote area where no one is coming to your rescue.
  18. Any commercial pilot please do not answer this if you know the answer and give it away this is for the guys to exercise their brains in RAA or PPL pilots. This question we got thrown as a hypothetical in one of senior commercial theory licence questions in class it was not in an actual exam – but a bit of fun by the instructor. Accept the premise AND all assumptions. So we have 50 tons of Canaries (yes little yellow birds) sitting in all the seats of a 747. No seats belts. The 747 is flying at 35,000 feet straight and level. Then all 50 tons of Canaries become airborne inside the 747 flying around. The Question What happens to the 747 In other words is it 50 tons lighter Or is it the same weight at that point in time. If it is 50 tons lighter does THE 747 climb If the 747 maintains it's flight level without climbing WHY? Please explain your logic and process of YOUR answer. No droll smart arse answers I've heard them all before .
  19. Yep I would be for that. Correct me if i am wrong but today in NZ is 75 days FREE of any cases. All back to normal for them except international travel.
  20. Butch - I agree with you also- sorry to sound each way - however I have not an answer to solve both sides of the equation to my satisfaction either.
  21. I am amazed by the amount of Holier Than Thou posters on the website that follow the rules on aviation beyond the letter, are first to criticise any infraction eg low flying, cowboy stuff, etc and also the sticklers on the strict occupational health and safety rules so you don’t die or have an accident that I have read on this site. Yet it seems some posters are quite happy to put a gun to our other members heads and pull the trigger and say best of luck. I also note the amount of sympathy posted, when just one of our fellow flyers die in a crash. Yet reading here I am amazed at the gun ho of let this virus run rampant and to hell with the health issues of other members and want to play Russian Roulette. You can quote all the numbers around the world but how do I put it - HE who casts the first vote HERE to go back as if the covid 19 virus is just an inconvenience and open everything up then is he going to be TOTALLY responsible that kills or maim Australians. I am totally aware of the ongoing economic and social problems – but if this was a OHAS issue with building or mines the risk would be unacceptable – would it not. I don’t know the answer myself - and I am not religious – but maybe all our sins have caught up with us. BUT I would not make any decision that would knowing kill many people FATHERS, MOTHERS, GRANDPARENTS AND SOME KIDS . Many means more than two in my book if it gets rampant in Australia by people who don't care.
  22. Oh for gods sake turbs and aro - THIS POST WAS DONE TONGUE IN CHECK. Looks like you have had way to much of chairman Dans Kool Aid.
  23. So this is how to leave the Socialist Republic of Victoria - it will cost any of you Mexican refugees without wings plenty of $$$$$$ - Upon cash being delivered I will put a X on the map and send it to you with a time to pick up. Who said people smugglers in Australia cant beat the system. Another example of how to make money with RAA aircraft.
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