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Everything posted by SSCBD

  1. Murwillumbah had a council notice of its intent to charge $14.00 per landing, I saw this before xmas.
  2. Hi Frank - Really sick people around cant understand why the folders??. Where is she based?
  3. Sport Pilots Or Sport Aircraft Pilots
  4. Oh yes, the good old days before rules and regs.
  5. So what about aircraft agents selling aircraft, flying to airshows or to show to a buyer? Also when they are delivering aircraft?
  6. The burden and cost of compliance it is putting on members is the problem with RAA and it will increase as it is really a money game for RAA and those who are in the game to make money from RAA. Look at the commercial operators on the board and do they have a conflict of interest? RAA is not fun anymore, to PC = to many rules and regs for a lot of members and its, just do this, or that, all under the smoke and mirrors of safety or control(loss of freedoms), for money. Look at the costs to buy a new RAA TRAINING aircraft around $200k to $300k plus for the affluent schools. Why would the one man CFI, who probably has his own property and operation flying in the country, say with a Drifter or Lightwing be allowed to compete to the big city boys. What is the cost of inspection and compliance of a flying school from RAA and the school these days. Also - Why would any student want to pay for around 12 mins just having the Rotax engine running lets say at $250 to $300 PER hour dual coast when operating on the ground at these so called big schools to get to the runway to take off. A lot of costs just to taxi around these bigger city type airports. Where GA is costed at air time. They we get to the problem of RAA instructors. If you have not flow with many different CFI's they all have THEIR little pet things they like done in a specific way. EG don't fly at 1000 ft in circuit, you fly at 990 ft, so the fin is not about the 1000ft. (true) Or fly so close in on downwind that turning base and final is really 180 degree turn. Some CFI's need to be retrained in my humble opinion, and watch out for the brand new shinny just minted RAA instructors. I would not let my daughter fly with some of them. ON THE FLIP SIDE - Why would you learn to fly RAA these days any way when GA is in the long run is cheaper and you get better training, and then just fall back into RAA and be a better pilot for it than be trained by a RAA flying school. Truly WHAT dose RAA stand for these days, it is not Recreational or fun. People here on this forum I have read refuse to fly into fly-ins as they might be RAMP checked of hauled over the coals for a minor operational infraction on radio for example (not that it caused ANY safety issues. So in ending what has RAA done for all of you that are members and all cant agree on what you want? I know some who just go of fly to the city type schools and airstrips a miss and do what they want and have a great time out the back blocks. A lot of lucky guys have a strip on some land or property in the country and have the best flying. But what happens when no country CFI's are around to do a flight review - they might just go underground and fly with RAA and be a breakaway group that CASA had before AUF was invented. You will also probably lose more wantabe students (new RAA members that pay money ) from the country that just find it to hard. Great sport we are in! As one of these country guys said - I do my own stuff away from everyone else, on my own property and don't care! I don't see RAA (the body) being around in this format over the next say 4 or 5 years. It is badly run, as usual and always has its hand out and dose not deliver. About time for a new model that is fun and works for its members and holds the line against CASA.
  7. Correct!
  8. Compliant is in the eyes of the inspection - many ways to skin a cat, pick on weaknesses, change standards or requirements - however, who would you appeal to if failed by inspection by RAA. Is one available?
  9. Hi Keith - where have you heard this - and are RAA going to fail these flying schools?
  10. Usually the drones are above me.
  11. As my reply to your comment was deleted by mod above (strange) (no not strange, abuse of that ilk will be edited every time. Play the topic not the man....MOD) - I suggest turbo that you do you own in Brisbane, instead of trying to discredit anything you cant get your head around or that was legally allowed by CASA. Flew for over12 months under it. Many dispensations were common from CASA back then, when we actually had real pilots in charge and they had common sense. including Parachuting, and GA water operations FOR EXAMPLE. How do you think they got airborne when the rules conflicted. Another example for you turbo, flew and landed at Coolangatta, Townsville and Cairns all classed as primary airspace (and yes all were active) were just some airports the Lightwing two stroke had access at the time or are they not good enough examples for you as a precedents? Its not the aircraft par se THESE DAYS with Rotax 912 and a L2 to keep it in the air, its the training of pilots that RAA needs to show and work on with a strong knowledge of operation in, around and out of CTA that should be even better trained than GA. Then you might have a good argument - its not the aircraft that's the problem its the drivers.
  12. comment deleted...mod Fully approved and documented, by head and 2ic and also by director sport aviation CASA Brisbane AND was on file with ATC. If RAA wants to call I can give them the names from CASA who signed off and approved the documents. but they should know as the AUF did know after the approval was given. How do you think they let an ultralight (Light wing two stroke into the airspace) the precedent to fly in control airspace has been there for years.
  13. I had way back when, in the AUF, a CASA - " open dispensation, with no limits, any time no notice (got the point) " into controlled airspace and land as wanted. Even went head to head with the airlines a lot, no problems - had a few stunned FO's I spoke to on radio. CASA never EVER had a problem with me or with it, whatsoever (back then). ATC was great, they even came flying with me at a few places. I did and still have a GA license as well - but I was flying a Lightwing two stroke with AUF rego and only had radio very basic panel and paper maps then. None of the other stuff you require now. So the "precedent has been around for many, many years". Seems the AUF NOW RAA have forgotten is was legal and was done without problem. This CTA stuff is a load of bull and excuses FROM RAA AND CASA - if you get training and pass it to PPL standard and use a four stroke Rotax and maintained by L2 whats the problem - However - I must admit, I was always waiting for a engine shut down with the two strokes - and I would not like to play in say, Sydney or Melb these days, however anywhere else is fine in my humble opinion.
  14. Simple - Phone and ask them - where it is and time expected.
  15. The question is - Who has not let a pax have a wiggle on the stick! I do, Let them call the pot black, I believe is the saying. Really I don't believe the stuff here some times especially with RAA planes. And to be clear not low level, and say above 3 thou. For all the bible bashers of fire and brimstone of CASA.
  16. https://www.msn.com/en-au/video/sport/mysterious-engine-fails-under-investigation/vp-BBNLAWl [/url]Investigation into mid-air engine failures yet to yield answers as pilots fear for their safety
  17. Very Cool and hats off to the pilot - CASA would have a heart attack here.
  18. Amazing when people had common sense, way back when.
  19. Really Nev. Did not know that!
  20. On a basic twin piston, say six seat, you must look also at PNR (specifically over water) - ( point of no return} and look at fuel available in case of engine failure at that point, as you usually will have descend if flying high, and have the good engine at near 100%. Speed drops and one of your legs will get very tired holding in a lot of rudder in.
  21. Your mother wears army boots!
  22. Anyone know what the insurance problem is here? One year after his light plane crashed on landing at a Sunshine Coast airport, Ben Berg is yet to walk, the injured passengers are taking legal action against him and his insurance won't pay out. full story link Queensland plane crash survivor cannot walk, facing lawsuits one year on
  23. Yes and good work octave as a parent but a dam lot has changed since and I bet you set boundaries, however more and more parents just don't give a toss of what the kid is doing, no home reading is huge, no help, no lunch, no water bottle, what about the others coming up NOW - a growing percentage (NOT ALL) of parents just don't care what the kid dose as values have slipped and changed - and the big one also is both parents work to stay afloat or also have problems, money, drugs are on the rise at home with parents using . Big rise now with the kid gets dropped off at school around 7 - 7.30am and picked up around 5.30 - 6pm - great life for small children, then parents expect the school to teach everything including manners! Also lots of single parents working full time with no, zero, zip, family support. Did you know that on a primary state school report card in qld - you actually lie to the parents in it and are not aloud to tell the truth. Really. And for any negative comment you must have EIGHT positive ones or you cant inform the parent. System gone mad because of PC .
  24. My Rant on special children that just need a kick up the rear. The teachers have no authority and the kids have no fear - my wife is a year 2 primary school teacher and has 10 out of the 24 kids classed as behaviour problems. Some of these have destroyed the classroom twice - and two other little Sh### - have thrown chairs and broken windows. One had a pair of scissors against another's throat and so on and so on. One year 2 kid used the f word in every sentence as well???. Cant be suspended but has to have more counselling - Really!!! The teachers of primary have ZERO power to control them and she spends on average a hour after school writing reports on the behaviour problems that day. Total waste of time. No government money has trickled down to the classroom, no extra teachers for these kids as promised and as the pollies have told us. its all spent at head office. These little sh### - need a kick up the rear and a bit of fear put into them. Oh and also the school is now offering parenting classes (yeah right) and this is a mid level primary school in a reasonable suburb. The other good kids are not learning anything - as she is keeping the problem children from destroying the place or each other. The kids know that nothing can be done to them or get a time out - big deal. They need a kick up the rear and some pain or fear if they get out of line as all we are developing is crims in training. And the parents need to teach them at home and not give them the ipad and go out to dinner or do care what they do. REAL LIFE IN A CITY PRIMARY SCHOOL.
  25. About time I went back to the AUF (I wish) - or just abandon RAA and do what I want outside of the city flying groups like some already have. Getting very tired of paying more, getting less and more rules. RAA is like the NBN - all promise and no performance - just costs more (when it works). Name one thing in AUS that works.
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