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Everything posted by jamel

  1. Well Alf If that isn't enough to make someone park up , what is ?
  2. The flight path on the way there would suggest you are correct. However it is unfathomable how you could expose others to such risk
  3. No Cookies | The Advertiser This really is incomprehensible ! I admire those who carry out this service for those in the bush , but the poor husband and siblings left behind , net alone those whose lives were cut short trusting the ability of someone in a position of responsibility. RIP
  4. In my humble opinion , it is a must do! . In retrospect I am so glad my first flying was in gliders, apart from stall and spin training, EVERY landing is a forced landing, no go arounds if you muck up
  5. Thanks , I learn something new every day! It was many years ago but I think it was Va speed he drummed into me not to exceed on recovery? Hated every second of it! and as you say the things I fly now are very different, but that training certainly served its purpose.
  6. Oscar the spins I experienced when I was learning gliding were fully developed spins and I can assure you I was looking straight at the deck and turning like a top! The old instructor must have sensed I wasn't too keen on the idea and made me wait for at least 3 revolutions before I was allowed to recover it! To this day I haven't let an aircraft past the incipient stage, and i hope I never do!!!
  7. So sad. RIP. What a horrible start to the year its been.
  8. At least he deserves respect for the fact that he didn't take anyone else with him as so many others find necessary to do
  9. . "A dust devil was nearby, they is Cessna killers as well, I herd about it once, but I am not speclating or nuffing like that , I is not an idiot or ignorant like uvver boofheads, I no xactly what I is talking about. Never ever do I post rubish where famlys is looking cos I is very senstiv to" You got to wonder sometimes. That light bulb in your head needs switching on
  10. This is about the limit to what I know about manoeuvres with an Arrow wing taken from my Airborne manual. Maybe you can enlighten me on any changes 2.6.2 Manoeuvring Limits All aerobatic manoeuvres including spinning is prohibited. Aerobatic manoeuvres including whipstalls, stalled spiral descents and negative “G” manoeuvres are not permitted. It must be emphasised that a whipstall, spiral descent or negative G manoeuvre can never be conducted safely. These manoeuvres put the aircraft outside the pilots control and put both the aircraft and its occupants in extreme danger. Do not pitch nose up or nose down more than 45 degrees from the horizontal. The front support tube of the trike and the pilot's chest limits the fore and aft movement of the control bar respectively. 2.6.3 Bank Angle Do not exceed 60 degrees of bank angle. In roll there is no stop for the control movement. For the purpose of pre-flight freedom, check by lowering each wing to within 10 cm off the ground (on ground level).
  11. Seems like a nerve has been hit!! Perhaps you would like to start a discussion about the Arrow wing? oh bugger, I don't know anything about them! so you say!
  12. And which report will that be? You producing one? The forum is for the discussion of Accidents and Incidents , not just condolences, if you don't feel they should be discussed don't read the forum
  13. "Yarrawonga Aerodrome manager Peter McLean told the Herald Sun the men, both experienced pilots, had been performing flight manoeuvres around the airstrip when their XT-912 Arrow struck the ground." I guess we will never hear any more about these "manoeuvres " or whether they contributed to the accident! Manoeuvres and flexwings are two words I don't like in the same sentence. Condolences to all those near to them
  14. I would seriously doubt it! The Herald Sun article listed in the other post goes into more detail and seems to include gyros in the equation and then goes on to say that they are mostly caused by pilot error anyway!
  15. Condolences to you Flyerme and all his loved ones. You have had a tough few months!
  16. You have to love how they change the stories! The first article they had on this link made it out to be an aircraft crash! I guess we can never know if or when we are going to have a heart attack , better it be just before take off!
  17. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/light-plane-crash-lands-in-riverland/news-story/ea2ded1d948c80f4ccf046f95b3e7b6a
  18. News tonight, 70 year old hits powerlines.
  19. Well the police have made their findings "both planes clipped power lines" !!!
  20. https://au.news.yahoo.com/sa/a/25230739/pilot-dies-in-sa-light-plane-crash/ Photo , the news said he apparently crashed while performing 'tricks" Yes, an aerobatic aircraft, so I guess VH rego.
  21. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/pilot-and-sole-occupant-of-light-plane-killed-in-crash-at-goolwa/story-fnii5yv7-1227086590203
  22. Yeah, the first report has been changed somewhat, they initially said it was a flying school plane that had ditched in a creek!! Nice they have updated the article to correct it and put up a picture as well.
  23. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/flying-school-plane-ditches-in-creek-near-murray-bridge-aerodrome-occupants-lucky-to-escape-injury/story-fni6uo1m-1226866483398
  24. I bet someones sphincter was working overtime!!!!
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