When first flying one, or in fact a lot of aircraft put a small tailwheel on. A skid is even better if you are not on seal.
This will make it run straight. Also use ailerons on the ground when turning. Not in the way you may have been taught but into the turn.
This puts weight onto the inside main wheel ans assists the turn.
Regarding x/winds the jodel will handle all that you can. Mine is to 20kts.
All are rigged differently and this reflects in how they fly. I can get a D18 stopped easily 300 ft from the fence one up.
Every 20 kilometres excess speed is 200 meters more runway required. Jean Delemontez.
My Decents are usually 50 kts. Slower if short paddock over the fence.
My Diesel Governor D150 is ok at 42 kts.
Have never looked like ground looping one,
but comments about wheel alignment are correct.
Jodels are sensitive to what the air around them is doing. Thats speed and trim wise.
In turbulence they yaw but just leave it alone. Dont chase turbulence with the pole. Minor pressures only and all is well.
Enjoy. Chas NZ