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Everything posted by diesel

  1. I thought they just point the way to go. But serious for a moment. Your windsock has a white ring around it. Ours in NZ used to. They are red now. Looks good from the earthbound office. Red being an earthern colour is invisible from the air a lot of the time. Check your drift on the way to the airport. Chas
  2. Fohngap clear air between wave. If you can see a cloud you are too close. If you can see a hill you are too close. If you can see the ground you are too close. In the early days you could not fly too close to heaven so sundays were out. My dumb Jodel does not know all this. Chas
  3. Will depend on whether you use a redrive. Engine hight will alter. Huge power difference. Chas
  4. Not enough glider time.
  5. Elevators can and do stall. Several aircraft have had their flap movement reduced because of this. A stall proof aircraft can be made by stopping the pole comming right back. Ercoupe etc. If the elevator falls off you will slam onto your back knocking you out before the not nice decent. At high aa the weight moves forward on the aerofoil while the lift thats left moves aft. There is your pitching moment. If the usually undersized elevator stalls first it will happen quicker and be much more exciting
  6. I would not own a type 1 2 or 3 VW to fly thats bigger than 1835. You will end up walking. The scat racing case is a copy of the type 4. The type 4 is best. Strong and aliminium not that other stuff. All these engines are getting old now. Corvair was what we put into VW in the 70s. Pietenpols were ok with them but KRs broke crankshafts.. Subaru engines are heavy. What to to. Keep being mindfull of c of g. Chas
  7. Several years ago I test flew an early kr2 and the origional short taylor at the same time. Glass vs fabric. I could indead feel aerofoils working the same. It was from a grass field about 1500 ft long. The kr had no flaps and spring alloy undercart. The kr needs the tailfeathers enlarged as well as the fuse lengthed. The taylor fuselages were lenghtened as well on later ones. I was quite happy flying either. The kr needs the type 4 vw or larger. This means the mods above need done. No i would not swap for the Jodel. Folding wings add weight and may kill performance. If building one I would use the naca 430132 foil. Talk to a Jodel D18 builder.
  8. I fly under a canopy covering a strong wooden box. It does have a good turtle deck with good head and shoulder protection. I do not like big bubbles either. Lots of lift lost if you lose one in flight. Lots of sunburn. Lots of very little around you. Loss of vis is very debatable. In a turn with low wing you see all. With a high wing it gets dark. Fail to see how a C.150 can be safe. There is nothing in front of you that cant kill you. Lots of dead pilots. Fly diesel. Petrol equals one flash and its ash. Chas
  9. Metvuw is very usefull.
  10. Bank,balance speed. This is a greatsubtleeo of why you don't try to turn back after engine failure Thats nothi
  11. Another hi from NZ. You guys seem to have a lot of fun over there. Also love dabb film with the Jodels and other toys. Build more Jodels, Chas
  12. Looks like Jim Bede was still about. Chas
  13. Did not look that closely. I know how much mess a bird can make. A recent one had the engine disappearing on a Maverick. A Bantam last year may also had one. Fatal. Yes a light drone could do it. A spinner comming off will take a blade off a prop. Chas
  14. Never liked bungee preload. You say stab hinged to longeron. One end or both ends? I would adjust incidents if possible for hands off at normal cruise and load. Trim drag means even slower. I tend to put any tabs on the inside. Chas
  15. Mmmmm, have a look on YouTube. Carbon winglets come off quite easily.
  16. Then again its suck not blow.. long thin vs short and fat?
  17. Its true Lyle. Diesel ok, no hisseys. Flight tests ok so warbirds over Wanaka in a couple of days. All as you say. Chas
  18. look up airchair. They have come a long way. Very active yahoo group. Yor drawing is way too boxy for me. Constant cord can be tidied up quite simply. ie tailwind or jodel. Chas
  19. Of course Lyle. Diesel is great. Regards Chas
  20. One memorable flight at an airshow years ago. Loop off spin recovery. I had never seen it done and just flew it in my head. In a blanik that day. Went well and even got the attitudes and speed right. Next few flights are testing hybrid diesel Jodel at MAUW and aft c of g. Chas
  21. constant depression carb? pinhole in diaphram
  22. Interesting wings, ladybird. Shell opens,canard.then trifold high aspect mainplane. Clever. Chas.
  23. re Morgan elevators, was looking at a new build at Wanaka NZ. Well correction, stabilator with no anti tab and owner said no mass balance either. The control surface seemed quite stiff to move with the morse? type cable. Is this correct? Chas.
  24. Dont overlook the Good wood. Jodel must be the best bang for buck Some excellent ones in Aus. Of course I am biast. Been flying just on 50 yrs and thats the one I choose...WWW.jodel.com Chas
  25. slow decending turn. I teach that as emergency decent. Last time a couple weeks ago in 300 hp C180. Slow down, we were probably 50kts. Etablish turn while pulling in full flap. Trim is hard back. Just enjoy the no load, low speed decent. Safe right down if required and just relax things as you roll out and carry on. Can even leave enough power on to keep jus warm. Quite safe. Chas
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