started testing a prototype and homebrewed engine. All great stuff. No book as I write it as I go. The good thing is that the plane does not know if its a Jodel, SE5a, or spamcan. They all work the same way and do not even know where the wheels are. Just get to know there different personalities. Just like people. Sound, touch, vibes etc. You will fly best when everything is covered up. The altimeter wont tell you how high you are if you land at a different place. Fly by angle. Also fly by attitude . Pull the nose up untill it nods at the edge of the stall, lower the nose a few degrees so that it feels and sounds right. Note the attitude and follow that down to your aiming point. When there gently flare and fly level with the ground . Throttle closed of course, just try to stop it landing and you will find the pole slowly comming right back. No wavy stuff on the pole. As said before the plane does not know where its wheels are. All types will now settle properlt if you just keep it straight. Easy as. Chas