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Everything posted by diesel

  1. Thats the one that was racing with Anson Johnson in race 45. I said 47 befoe. Thee were made scoopless at the time. Sadly the one above crashed into a house under the Cleveland track on the second leg of this race killing a young woman and her son in 1949. This ended the Cleveland racing. Ansons mustang is being restored as a static historical racer. Chas
  2. study Annon Johnson and his effits just after the war. From memory the mustang was race 47. Lots of info. Chas
  3. As an aside do you know the fastest mustangs never hade belly scoops for cooling. Chas
  4. Get out and do some thermaling in your powered buggy. With practice you will be able to wrap up those turns at only a couple of kts above stall speed. None of this 80 kts stuff as you wont be able to do it. As your stall speed is under 45 kts 80 you are basically at max manovering. Why all this fear of stalling and spinning? If you feel the stall approach just back off a bit and keep going. Reluctance to bank and over ruddering the turn is what will kill you. Chas
  5. 1100 nautical miles east of Sydney. ZK.
  6. I know where a low time rotax one is that could be bought. Owner sick of it, local A cat does not like it, engineers running for cover. But I have not flown it. I believe however its a nice wing to fly when sorted. Two rotaxs in line may help. Yes the locals had to change things for c of g.
  7. Reminds me of flashes of sunlight comming out of a cloud of dust and engine revs at Temora a few years ago. When all settled down a nice wee Pazmany PL4 taxied out with no damage. Pucker factor quite positive. Chas
  8. If you push over too quickly you are adding drag. Its a baic manover no a panic one. Have had more cable breaks over the years than I care to remember. If in doubt turn cross wind. This way you are not eating up airfield and may even drift back. Chas
  9. Serge sells plans for Gazaile with looks like a wooden MCR. He says it can be built complete with overhauled peugeot diesel for less cost than a rotax engine. Several years ago he put one into an early Coyote. If 5 litres of diesel per hour sounds like you this is the answer. My son in Perth tells me of one of Otto Funks smart diesels going into a Grob 109 motor glider. Chas
  10. I never saw the pics first time. It takes guts to try. Tell me about thw aerofoil. Chas
  11. 600 kg Nev. We have carbon cubs flying as micro. However interesting as kit manufactures alter weights to suit various markets with the same airframe. The Jodel was to be an empty weight 1000 lb micro but is now flying as amature built. Have you seen Serge Pennec gazaile from France. It grew out of Dieselis. Chas
  12. 5kg heavier than a 2.5 subaru. Very little fuel weight at 10 litres per hour. Two hours flight time makes C 0200 the same weight as 18 year old cast irion eurodiesel. After that diesel gets lighter. Chas
  13. Nev a lot of eurodiesels have fuel heated with the filter mounted on top of the water thermostat housing. A lot of fuel is circulated through the fuel return to the tank. If all keeps working well I should be able to fly for nz$16.00 per hour. Astealth Jodel, on the ground people say they hardly hear it. Chas
  14. I have had a look throug this thread on diesel fuel issues. It can get quite cold at times. Imagine if all the diesels got stuck up on the ski fields. BP say their winter diesel is good to minus 15c. After that pour in some additive or jetA thats good to minus 40c. Add 1 percent oil for pump lube. Diesel is quite different to fly. Well mine is. Take off revs do not exceed static. That will be pump governor setting, torque increases as RPMdrops, only 3 or 4 hp loss as RPM fall 3 or 400 RPM. Propeller changes will be interesting. Chas
  15. I taught people to fly in the old wooden gliders. Slingsby sold kits to clubs.Learning to fly the T31 etc on the wire was still the best training. When the micros started I put these guys straight into the Dac. For a local floater look at Mike Sandlins goat. Look up airchair. For fun flying the french fournier. Glass was great when it came out but cot stopped the young guys and old school are now getting silver wings. Meanwhile I still build and fly Jodels as a glider. Akit glider or motor glider with 28 to 1 like blanic or ask 13 is all thats needed. The recreational pilots licence in NZ started from the old caso 17 motor gliders. Chas
  16. Its mandated that we have them even if we used spider tracks. Elt in pocket is great. However in recent very untidy endings they have not been used. On one bad day not long ago it was gps on cellphone that found the one on route to Albion Park. Of course the chance of cell phone coverage is also slim. Chas NZ
  17. As a matter of interest with 406 beacons how many personal ones get used after a mishap. Was it set off before touchdown, after, or not at all? With fixed installation did it work? Or did something prevent that like structual damage or aerial wipeoff? Chas
  18. Hi Nev, I dont disagree with you. What scares me is watching people trying to claw their way into the air with heavy for the aeroplane loads and going straight into max angle if they manage to keep airborne. They do not make use of ground effect. Acouple of dings in the last couple of weeks. One heavy c182 never got airbourne. At the other end of the scale a kitfox. Two stroke engine out probably at 400 ft. We dont have long runways but have gullies and rivers. In reality vx and vy are very close for most aircraft. If crap happens its more like a basic camera. Piont and shoot.I have had a few genuine ones over the years. Just keep it flying and keep looking. Marconi is second. Chas.
  19. Get used to flying off sub 1000 ft runways and you will think differently. Do some glider winch training and get some real power failures behind you. years ago we used to use number 12 gauge fencing wire on an interesting field. Learning to do something with an old wooden glider sharpened the sensers. I fly power the same way. Bank, balance, speed will get you home. Chas
  20. Thanks for the pics. Chas
  21. Quite a lot still flying doing all sorts from ag spraying to just hauling eqipment. Would love to fly one. Chas
  22. Big brother knows where you are. Even my flying tree with biodiesel made from jungle juice is not safe. Chas
  23. diesel


    Lyle read above again then drop them around the thickness of the trailing edge. Then go and do some stalling right up to full power in a max rate turn. Note that different propellers have an influence. Torque. Chas.
  24. They also have a great stress riser at the thread end. So thats a no from me as far as primary controls. Chas
  25. But it is on tight, hard skinny farm fields up and down hill. Speed control and no flaps. May get spoiled now as the new diesel bird has them. Still wood and fabric though. I flew that glass stuff in the seventies. Chas
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